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147 lines
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10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. /*******************************
  2. Form
  3. *******************************/
  4. /*-------------------
  5. Elements
  6. --------------------*/
  7. /* Text */
  8. @paragraphMargin: 1em 0em;
  9. /* Field */
  10. @fieldMargin: 0em 0em 1em;
  11. /* Form Label */
  12. @labelFontSize: 0.9em;
  13. @labelFontWeight: bold;
  14. @labelDistance: 0.3rem;
  15. @labelColor: @textColor;
  16. @labelTextTransform: none;
  17. /* Input */
  18. @inputWidth: 100%;
  19. @inputFontSize: 1em;
  20. @inputVerticalPadding: 0.8em;
  21. @inputHorizontalPadding: 1em;
  22. @inputLineHeight: 1.2;
  23. @inputPadding: (@inputVerticalPadding + ((1em - @inputLineHeight) / 2)) @inputHorizontalPadding;
  24. @inputBackground: #FFFFFF;
  25. @inputBorder: 1px solid @borderColor;
  26. @inputBorderRadius: 0.3125em;
  27. @inputColor: @textColor;
  28. @inputTransition:
  29. background-color 0.2s ease,
  30. color 0.2s ease,
  31. box-shadow 0.2s ease,
  32. border-color 0.2s ease
  33. ;
  34. @inputBoxShadow: 0em 0em 0em 0em transparent inset;
  35. @textAreaFontSize: @inputFontSize;
  36. @textAreaHeight: 12em;
  37. @textAreaResize: vertical;
  38. @textAreaLineHeight: 1.33;
  39. @textAreaMinHeight: 8em;
  40. @textAreaMaxHeight: 24em;
  41. /* Checkbox */
  42. @checkboxVerticalAlign: top;
  43. /* Divider */
  44. @dividerMargin: 1em 0em;
  45. /* Validation Prompt */
  46. @validationMargin: 0em 0em 0em 1em;
  47. @validationArrowOffset: -0.3em;
  48. /*-------------------
  49. States
  50. --------------------*/
  51. /* Disabled */
  52. /* Focus */
  53. @inputFocusPointerSize: 1px;
  54. /* Input Focus */
  55. @inputFocusBackground: #FFFFFF;
  56. @inputFocusBorderColor: @selectedBorderColor;
  57. @inputFocusColor: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);
  58. @inputFocusBoxShadow: @inputFocusPointerSize 0em 0em 0em @selectedBorderColor inset;
  59. @inputFocusBorderRadius: 0em @inputBorderRadius @inputBorderRadius 0em;
  60. /* Error */
  61. @formErrorColor: @negativeColor;
  62. @formErrorBorder: @negativeBorderColor;
  63. @formErrorBackground: @negativeBackgroundColor;
  64. /* Input Error */
  65. @inputErrorPointerSize: 2px;
  66. @inputErrorBorderRadius: 0em @inputBorderRadius @inputBorderRadius 0em;
  67. @inputErrorBoxShadow: @inputErrorPointerSize 0em 0em 0em @formErrorColor inset;
  68. /* Dropdown Error */
  69. @dropdownErrorHoverBackground: #FFF2F2;
  70. @dropdownErrorActiveBackground: #FDCFCF;
  71. /* Focused Error */
  72. @inputErrorFocusBackground: @negativeBackgroundColor;
  73. @inputErrorFocusColor: @negativeColorHover;
  74. @inputErrorFocusBorder: @negativeBorderColor;
  75. @inputErrorFocusBoxShadow: @inputErrorPointerSize 0em 0em 0em @negativeColorHover inset;
  76. /* Placeholder */
  77. @inputPlaceholderColor: lighten(@inputColor, 55);
  78. @inputPlaceholderFocusColor: lighten(@inputColor, 35);
  79. @inputErrorPlaceholderColor: lighten(@formErrorColor, 10);
  80. @inputErrorPlaceholderFocusColor: lighten(@formErrorColor, 5);
  81. /* Loading */
  82. @formLoaderDimmerColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
  83. @formLoaderPath: "@{imagePath}/loader-large.gif";
  84. @formLoaderPosition: 50% 50%;
  85. /*-------------------
  86. Types
  87. --------------------*/
  88. /* Required */
  89. @requiredColor: @negativeColor;
  90. @requiredVerticalOffset: -0.2em;
  91. /* Inverted */
  92. @invertedLabelColor: @invertedTextColor;
  93. @formInvertedLoaderPath: "@{imagePath}/loader-large-inverted.gif";
  94. @formInvertedLoaderDimmerColor: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
  95. /*-------------------
  96. Variations
  97. --------------------*/
  98. /* Grouped Fields */
  99. @groupedMargin: @fieldMargin;
  100. @groupedFieldMargin: 0.5em 0em;
  101. /* Inline */
  102. @inlineLabelFontSize: 1em;
  103. @inlineLabelVerticalAlign: middle;
  104. @inlineGroupedFieldLabelDistance: 0.5rem;
  105. /* (x) Wide Field */
  106. @gutterWidth: 1%;
  107. /* Sizes */
  108. @small: 0.875em;
  109. @medium: auto;
  110. @large: 1.125em;
  111. @huge: 1.2em;
  112. /*-------------------
  113. Groups
  114. --------------------*/
  115. @inlineFieldsMargin: 0em 1em 0em 0em;