{ "Name": "Semantic Progress", "Description": "Progress bars show the percent of a task complete", "Definition": "Elements", "Types": { "Progress Bar": ".ui.progress > .bar" }, "States": {}, "Variations": { "Attached": [ "top attached", "bottom attached" ], "Color": [ "blue", "black", "green", "red", "blue", "purple", "teal" ], "Striped": [ "striped" ] }, "Definitions": { "Progress Bar": "A standard progress bar", "Active": "A progress bar can show activity", "Successful": "A progress bar can show success", "Warning": "A progress bar can show a warning state", "Failed": "A progress bar can show failure", "Disabled": "A progress bar can be disabled", "Attached": "A progress bar can show progress of an element", "Color": "Can have different colors:", "Striped": "A progress bar can be striped" } }