- **Build Tools** - Added new `autoInstall` option to allow for Semantic to be installed without user interaction. See [docs explanation](http://www.semantic-ui.com/introduction/advanced-usage.html#Auto-Install) for how to use. #3616 **Thanks @algorithme**
- **Build Tools** - Added new `autoInstall` option to allow for Semantic to be installed without user interaction. See [docs explanation](http://www.semantic-ui.com/introduction/advanced-usage.html#Auto-Install) for how to use. #3616 **Thanks @algorithme**
-**Site** `@px` and `@relativepx` i.e. `@relative12px` which can be used to return EM value of pixels are now extended to `@relative40px`
-**Site** `@px` and `@relativepx` i.e. `@relative12px` which can be used to return EM value of pixels are now extended to `@relative40px`
-**Tabs** - Added option `deactivate`, defaults to `siblings` which will only deactivate tab activators that are DOM siblings elements to the activating element. Setting it <code>false</code> will deactivate any other tab element initialized at the same time.
-**Tabs** - Added option `deactivate`, defaults to `siblings` which will only deactivate tab activators that are DOM siblings elements to the activating element. Setting it to <code>'all'</code> will deactivate any other tab element initialized at the same time.
-**Table** - Added more granular variablaes for controlling style on first column in a `definition table`
-**Table** - Added more granular variablaes for controlling style on first column in a `definition table`