// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.2
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, __slice = [].slice;
module.exports = function(BasePlugin) { var PartialsPlugin, Task, TaskGroup, extendr, pathUtil, util, _ref;
extendr = require('extendr'); _ref = require('taskgroup'), Task = _ref.Task, TaskGroup = _ref.TaskGroup; pathUtil = require('path'); util = require('util'); return PartialsPlugin = (function(_super) { __extends(PartialsPlugin, _super);
PartialsPlugin.prototype.name = 'partials';
PartialsPlugin.prototype.config = { partialsPath: 'partials' };
PartialsPlugin.prototype.locale = { addingPartial: "Adding partial: %s", partialNotFound: "The partial \"%s\" was not found, as such it will not be rendered.", renderPartial: "Rendering partial: %s", renderedPartial: "Rendered partial: %s", renderPartialFailed: "Rendering partial failed: %s. The error follows:" };
PartialsPlugin.prototype.foundPartials = null;
PartialsPlugin.prototype.partialsCache = null;
function PartialsPlugin() { PartialsPlugin.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.partialsCache = {}; this.foundPartials = {}; this.config.partialsPath = pathUtil.resolve(this.docpad.getConfig().srcPath, this.config.partialsPath); }
PartialsPlugin.prototype.setConfig = function() { PartialsPlugin.__super__.setConfig.apply(this, arguments); this.config.partialsPath = pathUtil.resolve(this.docpad.getConfig().srcPath, this.config.partialsPath); return this; };
PartialsPlugin.prototype.populateCollections = function(opts, next) { var config, docpad;
config = this.config; docpad = this.docpad; docpad.parseDocumentDirectory({ path: config.partialsPath }, next); return this; };
PartialsPlugin.prototype.extendCollections = function(opts) { var config, docpad, locale;
config = this.config; docpad = this.docpad; locale = this.locale; docpad.setCollection('partials', docpad.database.createLiveChildCollection().setQuery('isLayout', { $or: { isPartial: true, fullPath: { $startsWith: config.partialsPath } } }).on('add', function(model) { var _base, _base1, _base2, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;
docpad.log('debug', util.format(locale.addingPartial, model.attributes.fullPath)); if ((_ref1 = (_base = model.attributes).isPartial) == null) { _base.isPartial = true; } if ((_ref2 = (_base1 = model.attributes).render) == null) { _base1.render = false; } return (_ref3 = (_base2 = model.attributes).write) != null ? _ref3 : _base2.write = false; })); return this; };
PartialsPlugin.prototype.renderPartial = function(partial, next) { var cacheable, docpad, locale, partialsCache, result, _ref1, _ref2;
docpad = this.docpad; locale = this.locale; partialsCache = this.partialsCache; result = null; cacheable = (_ref1 = partial.document.getMeta().get('cacheable')) != null ? _ref1 : false; if (cacheable === true) { result = (_ref2 = partialsCache[partial.code]) != null ? _ref2 : null; } if (result != null) { return next(null, result); } docpad.renderDocument(partial.document, { templateData: partial.data }, function(err, result, document) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (cacheable === true) { partialsCache[partial.code] = result; } return next(null, result); }); return this; };
PartialsPlugin.prototype.extendTemplateData = function(_arg) { var config, docpad, locale, me, templateData;
templateData = _arg.templateData; me = this; docpad = this.docpad, locale = this.locale, config = this.config; templateData.partial = function() { var err, file, message, objs, partial, partialFuzzyPath, partialName, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;
partialName = arguments[0], objs = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; if (typeof this.referencesOthers === "function") { this.referencesOthers(); } file = this.documentModel; partial = {}; partialFuzzyPath = pathUtil.join(config.partialsPath, partialName); if ((_ref1 = partial.document) == null) { partial.document = docpad.getCollection('partials').fuzzyFindOne(partialFuzzyPath); } if (!partial.document) { message = util.format(locale.partialNotFound, partialName); err = new Error(message); partial.err = err; return message; } partial.data = objs.length >= 2 ? (objs.unshift({}), extendr.shallowExtendPlainObjects.apply(extendr, objs)) : (_ref2 = objs[0]) != null ? _ref2 : {}; partial.code = partial.document.id; partial.id = Math.random(); partial.container = '[partial:' + partial.id + ']'; if (me.foundPartials[partial.id]) { return partial.container; } me.foundPartials[partial.id] = partial; if ((_ref3 = partial.task) == null) { partial.task = new Task(function(complete) { return me.renderPartial(partial, function(err, result) { var _ref4;
partial.err = err; partial.result = (_ref4 = result != null ? result : err != null ? err.toString() : void 0) != null ? _ref4 : '???'; return complete(); }); }); } partial.task.run(); return partial.container; }; return this; };
PartialsPlugin.prototype.renderDocument = function(opts, next) { var file, me, partialContainerRegex, partialContainers, tasks, templateData;
templateData = opts.templateData, file = opts.file; partialContainerRegex = /\[partial:([^\]]+)\]/g; partialContainers = opts.content.match(partialContainerRegex) || []; if (partialContainers.length === 0) { return next(); } me = this; tasks = new TaskGroup().setConfig({ concurrency: 0 }).once('complete', function() { opts.content = opts.content.replace(partialContainerRegex, function(match, partialId) { var partial;
partial = me.foundPartials[partialId]; return partial.result; }); return next(); }); partialContainers.forEach(function(partialContainer) { var partial, partialId;
partialId = partialContainer.replace(partialContainerRegex, '$1'); partial = me.foundPartials[partialId]; return tasks.addTask(function(complete) { return partial.task.once('complete', complete).complete(); }); }); tasks.run(); return this; };
PartialsPlugin.prototype.generateAfter = function() { this.foundPartials = {}; return this.partialsCache = {}; };
return PartialsPlugin;
})(BasePlugin); };