/* * # Semantic - Header * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2014 Contributor * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */
/******************************* Theme *******************************/
@type : 'element'; @element : 'header';
@import '../../semantic.config';
/******************************* Header *******************************/
/* Standard */ .ui.header { border: none; font-family: @headerFont; margin: @topMargin 0em @bottomMargin; padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding; font-weight: @fontWeight; line-height: @lineHeight; text-transform: @textTransform; color: @textColor; }
.ui.header .sub.header { font-size: @subHeaderFontSize; font-weight: normal; margin: 0em; padding: 0em;
line-height: @subHeaderLineHeight; color: @subHeaderColor; }
/* Icon and Content Together */ .ui.header > .icon { display: table-cell; font-size: @iconSize; padding-top: @iconOffset;
vertical-align: @iconAlignment; padding-right: (@iconMargin / 2); } .ui.header > .icon + .content { padding-left: (@iconMargin / 2); display: table-cell; }
/* Only One */ .ui.header .icon:only-child { display: inline-block; padding: 0em; margin-right: (@iconMargin / 2); vertical-align: baseline; } .ui.header .content { display: inline-block; vertical-align: @contentAlignment; }
/* Positioning */ .ui.header:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } .ui.header:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } .ui.header + p { margin-top: @precedingParagraphMargin; }
/*-------------- Page Heading ---------------*/
h1.ui.header { min-height: 1rem; font-size: @h1; } h2.ui.header { font-size: @h2; } h3.ui.header { font-size: @h3; } h4.ui.header { font-size: @h4; } h5.ui.header { font-size: @h5; }
/*-------------- Content Heading ---------------*/
.ui.tiny.header { font-size: @tiny; } .ui.small.header { font-size: @small; } .ui.medium.header { font-size: @medium; } .ui.large.header { font-size: @large; } .ui.huge.header { min-height: 1em; font-size: @huge; }
/*-------------- Loose Coupling ---------------*/
.ui.header .ui.label { margin: 0em 0em 0em @labelDistance; vertical-align: @labelVerticalAlign; }
/******************************* Types *******************************/
/*------------------- Icon --------------------*/
.ui.icon.header { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } .ui.icon.header .icon { float: none; display: block; font-size: @iconHeaderSize; margin: 0em auto @iconHeaderMargin; opacity: @iconHeaderOpacity; padding: 0em; } .ui.icon.header .content { display: block; } .ui.icon.header .circular.icon { font-size: @circularHeaderIconSize; } .ui.icon.header .square.icon { font-size: @squareHeaderIconSize; } .ui.block.icon.header .icon { margin-bottom: 0em; } .ui.icon.header.aligned { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; }
/******************************* States *******************************/
.ui.disabled.header { opacity: @disabledOpacity; }
/******************************* Variations *******************************/
/*------------------- Colors --------------------*/
.ui.black.header { color: @black !important; } a.ui.black.header:hover { color: @blackHover; }
.ui.blue.header { color: @blue !important; } a.ui.blue.header:hover { color: @blueHover; }
.ui.green.header { color: @green !important; } a.ui.green.header:hover { color: @greenHover; }
.ui.orange.header { color: @orange !important; } a.ui.orange.header:hover { color: @orangeHover; }
.ui.pink.header { color: @pink !important; } a.ui.pink.header:hover { color: @pinkHover; }
.ui.purple.header { color: @purple !important; } a.ui.purple.header:hover { color: @purpleHover; }
.ui.red.header { color: @red !important; } a.ui.red.header:hover { color: @redHover; }
.ui.teal.header { color: @teal !important; } a.ui.teal.header:hover { color: @tealHover; }
.ui.yellow.header { color: @yellow !important; } a.ui.yellow.header:hover { color: @yellowHover; }
.ui.black.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @black; } .ui.blue.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @blue; } .ui.green.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @green; } .ui.orange.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @orange; } .ui.pink.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @pink; } .ui.purple.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @purple; } .ui.red.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @red; } .ui.teal.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @teal; } .ui.yellow.dividing.header { border-bottom: @dividedColoredBorderWidth solid @yellow; }
