diff --git a/RELEASE-NOTES.md b/RELEASE-NOTES.md index c6eee1449..5508a2f39 100644 --- a/RELEASE-NOTES.md +++ b/RELEASE-NOTES.md @@ -8,20 +8,18 @@ - **NPM** - NPM dependencies have all been updated to latest stable releases **New UI Features** -- **All UI** - Components that use event handlers on `document`, `body`, or a `settings.context` now all use DOM mutation observers to detect removal and prevent memory leaks -- **All UI** - All UI now include _all_ sizing variations, `mini`, `tiny`, `small`, `large`, `big`, `huge`, `massive`. Headers remain with only 5 sizes `small-huge` to match `H1-H5` -- **Dropdown** - Dropdown now changes user selection on keyboard shortcuts immediately, this will save the extra `enter` key press to confirm selection in most cases. To enable previous pre `2.2` selection style use the setting `selectOnKeydown: false` **Documentation forthcoming** -- **Dropdown** - Dropdown will now automatically focus on `search` inside of a dropdown menu after it is opened. -- **Dropdown** - Multiple select dropdown now sizes current dropdown input based on rendered width of a hidden element, not using an estimate based on character count. This means search will never break to a second line earlier than would normally fit in current line. -- **Progress** - Progress now uses a polling interval for updates. Rapidly updating the progress bar over a period quicker than the animation duration (for example with xhr `onprogress` events say every 50ms) will now appear smooth as butter. - -**New Features** - **All UI** - Added new setting `silent` to all modules which allows you to disable all console output including errors. This can be useful for preventing known errors, like a popup which cannot place itself on screen, or `sticky` content which initializes before it is visible #3713 +- **All UI** - All UI now include _all_ sizing variations, `mini`, `tiny`, `small`, `large`, `big`, `huge`, `massive`. Headers remain with only 5 sizes `small-huge` to match `H1-H5` +- **All UI** - Components that use event handlers on `document`, `body`, or a `settings.context` now all use DOM mutation observers to detect removal and prevent memory leaks - **Button** - Added compatibility with `primary` `secondary` `positive` `negative` buttons with the `basic` styling variation. #3756 - **Card** - Added `raised` card variation **Thanks @yordis** #2955 - **Dropdown** - All dropdowns, not just `selection dropdown`, will now select the first `menu item` that starts with a pressed keyboard key, for example "N" will select "New" +- **Dropdown** - Dropdown now changes user selection on keyboard shortcuts immediately, this will save the extra `enter` key press to confirm selection in most cases. To enable previous pre `2.2` selection style use the setting `selectOnKeydown: false` **Documentation forthcoming** +- **Dropdown** - Dropdown will now automatically focus on `search` inside of a dropdown menu after it is opened. +- **Dropdown** - Multiple select dropdown now sizes current dropdown input based on rendered width of a hidden element, not using an estimate based on character count. This means search will never break to a second line earlier than would normally fit in current line. - **Icons** - Icons now use the latest Font Awesome `4.6.3` Icons. 80+ new icons+ are included. Thanks @BreadMaker for the PR and @davegandy for the font! - **Popup** - Added new `tooltip` popup type that works without javascript. Tooltips can specify positioning and some variations using `data` attributes, and will handle positioning automatically with CSS only. +- **Progress** - Progress now uses a polling interval for updates. Rapidly updating the progress bar over a period quicker than the animation duration (for example with xhr `onprogress` events say every 50ms) will now appear smooth as butter. - **Table** - `definition table` now includes additional class names for forcing, or ignoring definition cell styles **New Settings**