- **Dropdown** - Added `onLabelRemove` callback that allows value removal to be cancelled by callback **Thanks @goloveychuk**
- **Table** - Added `selectable` on table cell, allowing for full table-cell links
- **Popup** Added three new variables for `arrow` background color based on position, top, center or bottom. This makes it easier to use gradient backgrounds with popups and still match arrow colors.
- **Popup** - Added behaviors `get popup` and `change content` to more easily determine popup from activating element and change text
**Major Bug Fixes**
- **Checkbox/Dropdown/Search** - Fixed issue where using `.trigger('change')` would not fire native `change` event. Only triggering event handlers attached with jQuery #3108
- **Progress* - Calling `reset` will now reset `value` to 0, so increment starts again at 0
- **Search** - Fixes `onSearchQuery` not firing when results are cached **Thanks @mnquintana**
- **Search** - Fixes `url` parameter not working correctly due to typo in source **Thanks @fabienb4**
- **Segment** - Fixes border on `horizontal segment` when they are `:first-child` inside `segments` group
- **Sticky** - Fixes bug where sticky would stick at incorrect times when using a different scroll container than `body` and when the container's `scrollTop` is not 0 on init.
**Docs Bugs**
- Thanks to everyone who has submitted PRs for typos, grammatical changes. These are too numerous to count, but really help improve the quality of our docs.
- **Progress** - Progress example code no longer shows accidental inline css