UI Text Block - Semantic

Kitchen Sink

The kitchen sink uses many of the UI elements described in the library to provide examples for how content pieces can be used together.

Welcome to the kitchen sink!

This is a work in progress view, these elements may change.

UI Elements

This is an estimate of total time left to compete reskin and docs for the following elements

UI Element Estimated Spent Status Notes
Button 1 1 Complete
Text Block 0.5 0.5
Header 0.5 0
Grid 1 0
Divider 0.25 0
Tags 0.25 0.25 Complete
Labels 0.5 0 Complete Changes:
- Consolidated into tags
Icons 1 0
Menu 3 1 Complete
Throbber 1 0
Video 0.5 0
Steps 0.5 0
Segment 0.5 0.25 In Progress
Table 0.5 1 Complete
14 Elements 10.5 days 4 days
UI Collections
Name Estimated Spent Status Notes
Activity Feed 1 0
Forms 2 days 1 Complete
List View 0.75 0
Item View 1 0
User List View 0.5 0
5 Elements 5.25 days 1 days