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183 lines
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  1. {
  2. # Subscription
  3. tosPrompt: """
  4. Before we continue, have you read and agree to DocPad's Terms of Service ( and Privacy Policy (
  5. """
  6. tosAgree: """
  7. Fantastic. We like informed people!
  8. """
  9. tosDisagree: """
  10. Run us again once you've read and agree to them.
  11. """
  12. subscribePrompt: """
  13. Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date with the latest releases and tutorials?
  14. """
  15. subscribeConfigNotify: "To speed things up we've fetched your default values, press enter to use the default value or type your own values:"
  16. subscribeNamePrompt: "Your name?"
  17. subscribeEmailPrompt: "Your email?"
  18. subscribeUsernamePrompt: "Your username?"
  19. subscribeError: "Whoops, looks like something went wrong when subscribing you to our list... not to worry, we'll try again another time."
  20. subscribeSuccess: "Awesome, you're now subscribed our newsletter. Continuing with the desired action."
  21. subscribeIgnore: "No worries. Continuing with the desired action."
  22. subscribeProgress: "Subscribing..."
  23. subscribeRequestData: "Subscription request data:"
  24. subscribeRequestError: "Subsction request error:"
  25. # Skeleton
  26. skeletonSelectionIntroduction: "You are about to create your new project inside your current directory. Below is a list of skeletons to bootstrap your new project:"
  27. skeletonSelectionPrompt: "Which skeleton will you use?"
  28. skeletonInstall: "Installing the %s skeleton into %s"
  29. skeletonInstalled: "Installed the skeleton succesfully"
  30. skeletonExists: "Didn't place the skeleton as the desired structure already exists"
  31. skeletonNonexistant: """
  32. We couldn't find an existing DocPad project inside your current directory. Looked at: %s
  33. If you're wanting to use a pre-made skeleton for the basis of your new project, then run DocPad again inside an empty directory.
  34. If you're wanting to start your new project from scratch, then refer to the Getting Started guide here:
  36. For more information on what this means, visit:
  38. """
  39. skeletonNoneName: "No Skeleton"
  40. skeletonNoneDescription: "Prefer to start from scratch? You can get started without any skeleton if you wish"
  41. # Server
  42. serverInUse: "Could not start the web server, chances are the desired port %s is already in use"
  43. serverStart: "Starting server on port %s and directory %s"
  44. serverStarted: "DocPad listening to %s on directory %s"
  45. # Watching
  46. watchStart: 'Watching setup starting...'
  47. watchStarted: 'Watching setup'
  48. watchRegenerating: "Regenerating at %s"
  49. watchRegenerated: "Regenerated at %s"
  50. watchChange: "Change detected at %s"
  51. watchIgnoredChange: "Ignored change at %s"
  52. watchDirectoryChange: "Directory change at %s"
  53. watchReloadChange: "Reload change detected at %s"
  54. # Render
  55. renderingFiles: "Rendering %s files"
  56. renderedFiles: "Rendered %s files"
  57. renderInvalidOptions: 'Invalid options passed to the render action'
  58. renderProgress: "Currently on %s at %s"
  59. renderGenerating: "Generating..."
  60. renderGeneratingNotification: "Website generating..."
  61. renderGenerated: "Generated %s files in %s seconds"
  62. renderGeneratedNotification: "Website generated"
  63. renderParsing: 'Parsing everything'
  64. renderParsed: 'Parsed everything'
  65. renderNonexistant: 'Cannot generate website as the src dir was not found'
  66. renderNoPlugins: "DocPad is currently running without any plugins installed. You probably want to install some:"
  67. renderDirectoryParsing: "Parsing directory: %s"
  68. renderDirectoryParsed: "Parsed directory: %s"
  69. renderDirectoryNonexistant: "Skipped directory: %s (it does not exist)"
  70. renderCleaning: "Cleaning files"
  71. renderCleaned: "Cleaned files"
  72. renderInterval: "Performing interval regeneration"
  73. # Contextualize
  74. contextualizingFiles: "Contextualizing %s files"
  75. contextualizedFiles: "Contextualized %s files"
  76. # Write
  77. writingFiles: "Writing %s files"
  78. wroteFiles: "Wrote %s files"
  79. # Action
  80. actionStart: "Performing the action %s"
  81. actionFinished: "Performed the action %s"
  82. actionNonexistant: "The action %s does not exist"
  83. # Plugins
  84. pluginFailedToLoad: "Failed to load the plugin: %s at %s"
  85. pluginsLoadingFor: "Plugins loading for: %s"
  86. pluginsLoadedFor: "Plugins loaded for: %s"
  87. pluginsSlow: "We're preparing your plugins, this may take a while the first time. Waiting on the plugins: %s"
  88. pluginLoading: "Loading plugin: %s"
  89. pluginLoaded: "Loaded plugin: %s"
  90. pluginSkipped: "Skipped plugin: %s"
  91. pluginSkippedDueTo: "Skipped the unsupported plugin: %s due to %s"
  92. pluginContinued: "Continuing with the unsupported plugin: %s"
  93. pluginNamingConventionInvalid: """
  94. The plugin %s uses an invalid naming convention. We only allow alphanumeric characters (no symbols). Perhaps change it to %s
  95. More information here:
  96. """
  97. pluginPrototypeNameUndefined: """
