You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

970 lines
26 KiB

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  1. // namespace
  2. window.semantic = {
  3. handler: {}
  4. };
  5. // Allow for console.log to not break IE
  6. if (typeof window.console == "undefined" || typeof window.console.log == "undefined") {
  7. window.console = {
  8. log : function() {},
  9. info : function(){},
  10. warn : function(){}
  11. };
  12. }
  13. if(typeof == 'undefined' || typeof window.console.groupEnd == 'undefined' || typeof window.console.groupCollapsed == 'undefined') {
  14. = function(){};
  15. window.console.groupEnd = function(){};
  16. window.console.groupCollapsed = function(){};
  17. }
  18. if(typeof window.console.markTimeline == 'undefined') {
  19. window.console.markTimeline = function(){};
  20. }
  21. window.console.clear = function(){};
  22. // ready event
  23. semantic.ready = function() {
  24. // selector cache
  25. var
  26. $sortableTables = $('.sortable.table'),
  27. $sticky = $('.ui.sticky'),
  28. $themeDropdown = $('.theme.dropdown'),
  29. $ui = $('.ui').not('.hover, .down'),
  30. $swap = $(' .item'),
  31. $menu = $('#menu'),
  32. $hideMenu = $('#menu .hide.item'),
  33. $sortTable = $('.sortable.table'),
  34. $demo = $('.demo'),
  35. $container = $('.main.container'),
  36. $allHeaders = $('.main.container > h2, .main.container > .tab > h2, .main.container > .tab > .examples h2'),
  37. $sectionHeaders = $container.children('h2'),
  38. $followMenu = $container.find(''),
  39. $sectionExample = $container.find('.example'),
  40. $exampleHeaders = $sectionExample.children('h4'),
  41. $footer = $('.page > .footer'),
  42. $menuPopup = $(' .popup.item'),
  43. $pageDropdown = $(' .page.dropdown'),
  44. $pageTabMenu = $('.tab.header.segment'),
  45. $pageTabs = $('.tab.header.segment .menu .item'),
  46. $languageDropdown = $(' .language.dropdown'),
  47. $languageModal = $('.language.modal'),
  48. $downloadDropdown = $('.download.buttons .dropdown'),
  49. $helpPopup = $('.header .help.icon'),
  50. $example = $('.example'),
  51. $shownExample = $example.filter('.shown'),
  52. $mode = $('.header .mode.button'),
  53. $developer = $('.header .developer.item'),
  54. $overview = $('.header .overview.item'),
  55. $designer = $('.header .designer.item'),
  56. $sidebarButton = $('.fixed.launch.button'),
  57. $code = $('div.code').not('.existing'),
  58. $existingCode = $('.existing.code'),
  59. // alias
  60. handler
  61. ;
  62. // event handlers
  63. handler = {
  64. createIcon: function() {
  65. $example
  66. .each(function(){
  67. $('<i/>')
  68. .addClass('icon code')
  69. .insertAfter( $(this).children(':first-child') )
  70. ;
  71. })
  72. ;
  73. },
  74. createWaypoints: function() {
  75. $sectionHeaders
  76. .visibility({
  77. once: false,
  78. offset: 70,
  79. onTopPassed: handler.activate.section,
  80. onBottomPassed: handler.activate.section,
  81. onTopPassedReverse: handler.activate.previous
  82. })
  83. ;
  84. $sectionExample
  85. .visibility({
  86. once: false,
  87. offset: 70,
  88. onTopPassed: handler.activate.example,
  89. onBottomPassedReverse: handler.activate.example
  90. })
  91. ;
  92. $footer
  93. .visibility({
  94. once: false,
  95. onTopVisible: function() {
  96. var
  97. $title = $followMenu.find('> .item > .title').last()
  98. ;
  99. $followMenu
  100. .accordion('open', $title)
  101. ;
  102. }
  103. })
  104. ;
  105. },
  106. activate: {
  107. previous: function() {
