- **Search** - Search now operates off a unique id generated by result position to retrieve results. For example category #1's first result is 'A1' . Previously result titles were used as their "id", which could cause issues with duplicate titles, or results that do not contain a title.
- **Search** - Search now operates off a unique id generated by result position to retrieve results. For example category #1's first result is 'A1' . Previously result titles were used as their "id", which could cause issues with duplicate titles, or results that do not contain a title.
- **Search** - Search will now automatically add class `category` when using `type: category`.
- **Search** - Search will now automatically add class `category` when using `type: category`.
- **Search** - Search will now generate `results` container if one is not present on init
- **Search** - Search will now generate `results` container if one is not present on init
- **Search** - Search now uses `em` for resizes, making sure it will resize with the surrounding content
- **Search** - Search `prompt` now has focus styles defined if not using `ui input`
- **Search** - Search `prompt` now has focus styles defined if not using `ui input`
- **Sidebar** - Improved animation performance through performance debugging. Sidebar now caches, width, height, rtl direction on load.
- **Sidebar** - Improved animation performance through performance debugging. Sidebar now caches, width, height, rtl direction on load.
- **Site** - Fixed mixed globals `@defaultDuration` and `@transitionDuration` usage to use a single variable across all UI `@defaultDuration`, the same for `@defaultEasing` and `@transitionEasing`
- **Site** - Fixed mixed globals `@defaultDuration` and `@transitionDuration` usage to use a single variable across all UI `@defaultDuration`, the same for `@defaultEasing` and `@transitionEasing`