/*------------------- Inverted --------------------*/
.ui.inverted.header { color: @invertedColor; } .ui.inverted.header .sub.header { color: @invertedSubHeaderColor; } .ui.inverted.attached.header { background: @invertedAttachedBackground; box-shadow: none; } .ui.inverted.block.header { background: @invertedBlockBackground; box-shadow: none; }
/*------------------- Inverted Colors --------------------*/
.ui.inverted.black.header { color: @darkGrey !important; } a.ui.inverted.black.header:hover { color: @darkGreyHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.blue.header { color: @lightBlue !important; } a.ui.inverted.blue.header:hover { color: @lightBlueHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.green.header { color: @lightGreen !important; } a.ui.inverted.green.header:hover { color: @lightGreenHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.orange.header { color: @lightOrange !important; } a.ui.inverted.orange.header:hover { color: @lightOrangeHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.pink.header { color: @lightPink !important; } a.ui.inverted.pink.header:hover { color: @lightPinkHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.purple.header { color: @lightPurple !important; } a.ui.inverted.purple.header:hover { color: @lightPurpleHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.red.header { color: @lightRed !important; } a.ui.inverted.red.header:hover { color: @lightRedHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.teal.header { color: @lightTeal !important; } a.ui.inverted.teal.header:hover { color: @lightTealHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.yellow.header { color: @lightYellow !important; } a.ui.inverted.yellow.header:hover { color: @lightYellowHover !important; }
.ui.inverted.block.header { border-bottom: none; }
/*------------------- Aligned --------------------*/
.ui.left.aligned.header { text-align: left; } .ui.right.aligned.header { text-align: right; } .ui.centered.header, .ui.center.aligned.header { text-align: center; } .ui.justified.header { text-align: justify; } .ui.justified.header:after { display: inline-block; content: ''; width: 100%; }
/*------------------- Floated --------------------*/
.ui.floated.header, .ui.left.floated.header { float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-right: @floatedMargin; } .ui.right.floated.header { float: right; margin-top: 0em; margin-left: @floatedMargin; }
/*------------------- Fittted --------------------*/
.ui.fitted.header { padding: 0em; }
/*------------------- Dividing --------------------*/
.ui.dividing.header { padding-bottom: @dividedBorderPadding; border-bottom: @dividedBorder; } .ui.dividing.header .sub.header { padding-bottom: @dividedSubHeaderPadding; } .ui.dividing.header .icon { margin-bottom: @dividedIconPadding; }
.ui.inverted.dividing.header { border-bottom-color: @invertedDividedBorderColor; }
/*------------------- Block --------------------*/
.ui.block.header { background: @blockBackground; padding: @blockVerticalPadding @blockHorizontalPadding; box-shadow: @blockBoxShadow; border: @blockBorder; border-radius: @blockBorderRadius; }
.ui.tiny.block.header { font-size: @tinyBlock; } .ui.small.block.header { font-size: @smallBlock; } .ui.block.header { font-size: @mediumBlock; } .ui.large.block.header { font-size: @largeBlock; } .ui.huge.block.header { font-size: @hugeBlock; }
/*------------------- Attached --------------------*/
.ui.attached.header { background: @attachedBackground; margin: 0em; padding: @attachedVerticalPadding @attachedHorizontalPadding; box-shadow: @attachedBoxShadow; border: @attachedBorder; margin-left: @attachedOffset; margin-right: @attachedOffset; } .ui.attached:not(.top):not(.bottom) { margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em; border-top: none; border-bottom: none; } .ui.top.attached.header { margin-bottom: 0em; border-bottom: none; border-radius: @attachedBorderRadius @attachedBorderRadius 0em 0em; } .ui.bottom.attached.header { margin-top: 0em; border-top: none; border-radius: 0em 0em @attachedBorderRadius @attachedBorderRadius; }
/* Attached Sizes */ .ui.tiny.attached.header { font-size: @tinyAttached; } .ui.small.attached.header { font-size: @smallAttached; } .ui.attached.header { font-size: @mediumAttached; } .ui.large.attached.header { font-size: @largeAttached; } .ui.huge.attached.header { font-size: @hugeAttached; }
/*------------------- Sizing --------------------*/
.ui.header { font-size: @medium; }