@ -208,9 +208,11 @@ |
- **List** - `horizontal list` are now aligned `middle` by default, while vertical lists are aligned `top`. |
- **List** - Fixes numbers not appearing when using `inverted ordered list` **Thanks @pcj** |
- **List** - `a` elements inside a `ui list` will no longer apply styles on `ui` elements like `button` **Thanks @ahtinurme** |
- **List** - Fixed `divided bulleted list` child lists getting wrong indent |
- **List** - Bullets and numbers are no longer selectable in `bulleted list` and `ordered list` |
- **List** - Fixed `inverted bulleted list` bullet color |
- **List** - Fix first element touches border on `ui horizontal celled list` |
- **List** - Added many new variables for link stylings inside list, added separate variables and defaults for child-list spacing |
- **Loader** - Fix position of `inline centered loader` to be centered correctly |
- **Message** - Message now uses `@lineHeight` from `site.variables` |
- **Menu** - Fixed menus like `left fixed` `right fixed` are all now class order dependent. |