/* * # Semantic - Sidebar * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/
* * * Copyright 2014 Contributor * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* */
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
"use strict";
$.fn.sidebar = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), $window = $(window), $document = $(document), $html = $('html'), $head = $('head'),
moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '',
time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [],
query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1),
requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); },
returnedValue ;
$allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.sidebar.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.sidebar.settings),
selector = settings.selector, className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, regExp = settings.regExp, error = settings.error,
eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace,
$module = $(this), $context = $(settings.context),
$sidebars = $module.children(selector.sidebar), $pusher = $context.children(selector.pusher), $style,
element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace),
elementNamespace, id, currentScroll, transitionEvent,
module ;
module = {
initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing sidebar', parameters);
transitionEvent = module.get.transitionEvent();
// cache on initialize
if( ( settings.useLegacy == 'auto' && module.is.legacy() ) || settings.useLegacy === true) { settings.transition = 'overlay'; settings.useLegacy = true; }
if(module.is.ios()) { module.set.ios(); }
// avoids locking rendering if initialized in onReady
module.instantiate(); },
instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; },
create: { id: function() { module.verbose('Creating unique id for element'); id = module.get.uniqueID(); elementNamespace = '.' + id; } },
destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module for', $module); module.remove.direction(); $module .off(eventNamespace) .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; // bound by uuid
$context.off(elementNamespace); $window.off(elementNamespace); $document.off(elementNamespace); },
event: { clickaway: function(event) { if( $(event.target).closest(selector.sidebar).length === 0 ) { module.verbose('User clicked on dimmed page'); module.hide(); } }, touch: function(event) { //event.stopPropagation();
}, containScroll: function(event) { if(element.scrollTop <= 0) { element.scrollTop = 1; } if((element.scrollTop + element.offsetHeight) >= element.scrollHeight) { element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight - element.offsetHeight - 1; } }, scroll: function(event) { if( $(event.target).closest(selector.sidebar).length === 0 ) { event.preventDefault(); } } },
bind: { clickaway: function() { module.verbose('Adding clickaway events to context', $context); if(settings.closable) { $context .on('click' + elementNamespace, module.event.clickaway) .on('touchend' + elementNamespace, module.event.clickaway) ; } }, scrollLock: function() { if(settings.scrollLock) { module.debug('Disabling page scroll'); $window .on('DOMMouseScroll' + elementNamespace, module.event.scroll) ; } module.verbose('Adding events to contain sidebar scroll'); $document .on('touchmove' + elementNamespace, module.event.touch) ; $module .on('scroll' + eventNamespace, module.event.containScroll) ; } }, unbind: { clickaway: function() { module.verbose('Removing clickaway events from context', $context); $context.off(elementNamespace); }, scrollLock: function() { module.verbose('Removing scroll lock from page'); $document.off(elementNamespace); $window.off(elementNamespace); $module.off('scroll' + eventNamespace); } },
add: { bodyCSS: function(direction, distance) { var width = $module.outerWidth(), height = $module.outerHeight(), negativeWidth = width * -1, style ; if( module.is.rtl() ){ width *= -1; negativeWidth *= -1; } style = '' + '<style title="' + namespace + '">' + ' .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .fixed,' + ' .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .pusher {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d('+ width + 'px, 0, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d('+ width + 'px, 0, 0);' + ' }' + ' .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .fixed,' + ' .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .pusher {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d('+ negativeWidth + 'px, 0, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d('+ negativeWidth + 'px, 0, 0);' + ' }' + ' .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .fixed,' + ' .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .pusher,' + ' .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .fixed,' + ' .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .pusher {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d(0px, 0, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d(0px, 0, 0);' + ' }' + ' .ui.visible.top.sidebar ~ .fixed,' + ' .ui.visible.top.sidebar ~ .pusher {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, ' + height + 'px, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d(0, ' + height + 'px, 0);' + ' }' + ' .ui.visible.bottom.sidebar ~ .fixed,' + ' .ui.visible.bottom.sidebar ~ .pusher {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -' + height + 'px, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d(0, -' + height + 'px, 0);' + ' }' ;
/* IE is only browser not to create context with transforms */ /* https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16328 */ if( module.is.ie() ) { style += '' + ' .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .pusher:after {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d('+ width + 'px, 0, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d('+ width + 'px, 0, 0);' + ' }' + ' .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .pusher:after {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d('+ negativeWidth + 'px, 0, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d('+ negativeWidth + 'px, 0, 0);' + ' }' + ' .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .pusher:after,' + ' .ui.visible.right.sidebar ~ .ui.visible.left.sidebar ~ .pusher:after {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d(0px, 0, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d(0px, 0, 0);' + ' }' + ' .ui.visible.top.sidebar ~ .pusher:after {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, ' + height + 'px, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d(0, ' + height + 'px, 0);' + ' }' + ' .ui.visible.bottom.sidebar ~ .pusher:after {' + ' -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -' + height + 'px, 0);' + ' transform: translate3d(0, -' + height + 'px, 0);' + ' }' ; }
