/* * # Semantic - Item * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2014 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */
/******************************* Theme *******************************/
@type : 'view'; @element : 'card';
@import '../../semantic.config';
/******************************* Standard *******************************/
/*-------------- Cards ---------------*/
.ui.cards { margin: @groupCardsMargin; }
.ui.cards > .card { display: @groupDisplay; margin: @groupCardMargin; float: @groupFloat; }
.ui.cards:first-child, .ui.card:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } .ui.cards:last-child, .ui.card:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; }
/* Clearing */ .ui.cards:after, .ui.card:after { display: block; content: ' '; height: 0px; clear: both; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; }
/*-------------- Card ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card, .ui.card { position: relative; display: @display;
width: @width; min-height: @minHeight; background: @background; padding: @padding;
border: @border; border-radius: @borderRadius; box-shadow: @boxShadow; transition: @transition; z-index: @zIndex; } .ui.card { margin: @margin; }
.ui.cards > .card a, .ui.card a { cursor: pointer; }
/*-------------- Rounded Edges ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card > :first-child, .ui.card > :first-child { border-radius: @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em 0em !important; }
.ui.cards > .card > :last-child, .ui.card > :last-child { border-radius: 0em 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius !important; }
/*-------------- Images ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card > .image, .ui.card > .image { display: block; position: relative; padding: @imagePadding; background: @imageBackground; } .ui.cards > .card > .image > img, .ui.card > .image > img { display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; border-radius: @imageBorderRadius; border: @imageBorder; }
.ui.cards > .card > .image:only-child > img, .ui.card > .image:only-child > img { border-radius: @borderRadius; }
/*-------------- Content ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card > .content, .ui.card > .content { background: @contentBackground; margin: @contentMargin; padding: @contentPadding; box-shadow: @contentBoxShadow; font-size: @contentFontSize; border: @contentBorder; border-radius: @contentBorderRadius; }
.ui.cards > .card > .content:after, .ui.card > .content:after { display: block; content: ' '; height: 0px; clear: both; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; }
.ui.cards > .card > .content > .header, .ui.card > .content > .header { display: block; margin: @headerMargin; font-family: @headerFont; font-weight: @headerFontWeight; font-size: @headerFontSize; color: @headerColor; } .ui.cards > .card > .content > .meta + .description, .ui.cards > .card > .content > .header + .description, .ui.card > .content > .meta + .description, .ui.card > .content > .header + .description { margin-top: @descriptionDistance; }
/*-------------- Floated ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card [class*="left floated"], .ui.card [class*="left floated"] { float: left; } .ui.cards > .card [class*="right floated"], .ui.card [class*="right floated"] { float: right; }
/*-------------- Content Image ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card .content img, .ui.card .content img { display: inline-block; vertical-align: @contentImageVerticalAlign; width: @contentImageWidth; } .ui.cards > .card img.avatar, .ui.cards > .card .avatar img, .ui.card img.avatar, .ui.card .avatar img { width: @avatarSize; height: @avatarSize; border-radius: @avatarBorderRadius; }
/*-------------- Description ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card > .content > .description, .ui.card > .content > .description { clear: both; color: @descriptionColor; }
/*-------------- Paragraph ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card > .content p, .ui.card > .content p { margin: 0em 0em @paragraphDistance; } .ui.cards > .card > .content p:last-child, .ui.card > .content p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; }
/*-------------- Meta ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card .meta, .ui.card .meta { font-size: @metaFontSize; color: @metaColor; } .ui.cards > .card .meta *, .ui.card .meta * { margin-right: @metaSpacing; } .ui.cards > .card .meta :last-child, .ui.card .meta :last-child { margin-right: 0em; }
.ui.cards > .card .meta [class*="right floated"], .ui.card .meta [class*="right floated"] { margin-right: 0em; margin-left: @metaSpacing; }
/*-------------- Links ---------------*/
