<p>So there's this video game coming out Tuesday called Grand Theft Auto 5. Don't know if you've heard of it. Anyways, it's all about crime and gangs and some roughneck ne'er-do-wells, so I thought this would be the perfect time to talk about times when we've been... well, less than perfect.</p>
<p>When I was a young'un, I was a frequent visitor to the local swimming pool. I was also a frequent lover of AirHeads candy, which the pool happened to sell. Waiting, watching, stalking the counter like a big cat in the savannah, I waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. While the lifeguards were busy, I snuck through the gate, reached up and took both cherry and "mystery white" AirHeads. I quickly ran out to the sidewalk and reveled in my sweet, delicious victory... for all of ten seconds, before I felt guilty enough to sneak back in and return the .20 worth of candy I had stolen.</p>
<p>While you confess your crimes - hopefully minor, and nothing you can be persecuted for - take a moment to enjoy this week's webcomics, and vote for your favorite after the jump.</p>
<h2class="ui header">How to Win Your Cats Attention</h2>
<p>Getting your cat to notice you is a large part of being a pet owner. Although I have a lot of patience for writing things about cats, perhaps this might be enough body copy to make this section of text look filled out.</p>
<p>This and other tips can be found in our newsletter, amazing right?</p>
<h2class="ui header">How to Win Your Cats Attention</h2>
<p>Getting your cat to notice you is a large part of being a pet owner. Although I have a lot of patience for writing things about cats, perhaps this might be enough body copy to make this section of text look filled out.</p>
<p>This and other tips can be found in our newsletter, amazing right?</p>
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