  108. var
  109. $menuItems = $followMenu.children('.item'),
  110. $section = $menuItems.filter('.active'),
  111. index = $menuItems.index($section)
  112. ;
  113. if($section.prev().size() > 0) {
  114. $section
  115. .removeClass('active')
  116. .prev('.item')
  117. .addClass('active')
  118. ;
  119. $followMenu
  120. .accordion('open', index - 1)
  121. ;
  122. }
  123. },
  124. section: function() {
  125. var
  126. $section = $(this),
  127. index = $sectionHeaders.index($section),
  128. $followSection = $followMenu.children('.item'),
  129. $activeSection = $followSection.eq(index)
  130. ;
  131. $followSection
  132. .removeClass('active')
  133. ;
  134. $activeSection
  135. .addClass('active')
  136. ;
  137. $followMenu
  138. .accordion('open', index)
  139. ;
  140. },
  141. example: function() {
  142. var
  143. $section = $(this).children('h4').eq(0),
  144. index = $exampleHeaders.index($section),
  145. $followSection = $followMenu.find('.menu > .item'),
  146. $activeSection = $followSection.eq(index)
  147. ;
  148. if($(this).not('.another.example').size() > 0) {
  149. $followSection
  150. .removeClass('active')
  151. ;
  152. $activeSection
  153. .addClass('active')
  154. ;
  155. }
  156. }
  157. },
  158. tryCreateMenu: function(event) {
  159. if($(window).width() > 1000) {
  160. if($container.find('').size() === 0) {
  161. handler.createMenu();
  162. handler.createWaypoints();
  163. $(window).off('');
  164. }
  165. }
  166. },
  167. createAnchors: function() {
  168. $allHeaders
  169. .each(function() {
  170. var
  171. $section = $(this),
  172. safeName = $section.text().trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(),
  173. id = window.escape(safeName),
  174. $anchor = $('<a />').addClass('anchor').attr('id', id)
  175. ;
  176. $section
  177. .append($anchor)
  178. ;
  179. })
  180. ;
  181. $example
  182. .each(function() {
  183. var
  184. $title = $(this).children('h4').eq(0),
  185. safeName = $title.text().trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(),
  186. id = window.escape(safeName),
  187. $anchor = $('<a />').addClass('anchor').attr('id', id)
  188. ;
  189. if($title.size() > 0) {
  190. $title.prepend($anchor);
  191. }
  192. })
  193. ;
  194. },
  195. createMenu: function() {
  196. // grab each h3
  197. var
  198. html = '',
  199. $sticky,
  200. $rail
  201. ;
  202. $sectionHeaders
  203. .each(function(index) {
  204. var
  205. $currentHeader = $(this),
  206. $nextElements = $currentHeader.nextUntil('h2'),
  207. $examples = $nextElements.find('.example').andSelf().filter('.example'),
  208. activeClass = (index === 0)
  209. ? 'active '
  210. : '',
  211. safeName = $currentHeader.text().trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(),
  212. id = window.escape(safeName),
  213. $anchor = $('<a />').addClass('anchor').attr('id', id)
  214. ;
  215. html += '<div class="item">';
  216. if($examples.size() === 0) {
  217. html += '<a class="'+activeClass+'title" href="'+id+'"><b>' + $(this).text() + '</b></a>';
  218. }
  219. else {
  220. html += '<a class="'+activeClass+'title"><i class="dropdown icon"></i> <b>' + $(this).text() + '</b></a>';
  221. }
  222. if($examples.size() > 0) {
  223. html += '<div class="'+activeClass+'content menu">';
  224. $examples
  225. .each(function() {
  226. var
  227. $title = $(this).children('h4').eq(0),
  228. safeName = $title.text().trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(),
  229. id = window.escape(safeName),
