- **API** - Fixed some cases where `onComplete`, `onSuccess` and `onFailure` would receive XHR as first parameter and not `response`. [#2713](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/issues/2713)
- **API** - Fixed issue where `onFailure` would pass response as stringified JSON and not a JS object [#2713](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/issues/2713)
@ -14,6 +11,8 @@
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where dropdown nested inside `label` would not open. [#2711](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/issues/2711)
- **Popup** - Fixed issue where popup would not open on tablets with both touchscreen and mouse on mouseenter. [#2715](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/issues/2715)
**Minor Enhancements**
- **API** - All API callbacks now recieve `xhr` from API request as the third calback parameter
**Additional Fixes**
- **Checkbox** - Fix checkbox "check" appearing italicized when included inside italicized text