`2.4.0` includes a new component `placeholder`. To use this component in your existing SUI site, be sure to add `@placeholder: 'default';` to your `theme.config`. You can see an example in `theme.config.example`
> `2.4.0` includes a new component `placeholder`. To use this component in your existing SUI site, be sure to add `@placeholder: 'default';` to your `theme.config`. You can see an example in `theme.config.example`
**New Components**
- **Loader** - Added `ui placeholder` that can be used to mimic content while its loading
- **Placeholder** - Added `ui placeholder` that can be used to show where content will soon appear.
**New UI Type**
- **Segment** - Added new `ui placeholder segment` used to reserve space for UI when no content is available.
- **Segment** - Added new `ui placeholder segment` used to reserve space for UI when content is missing or empty.
**Major Enhancements**
- **Dropdown** - Added `clearable` dropdowns. When `clearable: true` is specified, you can
- **Dropdown** - Added `clearable` dropdowns. When `clearable: true` is specified an (X) will appear to clear dropdown selection #2072
- **Modal/Dimmer** - Modals and dimmers now include a new setting `useFlex` which defaults to `auto`. Modals and dimmers will automatically revert to using non-flex layouts when there may be layout issues with using flexbox.
For example when `attachable: false` is used with a modal, or if IE11/Edge is used (Absolutely positioned elements inside flex containers in IE behave differently)