  230. $anchor = $('<a />').addClass('anchor').attr('id', id)
  231. ;
  232. if($title.size() > 0) {
  233. html += '<a class="item" href="#'+id+'">' + $(this).children('h4').text() + '</a>';
  234. }
  235. })
  236. ;
  237. html += '</div>';
  238. }
  239. html += '</div>';
  240. })
  241. ;
  242. $followMenu = $('<div />')
  243. .addClass('ui secondary vertical following fluid accordion menu')
  244. .html(html)
  245. ;
  246. $sticky = $('<div />')
  247. .addClass('ui sticky hidden transition')
  248. .html($followMenu)
  249. ;
  250. $rail = $('<div />')
  251. .addClass('ui close right rail')
  252. .html($sticky)
  253. .appendTo($container)
  254. ;
  255. $followMenu
  256. .accordion({
  257. exclusive: false,
  258. onChange: function() {
  259. $sticky.sticky('refresh');
  260. }
  261. })
  262. .find('.menu a[href], .title[href]')
  263. .on('click', handler.scrollTo)
  264. ;
  265. $sticky
  266. .transition('fade', function() {
  267. $sticky.sticky({
  268. context: $container,
  269. offset: 50
  270. });
  271. })
  272. ;
  273. },
  274. scrollTo: function(event) {
  275. var
  276. id = $(this).attr('href').replace('#', ''),
  277. $element = $('#'+id),
  278. position = $element.offset().top
  279. ;
  280. $element
  281. .addClass('active')
  282. ;
  283. $('html, body')
  284. .animate({
  285. scrollTop: position
  286. }, 500)
  287. ;
  288. location.hash = '#' + id;
  289. event.stopImmediatePropagation();
  290. event.preventDefault();
  291. return false;
  292. },
  293. less: {
  294. parseFile: function(content) {
  295. var
  296. variables = {},
  297. lines = content.match(/^(@[\s|\S]+?;)/gm),
  298. name,
  299. value
  300. ;
  301. $.each(lines, function(index, line) {
  302. // clear whitespace
  303. line = $.trim(line);
  304. // match variables only
  305. if(line[0] == '@') {
  306. name = line.match(/^@(.+):/);
  307. value = line.match(/:\s*([\s|\S]+?;)/);
  308. if( ($.isArray(name) && name.length >= 2) && ($.isArray(value) && value.length >= 2) ) {
  309. name = name[1];
  310. value = value[1];
  311. variables[name] = value;
  312. }
  313. }
  314. });
  315. return variables;
  316. },
  317. changeTheme: function(theme) {
  318. var
  319. variableURL = '/build/less/themes/packages/{$theme}/{$type}s/{$element}.variables',
  320. overrideURL = '/build/less/themes/packages/{$theme}/{$type}s/{$element}.overrides',
  321. urlData = {
  322. theme : typeof(theme === 'string')
  323. ? theme.toLowerCase()
  324. : theme,
  325. type : $'type'),
  326. element : $'element')
  327. }
  328. ;
  329. $themeDropdown
  330. .api({
  331. on : 'now',
  332. url : variableURL,
  333. dataType : 'text',
  334. urlData : urlData,
  335. onSuccess: function(content) {
  336. less.modifyVars( handler.less.parseFile(content) );
  337. $themeDropdown
  338. .api({
  339. on : 'now',
  340. url : overrideURL,
  341. dataType : 'text',
  342. urlData : urlData,
  343. onSuccess: function(content) {
  344. if( $('style.override').size() > 0 ) {
  345. $('style.override').remove();
  346. }
  347. console.log(content);
  348. $('<style>' + content + '</style>')
  349. .addClass('override')
  350. .appendTo('body')
  351. ;
  352. }
  353. })
  354. ;
  355. }
  356. })
  357. ;
  358. }
  359. },
  360. create: {
  361. examples: function(json) {
  362. var
  363. types = json['Types'],
  364. text = json['Text'],
  365. states = json['States'],
  366. variations = json['Variations'],
  367. $element,
  368. html
  369. ;
  370. $.each(types, function(name, type){