/* Generic */ .ui.cards > .card > .content a, .ui.card > .content a { color: @contentLinkColor; transition: @contentLinkTransition; } .ui.cards > .card > .content a:hover, .ui.card > .content a:hover { color: @contentLinkHoverColor; }
/* Header */ .ui.cards > .card > .content > a.header, .ui.card > .content > a.header { color: @headerLinkColor; } .ui.cards > .card > .content > a.header:hover, .ui.card > .content > a.header:hover { color: @headerLinkHoverColor; }
/* Meta */ .ui.cards > .card .meta a, .ui.card .meta a { color: @metaLinkColor; } .ui.cards > .card .meta a:hover, .ui.card .meta a:hover { color: @metaLinkHoverColor; }
/*-------------- Buttons ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card > .buttons:last-child, .ui.card > .buttons:last-child, .ui.cards > .card > .button:last-child, .ui.card > .button:last-child { margin-bottom: -@borderWidth; }
/*-------------- Labels ---------------*/
/*-----Star----- */
/* Icon */ .ui.cards > .card > .content .star.icon, .ui.card > .content .star.icon { cursor: pointer; opacity: @actionOpacity; transition: @actionTransition; } .ui.cards > .card > .content .star.icon:hover, .ui.card > .content .star.icon:hover { opacity: @actionHoverOpacity; color: @starColor; } .ui.cards > .card > .content .active.star.icon, .ui.card > .content .active.star.icon { color: @starActiveColor; }
/*-----Like----- */
/* Icon */ .ui.cards > .card > .content .like.icon, .ui.card > .content .like.icon { cursor: pointer; opacity: @actionOpacity; transition: @actionTransition; } .ui.cards > .card > .content .like.icon:hover, .ui.card > .content .like.icon:hover { opacity: @actionHoverOpacity; color: @likeColor; } .ui.cards > .card > .content .active.like.icon, .ui.card > .content .active.like.icon { color: @likeActiveColor; }
/*---------------- Extra Content -----------------*/
.ui.cards > .card > .extra, .ui.card > .extra { min-height: 0px !important; position: @extraPosition; background: @extraBackground; width: @extraWidth; padding: @extraPadding; top: @extraTop; left: @extraLeft; color: @extraColor; box-shadow: @extraBoxShadow; transition: @extraTransition; border-top: @extraDivider; } .ui.cards > .card > .extra a, .ui.card > .extra a { color: @extraLinkColor; } .ui.cards > .card > .extra a:hover, .ui.card > .extra a:hover { color: @extraLinkHoverColor; }
/******************************* Variations *******************************/
/*------------------- Link --------------------*/
.ui.cards a.card:hover, .ui.link.cards .card:hover, a.ui.card:hover, .ui.link.card:hover { cursor: pointer; z-index: @linkHoverZIndex; background: @linkHoverBackground; border: @linkHoverBorder; box-shadow: @linkHoverBoxShadow; }
/*-------------- Card Count ---------------*/
.ui.one.cards { margin-left: @oneCardOffset; margin-right: @oneCardOffset; } .ui.one.cards > .card { width: @oneCard; }
.ui.two.cards { margin-left: @twoCardOffset; margin-right: @twoCardOffset; } .ui.two.cards > .card { width: @twoCard; margin-left: @twoCardSpacing; margin-right: @twoCardSpacing; } .ui.two.cards > .card:nth-child(2n+1) { clear: left; }
.ui.three.cards { margin-left: @threeCardOffset; margin-right: @threeCardOffset; } .ui.three.cards > .card { width: @threeCard; margin-left: @threeCardSpacing; margin-right: @threeCardSpacing; } .ui.three.cards > .card:nth-child(3n+1) { clear: left; }
.ui.four.cards { margin-left: @fourCardOffset; margin-right: @fourCardOffset; } .ui.four.cards > .card { width: @fourCard; margin-left: @fourCardSpacing; margin-right: @fourCardSpacing; } .ui.four.cards > .card:nth-child(4n+1) { clear: left; }
.ui.five.cards { margin-left: @fiveCardOffset; margin-right: @fiveCardOffset; } .ui.five.cards > .card { width: @fiveCard; margin-left: @fiveCardSpacing; margin-right: @fiveCardSpacing; } .ui.five.cards > .card:nth-child(5n+1) { clear: left; }
.ui.six.cards { margin-left: @sixCardOffset; margin-right: @sixCardOffset; } .ui.six.cards > .card { width: @sixCard; margin-left: @sixCardSpacing; margin-right: @sixCardSpacing; } .ui.six.cards > .card:nth-child(6n+1) { clear: left; }
.ui.seven.cards { margin-left: @sevenCardOffset; margin-right: @sevenCardOffset; } .ui.seven.cards > .card { width: @sevenCard; margin-left: @sevenCardSpacing; margin-right: @sevenCardSpacing; } .ui.seven.cards > .card:nth-child(7n+1) { clear: left; }
.ui.eight.cards { margin-left: @eightCardOffset; margin-right: @eightCardOffset; } .ui.eight.cards > .card { width: @eightCard; margin-left: @eightCardSpacing; margin-right: @eightCardSpacing; font-size: 11px; } .ui.eight.cards > .card:nth-child(8n+1) { clear: left; }
.ui.nine.cards { margin-left: @nineCardOffset; margin-right: @nineCardOffset; } .ui.nine.cards > .card { width: @nineCard; margin-left: @nineCardSpacing; margin-right: @nineCardSpacing; font-size: 10px; } .ui.nine.cards > .card:nth-child(9n+1) { clear: left; }