  98. The plugin %s did not have its name defined in its prototype, defaulting it to the directory naming convention.
  99. More information here:
  100. """
  101. pluginPrototypeNameDifferent: """
  102. The plugin %s is using a different name (%s) for its prototype name. This can cause issues.
  103. More information here:
  104. """
  105. # Collections
  106. addingDocument: "Adding document: %s"
  107. addingFile: "Adding file: %s"
  108. addingLayout: "Adding layout: %s"
  109. addingHtml: "Adding html file: %s"
  110. addingStylesheet: "Adding stylesheet file: %s"
  111. # Loading
  112. loadingConfigUrl: "Loading configuration url: %s"
  113. loadingConfigPath: "Loading configuration path: %s"
  114. loadingFiles: "Loading %s files"
  115. loadedFiles: "Loaded %s files"
  116. loadingFile: "Loading file: %s"
  117. loadingFileFailed: "Failed to load the file: %s"
  118. loadingFileIgnored: "Skipped ignored file: %s"
  119. loadedFile: "Loaded file: %s"
  120. # Console
  121. consoleError: "Something went wrong with the action"
  122. consoleSuccess: "The action completed successfully"
  123. consoleDescriptionRun: "does everyting: skeleton, generate, watch, server"
  124. consoleDescriptionServer: "creates a server for your generated project"
  125. consoleDescriptionSkeleton: "will create a new project in your cwd based off an existing skeleton"
  126. consoleDescriptionRender: "render the file at <path> and output its results to stdout"
  127. consoleDescriptionGenerate: "(re)generates your project"
  128. consoleDescriptionWatch: "watches your project for changes, and (re)generates whenever a change is made"
  129. consoleDescriptionInstall: "ensure everything is installed correctly"
  130. consoleDescriptionClean: "ensure everything is cleaned correctly (will remove your out directory)"
  131. consoleDescriptionInfo: "display the information about your docpad instance"
  132. consoleDescriptionHelp: "output the help"
  133. consoleDescriptionUnknown: "anything else ouputs the help"
  134. consoleOptionOut: "where to output the rendered files (to a directory) or file (to an output file)"
  135. consoleOptionConfig: "a custom configuration file to load in"
  136. consoleOptionEnv: "the environment name to use for this instance, multiple names can be separated with a comma"
  137. consoleOptionDebug: "the level of debug messages you would like to display, if specified defaults to 7, otherwise 6"
  138. consoleOptionForce: "force a re-install of all modules"
  139. consoleOptionPort: "a custom port to use for the server <port>"
  140. consoleOptionSkeleton: "for new projects, instead of being asked for the skeleton, you can specify it here"
  141. # Misc
  142. outPathConflict: """
  143. You have multiple files being written to %s, they are:
  144. - %s
  145. - %s
  146. Rename one of them to avoid an over-write
  147. """
  148. renderedEarlyViaInclude: """
  149. Your include of %s has failed as that document has not been rendered yet.
  150. More information here:
  151. """
  152. welcome: "Welcome to DocPad %s"
  153. welcomePlugins: "Plugins: %s"
  154. welcomeEnvironment: "Environment: %s"
  155. includeFailed: "Could not include the file at path %s as we could not find it"
  156. warnOccured: "A warning occured:"
  157. errorOccured: "An error occured:"
  158. errorLoggedTo: "Error has been logged to: %s"
  159. errorFollows: "The error follows:"
  160. reportError: "An error occured reporting the error"
  161. trackError: "An error occured sending statistics"
  162. unknownModelInCollection: "Unknown model structure inside the collection"
  163. upgradeNotification: "There's a new version of DocPad available"
  164. upgradeDetails: """
  165. There's a new version of DocPad available, you should probably upgrade...
  166. current version: %s
  167. new version: %s
  168. upgrade instructions: %s
  169. """
  170. }