- **Shape** - Shape now lets you specify next side width using setting `width`, can use `next` or `initial` to specify whether it should use old or new side size **NEEDS DOCS**
- **Shape** - Shape now lets you specify next side width using setting `width`, can use `next` or `initial` to specify whether it should use old or new side size **NEEDS DOCS**
- **Site** - Added new `@inputColor` and `@inputPlaceholderColor` global variables that now control placeholder text styles across all components.
- **Site** - Added new `@inputColor` and `@inputPlaceholderColor` global variables that now control placeholder text styles across all components.
- **Table** - `definition table` now supports `ignored` variation to force a `first-child` to ignore its default definition stylings
- **Table** - `definition table` now supports `ignored` variation to force a `first-child` to ignore its default definition stylings
- **Table-- `definition table` now supports `definition` variation to specify definition styles on an element that is not `:first-child`
- **Table**- `definition table` now supports `definition` variation to specify definition styles on an element that is not `:first-child`
-**Table** - More granular variables for controlling style on first column in a `definition table`
-**Table** - More granular variables for controlling style on first column in a `definition table`
-**Visibility** - Added `zIndex` setting for specifying zindex with `type: 'fixed'`#3370
-**Visibility** - Added `zIndex` setting for specifying zindex with `type: 'fixed'`#3370