- **Build Tools** - Fixes issue on `win` platform where packaged theme would not correctly update when using watch due to regExp not matching windows path separators.
- **Build Tools** - Fixes issue on `win` platform where packaged theme would not correctly update when using watch due to regExp not matching windows path separators.
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown will no longer fire native `onchange` event on hidden input when setting value during initial load (unless `fireOnInit: true`) #2795 **Thanks @lauri-elevant**
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown will no longer fire native `onchange` event on hidden input when setting value during initial load (unless `fireOnInit: true`) #2795 **Thanks @lauri-elevant**
- **Form Validation** - Fixed issue with `get value(s)` where unchecked checkboxes would not correctly retrieve values
- **Form Validation** - Fixed issue with `get value(s)` where unchecked checkboxes would not correctly retrieve values
- **Form** - Dropdown in `inline field` now use auto width instead of 100%
- **Grid / Container ** - `ui relaxed grid container` and `ui very relaxed grid container` will now all render at same container width
- **Grid / Container ** - `ui relaxed grid container` and `ui very relaxed grid container` will now all render at same container width
- **Icons** - Fixed issue where `active icon` or `emphasized icon` would not adjust opacity inside menus
- **Icons** - Fixed issue where `active icon` or `emphasized icon` would not adjust opacity inside menus
- **Label** - `pointint label` now rounds to exact pixel em value, should align correctly in more cases
- **Label** - `pointint label` now rounds to exact pixel em value, should align correctly in more cases