- Concatenated ``dist/`` release included duplicate components when no component array specified. Added default components to ``tasks/default.js`` to allay issues
- **Build Tools**`1.4.0` introduced a bug with concatenated uncompressed ``dist/`` release including minified code. This would occur only when no components were specified in installer or ``semantic.json``.
- **Dropdown** - New setting ``allowCategorySelection`` lets menu items with sub menus be selected. Added example in docs.
- **Dropdown** - New setting ``allowCategorySelection`` lets menu items with sub menus be selected. Added example in docs.
- **Reset** - Reset now inherits ``box-sizing`` [from html tag](http://css-tricks.com/inheriting-box-sizing-probably-slightly-better-best-practice/)
- **Reset** - Reset now inherits ``box-sizing`` [from html tag](http://css-tricks.com/inheriting-box-sizing-probably-slightly-better-best-practice/)
- **Label** - ``ui ribbon label`` can now appear on the right side of content when specifying ``ui right ribbon label``
- **Label** - ``ui ribbon label`` can now appear on the right side of content when specifying ``ui right ribbon label``