  371. html += '<h2 class="ui dividing header">' + name + '</h2';
  372. if($.isPlainObject(type)) {
  373. $.each(type, function(name, subType) {
  374. $element = $.zc(subType);
  375. $element = handler.create.text($element, text);
  376. html += '<h3 class="ui header">' + name + '</h3';
  377. html += handler.create.variations($element, variations);
  378. });
  379. }
  380. else {
  381. $element = $.zc(type);
  382. $element = handler.create.text($element);
  383. html += handler.create.variations($element, variations);
  384. }
  385. });
  386. // Each TYPE
  387. // show type name
  388. // html = koan (html)
  389. // each text
  390. // find label
  391. // if(obj)
  392. // replace random text
  393. // else
  394. // replace text
  395. // end
  396. // Each variation
  397. // (if obj)
  398. // each
  399. // add class
  400. // (else)
  401. // add class
  402. // label = property
  403. // class = class
  404. // show html
  405. // end
  406. // end
  407. },
  408. element: function(koan, type, text, variation) {
  409. },
  410. variations: function($element, variations) {
  411. $.each(variations, function(name, variation){
  412. });
  413. },
  414. text: function($element, text) {
  415. $.each(text, function(selector, text) {
  416. $element.find(selector).text(text);
  417. });
  418. return $element;
  419. }
  420. },
  421. overviewMode: function() {
  422. var
  423. $button = $(this),
  424. $body = $('body'),
  425. $example = $('.example')
  426. ;
  427. $body.toggleClass('overview');
  428. $button.toggleClass('active');
  429. if($body.hasClass('overview')) {
  430. $developer.addClass('disabled').popup('destroy');
  431. $designer.addClass('disabled').popup('destroy');
  432. $example.each(function() {
  433. $(this).children().not('.ui.header:eq(0), .example p:eq(0), .annotation').hide();
  434. });
  435. $example.filter('.another').hide();
  436. }
  437. else {
  438. $developer.removeClass('disabled').popup();
  439. $designer.removeClass('disabled').popup();
  440. $example.each(function() {
  441. $(this).children().not('.ui.header:eq(0), .example p:eq(0), .annotation').show();
  442. });
  443. $example.filter('.another').show();
  444. }
  445. $('.sticky').sticky('refresh');
  446. },
  447. developerMode: function() {
  448. var
  449. $example = $('.example').not('.no')
  450. ;
  451. $developer.addClass('active');
  452. $designer.removeClass('active');
  453. $example
  454. .each(function() {
  455. $.proxy(handler.createCode, $(this))('developer');
  456. })
  457. ;
  458. $('.sticky').sticky('refresh');
  459. },
  460. designerMode: function() {
  461. var
  462. $example = $('.example').not('.no')
  463. ;
  464. $designer.addClass('active');
  465. $developer.removeClass('active');
  466. $example
  467. .each(function() {
  468. $.proxy(handler.createCode, $(this))('designer');
  469. })
  470. ;
  471. $('.sticky').sticky('refresh');
  472. },
  473. getIndent: function(text) {
  474. var
  475. lines = text.split("\n"),
  476. firstLine = (lines[0] === '')
  477. ? lines[1]
  478. : lines[0],
  479. spacesPerIndent = 2,
  480. leadingSpaces = firstLine.length - firstLine.replace(/^\s*/g, '').length,
  481. indent
  482. ;
  483. if(leadingSpaces !== 0) {
  484. indent = leadingSpaces;
  485. }
  486. else {
  487. // string has already been trimmed, get first indented line and subtract 2
  488. $.each(lines, function(index, line) {
  489. leadingSpaces = line.length - line.replace(/^\s*/g, '').length;
