--- layout : 'default' css : 'module' title : 'UI Modules' description : 'Modules are interface elements whose behavior is an essential part of their definition' type : 'Semantic' --- <%- @partial('header') %>


Settings in UI widgets are any part of a widget definition which is mutable. Most UI widgets have a set of common settings which are useful across all plugins.

Common Settings

Name Usage
name Name used in debug logs to differentiate this widget from other debug statements.
debug Provides standard debug output to console.
performance Provides performance logging to console of internal method calls.
verbose Provides extra debug output to console
namespace Namespace used for DOM event and metadata namespacing. Allows module's destroy method to not affect other modules.
metadata An object containing any metadata attributes used.
selectors An object containing all selectors used in the module, these are usually children of the module.
classNames An object containing all classnames used in the module.
errors A javascript array of error statements used in the plugin. These may sometimes appear to the user, but most often appear in debug statements.

Changing Settings

  1. A settings object can be passed in when initializing the plugin
    $('.foo') .module({ moduleName: 'Godzilla', verbose: true }) ;
  2. Default settings for the module can be overridden by modifying $.fn.module.settings.
    $.fn.module.settings.moduleName = 'Godzilla';
  3. Settings can be changed after a module is initialized by calling the 'settings' method on the module with either a settings object or a name, value pair.
    $('.foo') // lets initialize that! .module() // oh wait forgot something .module('setting', 'moduleName', 'Godzilla') ;

Reading Settings

Settings can also be read programmatically:

$('.foo').module('setting', 'moduleName'); // outputs godzilla