- **Modal** - Flexbox modals have been modified to be opt-in using the setting `mode: flex`. This was a tough choice, but currently [only comforming browsers support absolute in flex propertly](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/06/absolute-positioned-children), (I'm looking at you IE11).
Flex modals should now work properly in chrome with multiple modals. However in IE11 flex modals will not appear centered correctly.
**Critical Bugs**
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue in `2.3.0` that could cause multiselect dropdowns initialized by converting `<select>` to not add initial selected options. #6123
- **Search** - Fixes using category search with `fullTextSearch: 'exact'` returning duplicate results #6223#6221@Thanks@prudho
@ -19,6 +24,7 @@
- **Icons** - Added ability to choose whether solid, outline and brand icons should be included in your theme via the `@importSolidIcons`, `importRegularIcons` and `@importBrandIcons` variables **Thanks hammy2899**
- **Icons** - Increased specifity on `fitted icon` to fix compatibility with other components #6125
- **Visibility** - Fixed bug that could cause `onScreen` callback to not occur properly for elements that are taller than screen.
- **Modal** - Fixed issue with `allowMultiple: false` when second modal is `scrolling` where first modal would shift positions to align top when animating out before the scrollable modal would show