  490. if(leadingSpaces !== 0) {
  491. indent = leadingSpaces - spacesPerIndent;
  492. return false;
  493. }
  494. });
  495. }
  496. return indent || 4;
  497. },
  498. generateCode: function() {
  499. var
  500. $example = $(this).closest('.example'),
  501. $annotation = $example.find('.annotation'),
  502. $code = $annotation.find('.code'),
  503. $header = $example.not('.another').children('.ui.header:first-of-type').eq(0).add('p:first-of-type'),
  504. $ignored = $('i.code:last-child, .code, .existing, .pointing.below.label, .instructive, .language.label, .annotation, br, .ignore, .ignored'),
  505. $demo = $example.children().not($header).not($ignored),
  506. code = ''
  507. ;
  508. if( $code.size() === 0) {
  509. $demo
  510. .each(function(){
  511. var $this = $(this).clone(false);
  512. if($this.not('br')) {
  513. // allow inline styles only with this one class
  514. if($'.my-container')) {
  515. code += $this.get(0).outerHTML + "\n";
  516. }
  517. else {
  518. code += $this.removeAttr('style').get(0).outerHTML + "\n";
  519. }
  520. }
  521. })
  522. ;
  523. }
  524. $'code', code);
  525. return code;
  526. },
  527. createCode: function(type) {
  528. var
  529. $example = $(this).closest('.example'),
  530. $header = $example.children('.ui.header:first-of-type').eq(0).add('p:first-of-type'),
  531. $annotation = $example.find('.annotation'),
  532. $code = $annotation.find('.code'),
  533. $ignoredContent = $('.ui.popup, i.code:last-child, .code, .existing.segment, .instructive, .language.label, .annotation, br, .ignore, .ignored'),
  534. $demo = $example.children().not($header).not($ignoredContent),
  535. code = $'code') || $.proxy(handler.generateCode, this)()
  536. ;
  537. if( $code.hasClass('existing') ) {
  538. $;
  539. $code.removeClass('existing');
  540. $.proxy(handler.initializeCode, $code)();
  541. }
  542. if($annotation.size() === 0) {
  543. $annotation = $('<div/>')
  544. .addClass('annotation')
  545. .appendTo($example)
  546. ;
  547. }
  548. if( $example.find('.instructive').size() === 0) {
  549. $code = $('<div/>')
  550. .data('type', 'html')
  551. .addClass('code')
  552. .html(code)
  553. .hide()
  554. .appendTo($annotation)
  555. ;
  556. $.proxy(handler.initializeCode, $code)();
  557. }
  558. if( ($demo.first().is(':visible') || type == 'developer') && type != 'designer' ) {
  559. $demo.hide();
  560. $;
  561. $annotation.fadeIn(500);
  562. }
  563. else {
  564. $annotation.hide();
  565. if($demo.size() > 1) {
  566. $;
  567. }
  568. else {
  569. $demo.fadeIn(500);
  570. }
  571. }
  572. },
  573. createAnnotation: function() {
  574. if(!$(this).data('type')) {
  575. $(this).data('type', 'html');
  576. }
  577. $(this)
  578. .wrap('<div class="annotation">')
  579. .parent()
  580. .hide()
  581. ;
  582. },
  583. resizeCode: function() {
  584. $('.ace_editor')
  585. .each(function() {
  586. var
  587. $code = $(this),
  588. padding = 50,
  589. editor,
  590. editorSession,
  591. codeHeight
  592. ;
  593. $code.css('height', 'auto');
  594. editor = ace.edit($code[0]);
  595. editorSession = editor.getSession();
  596. codeHeight = editorSession.getScreenLength() * editor.renderer.lineHeight + padding;
  597. $code.css('height', codeHeight);
  598. editor.resize();
  599. })
  600. ;
  601. },
  602. makeCode: function() {
  603. if(window.ace !== undefined) {
  604. $code
  605. .filter(':visible')
  606. .each(handler.initializeCode)
  607. ;
  608. $existingCode
  609. .each(handler.createAnnotation)
