- **Icons** - Added ability to choose whether solid, outline and brand icons should be included in your theme via the `@importSolidIcons`, `importRegularIcons` and `@importBrandIcons` variables **Thanks hammy2899**
- **Icons** - Added ability to choose whether solid, outline and brand icons should be included in your theme via the `@importSolidIcons`, `importRegularIcons` and `@importBrandIcons` variables **Thanks hammy2899**
- **Icons** - Increased specifity on `fitted icon` to fix compatibility with other components #6125
- **Icons** - Increased specifity on `fitted icon` to fix compatibility with other components #6125
- **Visibility** - Fixed bug that could cause `onScreen` callback to not occur properly for elements that are taller than screen.
- **Visibility** - Fixed bug that could cause `onScreen` callback to not occur properly for elements that are taller than screen.