.ui.ten.cards { margin-left: @tenCardOffset; margin-right: @tenCardOffset; } .ui.ten.cards > .card { width: @tenCard; margin-left: @tenCardSpacing; margin-right: @tenCardSpacing; } .ui.ten.cards > .card:nth-child(10n+1) { clear: left; }
/*------------------- Doubling --------------------*/
/* Mobily Only */ @media only screen and (max-width : @largestMobileScreen) { .ui.two.doubling.cards { margin-left: @oneCardOffset; margin-right: @oneCardOffset; } .ui.two.doubling.cards .card { width: @oneCard; margin-left: @oneCardSpacing; margin-right: @oneCardSpacing; } .ui.three.doubling.cards { margin-left: @twoCardOffset; margin-right: @twoCardOffset; } .ui.three.doubling.cards .card { width: @twoCard; margin-left: @twoCardSpacing; margin-right: @twoCardSpacing; } .ui.four.doubling.cards { margin-left: @twoCardOffset; margin-right: @twoCardOffset; } .ui.four.doubling.cards .card { width: @twoCard; margin-left: @twoCardSpacing; margin-right: @twoCardSpacing; } .ui.five.doubling.cards { margin-left: @twoCardOffset; margin-right: @twoCardOffset; } .ui.five.doubling.cards .card { width: @twoCard; margin-left: @twoCardSpacing; margin-right: @twoCardSpacing; } .ui.six.doubling.cards { margin-left: @twoCardOffset; margin-right: @twoCardOffset; } .ui.six.doubling.cards .card { width: @twoCard; margin-left: @twoCardSpacing; margin-right: @twoCardSpacing; } .ui.seven.doubling.cards { margin-left: @threeCardOffset; margin-right: @threeCardOffset; } .ui.seven.doubling.cards .card { width: @threeCard; margin-left: @threeCardSpacing; margin-right: @threeCardSpacing; } .ui.eight.doubling.cards { margin-left: @threeCardOffset; margin-right: @threeCardOffset; } .ui.eight.doubling.cards .card { width: @threeCard; margin-left: @threeCardSpacing; margin-right: @threeCardSpacing; } .ui.nine.doubling.cards { margin-left: @threeCardOffset; margin-right: @threeCardOffset; } .ui.nine.doubling.cards .card { width: @threeCard; margin-left: @threeCardSpacing; margin-right: @threeCardSpacing; } .ui.ten.doubling.cards { margin-left: @threeCardOffset; margin-right: @threeCardOffset; } .ui.ten.doubling.cards .card { width: @threeCard; margin-left: @threeCardSpacing; margin-right: @threeCardSpacing; } }
/* Tablet Only */ @media only screen and (min-width : @tabletBreakpoint) and (max-width : @largestTabletScreen) { .ui.two.doubling.cards { margin-left: @oneCardOffset; margin-right: @oneCardOffset; } .ui.two.doubling.cards .card { width: @oneCard; margin-left: @oneCardSpacing; margin-right: @oneCardSpacing; } .ui.three.doubling.cards { margin-left: @twoCardOffset; margin-right: @twoCardOffset; } .ui.three.doubling.cards .card { width: @twoCard; margin-left: @twoCardSpacing; margin-right: @twoCardSpacing; } .ui.four.doubling.cards { margin-left: @twoCardOffset; margin-right: @twoCardOffset; } .ui.four.doubling.cards .card { width: @twoCard; margin-left: @twoCardSpacing; margin-right: @twoCardSpacing; } .ui.five.doubling.cards { margin-left: @threeCardOffset; margin-right: @threeCardOffset; } .ui.five.doubling.cards .card { width: @threeCard; margin-left: @threeCardSpacing; margin-right: @threeCardSpacing; } .ui.six.doubling.cards { margin-left: @threeCardOffset; margin-right: @threeCardOffset; } .ui.six.doubling.cards .card { width: @threeCard; margin-left: @threeCardSpacing; margin-right: @threeCardSpacing; } .ui.eight.doubling.cards { margin-left: @threeCardOffset; margin-right: @threeCardOffset; } .ui.eight.doubling.cards .card { width: @threeCard; margin-left: @threeCardSpacing; margin-right: @threeCardSpacing; } .ui.eight.doubling.cards { margin-left: @fourCardOffset; margin-right: @fourCardOffset; } .ui.eight.doubling.cards .card { width: @fourCard; margin-left: @fourCardSpacing; margin-right: @fourCardSpacing; } .ui.nine.doubling.cards { margin-left: @fourCardOffset; margin-right: @fourCardOffset; } .ui.nine.doubling.cards .card { width: @fourCard; margin-left: @fourCardSpacing; margin-right: @fourCardSpacing; } .ui.ten.doubling.cards { margin-left: @fiveCardOffset; margin-right: @fiveCardOffset; } .ui.ten.doubling.cards .card { width: @fiveCard; margin-left: @fiveCardSpacing; margin-right: @fiveCardSpacing; } }
/*------------------- Stackable --------------------*/
@media only screen and (max-width : @largestMobileScreen) { .ui.stackable.cards { display: block !important; } .ui.stackable.cards > .card { display: block !important; height: auto !important; margin: @stackableRowSpacing @stackableCardSpacing; padding: 0 !important; width: @stackableMargin !important; } }
/*-------------- Size ---------------*/
.ui.cards > .card { font-size: @medium; }