  610. ;
  611. }
  612. },
  613. initializeCode: function() {
  614. var
  615. $code = $(this).show(),
  616. code = $code.html(),
  617. existingCode = $code.hasClass('existing'),
  618. evaluatedCode = $code.hasClass('evaluated'),
  619. contentType = $'type') || 'javascript',
  620. title = $'title') || false,
  621. demo = $'demo') || false,
  622. preview = $'preview') || false,
  623. label = $'label') || false,
  624. displayType = {
  625. html : 'HTML',
  626. javascript : 'Javascript',
  627. css : 'CSS',
  628. text : 'Command Line',
  629. sh : 'Command Line'
  630. },
  631. indent = handler.getIndent(code) || 2,
  632. padding = 20,
  633. name = (evaluatedCode)
  634. ? 'existing'
  635. : 'instructive',
  636. whiteSpace,
  637. $label,
  638. editor,
  639. editorSession,
  640. codeHeight
  641. ;
  642. // trim whitespace
  643. whiteSpace = new RegExp('\\n\\s{' + indent + '}', 'g');
  644. code = $.trim(code).replace(whiteSpace, '\n');
  645. if(contentType == 'html') {
  646. $code.text(code);
  647. }
  648. else {
  649. $code.html(code);
  650. }
  651. // evaluate if specified
  652. if(evaluatedCode) {
  653. eval(code);
  654. }
  655. // initialize
  656. editor = ace.edit($code[0]);
  657. editorSession = editor.getSession();
  658. //editor.setTheme('ace/theme/tomorrow');
  659. editor.setTheme('ace/theme/github');
  660. editor.setShowPrintMargin(false);
  661. editor.setReadOnly(true);
  662. editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false);
  663. editor.setHighlightActiveLine(false);
  664. editorSession.setMode('ace/mode/'+ contentType);
  665. editorSession.setUseWrapMode(true);
  666. editorSession.setTabSize(2);
  667. editorSession.setUseSoftTabs(true);
  668. codeHeight = editorSession.getScreenLength() * editor.renderer.lineHeight + padding;
  669. $(this)
  670. .height(codeHeight + 'px')
  671. .wrap('<div class="ui ' + name + ' segment">')
  672. ;
  673. // add label
  674. if(title) {
  675. $('<div>')
  676. .addClass('ui attached top label')
  677. .html('<span class="title">' + title + '</span>' + '<em>' + (displayType[contentType] || contentType) + '</em>')
  678. .prependTo( $(this).parent() )
  679. ;
  680. }
  681. if(label) {
  682. $('<div>')
  683. .addClass('ui pointing below label')
  684. .html(displayType[contentType] || contentType)
  685. .insertBefore ( $(this).parent() )
  686. ;
  687. }
  688. // add run code button
  689. if(demo) {
  690. $('<a>')
  691. .addClass('ui pointing below label')
  692. .html('Run Code')
  693. .on('click', function() {
  694. eval(code);
  695. })
  696. .insertBefore ( $(this).parent() )
  697. ;
  698. }
  699. // add preview if specified
  700. if(preview) {
  701. $(code)
  702. .insertAfter( $(this).parent() )
  703. ;
  704. }
  705. editor.resize();
  706. },
  707. swapStyle: function() {
  708. var
  709. theme = $(this).data('theme')
  710. ;
  711. $(this)
  712. .addClass('active')
  713. .siblings()
  714. .removeClass('active')
  715. ;
  716. $('head link.ui')
  717. .each(function() {
  718. var
  719. href = $(this).attr('href'),
  720. subDirectory = href.split('/')[3],
  721. newLink = href.replace(subDirectory, theme)
  722. ;
  723. $(this)
  724. .attr('href', newLink)
  725. ;
  726. })
  727. ;
  728. }
  729. };
  730. handler.createAnchors();
  731. if( $pageTabs.size() > 0 ) {
  732. $pageTabs
  733. .tab({
  734. context : '.main.container',
  735. childrenOnly : true,
  736. history : true,
  737. onTabInit : function() {
  738. handler.makeCode();
