- **Comments** - `small`, `large` and other comment sizes now default to global size variables.
- **Comments** - `small`, `large` and other comment sizes now default to global size variables.
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where `selectOnKeydown` with `html` content would cause only non html content to display in `text` until blur
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where `selectOnKeydown` with `html` content would cause only non html content to display in `text` until blur
- **Form Validation** - Fixes js error caused by revalidating inputs without validation rules #4497#4547 **Thanks @cbxp**
- **Form Validation** - Fixes js error caused by revalidating inputs without validation rules #4497#4547 **Thanks @cbxp**
- **Header** - Using `image icon` or `image outline icon` would cause incorrect display within `ui header` due to namespace collision with `ui image`#4145
- **Input/Dropdown** - Fixed rounding error causing vertical alignment of `dropdown`, `search`, `input` to sometimes appear off by 1 pixel #4279
- **Input/Dropdown** - Fixed rounding error causing vertical alignment of `dropdown`, `search`, `input` to sometimes appear off by 1 pixel #4279