- **Icons** - 50+ new icons+ are included. Icons now use the latest Font Awesome `4.5.0` Icons. Thanks @BreadMaker for the PR and @davegandy for the font!
**Critical Bugs**
- **API** - Fixed bug causing `cache: 'local'` not to return the localstorage cached results in some cases
- **API** - Fixes bug where `beforeSend` would not correctly cancel request when `return false;` is used in callback. #3660
- **Dropdown** - Fixed bug where `search selection` would not let you move back in an entered search string with left arrow #3596 **Thanks @Sanjo**
-**Form Validation** - Fixed issue where revalidating a field `on:blur` could cause fields not yet interacted with to be validated #3606
-**Form Validation / Dropdown** - Fixed issue where using "enter" key in a `search dropdown` could cause a form to be submitted #3676
-**Search** - Fixed issue where a previous unfinished XHR query aborting would cause the next query to fail #2779
-**Divider** - Fixed issue where descenders like "g" would be cut off in `horizontal divider`#3585
- **API** - `beforeSend` would not correctly cancel request when `return false;` is used in callback. #3660
- **API** - `cache: 'local'` would not return the localstorage cached results in some cases
- **Dropdown** - `search selection` would not let you move back in an entered search string with left arrow #3596 **Thanks @Sanjo**
-**Divider** - Descenders like "g" are cut off in `horizontal divider`#3585
-**Form Validation / Dropdown** - Using "enter" key in a `search dropdown` could cause a form to be submitted #3676
-**Form Validation** - Revalidating a field `on: blur` could cause fields not yet interacted with to be validated #3606
-**Search** - A previous unfinished XHR query aborting would cause the next query to fail #2779
- **API** - Fixed bug where using `onResponse` with `dataType` other than JSON or JSONP would cause an error. (Not allowing plain text responses to be translated) #3653
- **Grid** - Fixed issue where `centered` content would cause `justified` content to appear aligned left. #3496
- **Button** - Fixes issue where `right icon` like `right arrow icon` would have additional margin inside an `icon button`#3525
- **Checkbox** - Fixed a chrome issue where radio buttons may receive `indeterminate` styles when user has not yet interacted with the page
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where `get value` would not return correct value when value was blank #3766
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where `apiSettings` was not defaulting to use `cache: 'local'` as specified in the docs
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where dropdowns with sub-menus would not properly activate on mobile #3183
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where dropdown would open when an label delete x was clicked when not using `search selection`#3789
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where long dropdown text entry with `allowAdditions` would cause input to mistakingly drop to next line early #3743
- **Form** - Fixed issue where grouped `fields` and `field` would cause different margin collapse, making `fields` include larger gaps between content #3717
- **Form** - Fixed use of deprecated `size()` method in `prompt`#3655 **Thanks @SimonArdrey**
- **Icon** - Fixed issue where sizes smaller tham `small` were using with `rem`#3782
- **API** - Using `onResponse` with `dataType` other than JSON or JSONP would cause an error. (Not allowing plain text responses to be translated) #3653
- **Button** - `right icon` like `right arrow icon` would have additional margin inside an `icon button`#3525
- **Checkbox** - Radio buttons received `indeterminate` styles when user has not yet interacted with the page in Chrome
- **Dropdown** - `apiSettings` was not defaulting to use `cache: 'local'` as specified in the docs
- **Dropdown** - `get value` would not return correct value when value was blank #3766
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown would open when an label delete x was clicked when not using `search selection`#3789
- **Dropdown** - Dropdowns with sub-menus would not properly activate on mobile #3183
- **Dropdown** - Long dropdown text entry with `allowAdditions` would cause input to mistakingly drop to next line early #3743
- **Dropdown** - Multi select would lose search input focus when clicking on a choice
- **Form** - Grouped `fields` and `field` would cause different margin collapse, making `fields` include larger gaps between content #3717
- **Rating** - rating does not fire `onRate` when rating is initialized #3712
- **Segment/Message** - `top attached message` has no border when attached to `segment`#3619
- **Statistic** - statistic receives incorrect size when using `tiny``large` etc inside a statistic group #3116
- **Table** - `striped selectable` table would not correctly show hover color on striped rows
- **Dropdown** - Added new convenience method `restore placeholder text`
- **Rating** - Added new setting `fireOnInit` for rating, which defaults to `false`. When set to true `onRate` will fire when rating is initialized #3712
- **Site**`@px` and `@relativepx` i.e. `@relative12px` which can be used to return EM value of pixels are now extended to `@relative40px`
- **Tabs** - Added option `deactivate`, defaults to `siblings` which will only deactivate tab activators that are DOM siblings elements to the activating element. Setting it to <code>'all'</code> will deactivate any other tab element initialized at the same time.
- **Tabs** - Added new option `deactivate`, defaults to `siblings` which will only deactivate tab activators that are DOM siblings elements to the activating element. Setting it to <code>'all'</code> will deactivate any other tab element initialized at the same time.
- **Progress* - Added `onLabelUpdate` callback, this can be used to specify the exact text that should appear on the actual progress update, perhaps based on some external conditions
- **Table** - `definition table` now supports `ignored` variation to force a `first-child` to ignore its default definition stylings
- **Table-- `definition table` now supports `definition` variation to specify definition styles on an element that is not `:first-child`
-**Table** - Added more granular variables for controlling style on first column in a `definition table`
-**Table** - More granular variables for controlling style on first column in a `definition table`
- **Form** - Added example of using custom rules with form