  739. $container = ($('.fixed.column').size() > 0 )
  740. ? $(this).find('.examples')
  741. : $(this)
  742. ;
  743. $sectionHeaders = $container.children('h2');
  744. $sectionExample = $container.find('.example');
  745. $exampleHeaders = $sectionExample.children('h4');
  746. // create code
  747. handler.tryCreateMenu();
  748. $(window).on('', function() {
  749. handler.tryCreateMenu();
  750. });
  751. },
  752. onTabLoad : function() {
  753. $sticky.filter(':visible').sticky('refresh');
  754. }
  755. })
  756. ;
  757. }
  758. else {
  759. handler.makeCode();
  760. handler.tryCreateMenu();
  761. $(window).on('', function() {
  762. handler.tryCreateMenu();
  763. });
  764. }
  765. $sticky
  766. .sticky({
  767. context : '.main.container',
  768. pushing : true
  769. })
  770. ;
  771. $languageModal.modal({
  772. detachable: false
  773. });
  774. $menu
  775. .sidebar('attach events', '.launch.button, .view-ui.button, .launch.item')
  776. .sidebar('attach events', $hideMenu, 'hide')
  777. ;
  778. handler.createIcon();
  779. $example
  780. .each(function() {
  781. $.proxy(handler.generateCode, this)();
  782. })
  783. .find('i.code')
  784. .on('click', handler.createCode)
  785. ;
  786. $shownExample
  787. .each(handler.createCode)
  788. ;
  789. $(window)
  790. .on('resize', function() {
  791. clearTimeout(handler.timer);
  792. handler.timer = setTimeout(handler.resizeCode, 500);
  793. })
  794. ;
  795. $downloadDropdown
  796. .dropdown({
  797. on : 'click',
  798. transition : 'scale'
  799. })
  800. ;
  801. $themeDropdown
  802. .dropdown({
  803. action: 'select',
  804. onChange: handler.less.changeTheme
  805. })
  806. ;
  807. if($.fn.tablesort !== undefined && $sortTable.size() > 0) {
  808. $sortTable
  809. .tablesort()
  810. ;
  811. }
  812. $helpPopup
  813. .popup()
  814. ;
  815. $swap
  816. .on('click', handler.swapStyle)
  817. ;
  818. $mode
  819. .dropdown()
  820. ;
  821. $developer
  822. .on('click', handler.developerMode)
  823. ;
  824. $designer
  825. .on('click', handler.designerMode)
  826. ;
  827. $overview
  828. .on('click', handler.overviewMode)
  829. ;
  830. $menuPopup
  831. .popup({
  832. position : 'bottom center',
  833. className : {
  834. popup: 'ui popup'
  835. }
  836. })
  837. ;
  838. $pageDropdown
  839. .dropdown({
  840. on : 'hover',
  841. action : 'nothing',
  842. allowTab : false
  843. })
  844. ;
  845. $languageDropdown
  846. .popup()
  847. .dropdown({
  848. on : 'click',
  849. onShow: function() {
  850. $(this).popup('hide');
  851. },
  852. onChange: function(value, text, $choice) {
  853. var
  854. percent = $'percent') || 0
  855. ;
  856., true);
  857. if(percent < 100) {
  858. $('.language.modal')
  859. .find('.header .name')
  860. .html(text)
  861. .end()
  862. .find('.complete')
  863. .html(percent)
  864. .end()
  865. .modal('show', function() {
  866. $('.language.modal .progress .bar').css('width', percent + '%');
  867. })
  868. ;
  869. }
  870. }
  871. })
  872. ;
  873. if($('body').hasClass('index') ) {
  874. $('.masthead')
  875. .visibility({
  876. once: false
  877. })
  878. .visibility('bottom visible', function(){
  879. $('').removeClass('filled');
  880. })
  881. .visibility('bottom passed', function(){
  882. $('').addClass('filled');
  883. })
  884. .find('.button')
  885. .popup({
  886. position : 'top center'
  887. })
  888. ;
  889. }
  890. };
  891. // attach ready event
  892. $(document)
  893. .ready(semantic.ready)
  894. ;