**semantic.json** | stores folder paths for build tools and current installed version for updates. Only necessary when using build tools | semantic.json.example
### Workflow
You will only need to use Semantic's build tools while refining your UI, while designing pages you can rely on the packages in `dist/` and your software stack's normal build set-up.
When creating your UI you can try <ahref="http://www.learnsemantic.com/themes/creating.html">downloading different themes</a>, adjusting your <ahref="http://www.learnsemantic.com/developing/customizing.html#setting-global-variables">site-wide settings</a> (font-family, colors, etc) and tweaking components in your site's <ahref="http://www.learnsemantic.com/developing/customizing.html#designing-for-the-long-now">component overrides</a>.
Files in the `examples/` folder of your project can be useful for testing out changes in your UI. For example, you might run `gulp watch` download a new theme to `src/site/themes/` then adjust your `theme.config` file with the name of the new theme and refresh `examples/kitchensink.html` to inspect changes in the theme.