style += '</style>';
$head.append(style); $style = $('style[title=' + namespace + ']'); module.debug('Adding sizing css to head', $style); } },
refresh: function() { module.verbose('Refreshing selector cache'); $context = $(settings.context); $sidebars = $context.children(selector.sidebar); $pusher = $context.children(selector.pusher); },
refreshSidebars: function() { module.verbose('Refreshing other sidebars'); $sidebars = $context.children(selector.sidebar); },
repaint: function() { module.verbose('Forcing repaint event'); element.style.display='none'; element.offsetHeight; element.scrollTop = element.scrollTop; element.style.display=''; },
setup: { layout: function() { if( $context.children(selector.pusher).length === 0 ) { module.debug('Adding wrapper element for sidebar'); module.error(error.pusher); $pusher = $('<div class="pusher" />'); $context .children() .not(selector.omitted) .not($sidebars) .wrapAll($pusher) ; module.refresh(); } if($module.nextAll(selector.pusher).length === 0 || $module.nextAll(selector.pusher)[0] !== $pusher[0]) { module.debug('Moved sidebar to correct parent element'); module.error(error.movedSidebar, element); $module.detach().prependTo($context); module.refresh(); } module.set.pushable(); module.set.direction(); } },
attachEvents: function(selector, event) { var $toggle = $(selector) ; event = $.isFunction(module[event]) ? module[event] : module.toggle ; if($toggle.length > 0) { module.debug('Attaching sidebar events to element', selector, event); $toggle .on('click' + eventNamespace, event) ; } else { module.error(error.notFound, selector); } },
show: function(callback) { var animateMethod = (settings.useLegacy === true) ? module.legacyPushPage : module.pushPage ; callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if(module.is.hidden()) { module.refreshSidebars(); if(settings.overlay) { module.error(error.overlay); settings.transition = 'overlay'; } module.refresh(); if(module.othersVisible() && module.get.transition() != 'overlay') { module.debug('Other sidebars currently open'); if(settings.exclusive) { module.hideOthers(); } } animateMethod(function() { $.proxy(callback, element)(); $.proxy(settings.onShow, element)(); }); $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)(); $.proxy(settings.onVisible, element)(); } else { module.debug('Sidebar is already visible'); } },
hide: function(callback) { var animateMethod = (settings.useLegacy === true) ? module.legacyPullPage : module.pullPage ; callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if(module.is.visible() || module.is.animating()) { module.debug('Hiding sidebar', callback); module.refreshSidebars(); animateMethod(function() { $.proxy(callback, element)(); $.proxy(settings.onHidden, element)(); }); $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)(); $.proxy(settings.onHide, element)(); } },
othersVisible: function() { return ($sidebars.not($module).filter('.' + className.visible).length > 0); },
hideOthers: function(callback) { var $otherSidebars = $sidebars.not($module).filter('.' + className.visible), callback = callback || function(){}, sidebarCount = $otherSidebars.length, callbackCount = 0 ; $otherSidebars .sidebar('hide', function() { callbackCount++; if(callbackCount == sidebarCount) { callback(); } }) ; },
toggle: function() { module.verbose('Determining toggled direction'); if(module.is.hidden()) { module.show(); } else { module.hide(); } },
pushPage: function(callback) { var transition = module.get.transition(), $transition = (transition == 'safe') ? $context : (transition == 'overlay' || module.othersVisible()) ? $module : $pusher, animate, transitionEnd ; callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if(settings.transition == 'scale down') { module.scrollToTop(); } module.set.transition(); module.repaint(); animate = function() { module.bind.clickaway(); module.add.bodyCSS(); module.set.animating(); module.set.visible(); if(!module.othersVisible()) { if(settings.dimPage) { $pusher.addClass(className.dimmed); } } }; transitionEnd = function(event) { if( event.target == $transition[0] ) { $transition.off(transitionEvent + elementNamespace, transitionEnd); module.remove.animating(); module.bind.scrollLock(); $.proxy(callback, element)(); } }; $transition.off(transitionEvent + elementNamespace); $transition.on(transitionEvent + elementNamespace, transitionEnd); requestAnimationFrame(animate); },
pullPage: function(callback) { var transition = module.get.transition(), $transition = (transition == 'safe') ? $context : (transition == 'overlay' || module.othersVisible()) ? $module : $pusher, animate, transitionEnd ; callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.verbose('Removing context push state', module.get.direction());
module.unbind.clickaway(); module.unbind.scrollLock();
animate = function() { module.set.animating(); module.remove.visible(); if(settings.dimPage && !module.othersVisible()) { $pusher.removeClass(className.dimmed); } }; transitionEnd = function(event) { if( event.target == $transition[0] ) { $transition.off(transitionEvent + elementNamespace, transitionEnd); module.remove.animating(); module.remove.transition(); module.remove.bodyCSS(); if(transition == 'scale down' || (settings.returnScroll && module.is.mobile()) ) { module.scrollBack(); } $.proxy(callback, element)(); } }; $transition.off(transitionEvent + elementNamespace); $transition.on(transitionEvent + elementNamespace, transitionEnd); requestAnimationFrame(animate); },
legacyPushPage: function(callback) { var distance = $module.width(), direction = module.get.direction(), properties = {} ; distance = distance || $module.width(); callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; properties[direction] = distance; module.debug('Using javascript to push context', properties); module.set.visible(); module.set.transition(); module.set.animating(); if(settings.dimPage) { $pusher.addClass(className.dimmed); } $context .css('position', 'relative') .animate(properties, settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { module.remove.animating(); module.bind.clickaway(); $.proxy(callback, module)(); }) ; }, legacyPullPage: function(callback) { var distance = 0, direction = module.get.direction(), properties = {} ; distance = distance || $module.width(); callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; properties[direction] = '0px'; module.debug('Using javascript to pull context', properties); module.unbind.clickaway(); module.set.animating(); module.remove.visible(); if(settings.dimPage && !module.othersVisible()) { $pusher.removeClass(className.dimmed); } $context .css('position', 'relative') .animate(properties, settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { module.remove.animating(); $.proxy(callback, module)(); }) ; },
scrollToTop: function() { module.verbose('Scrolling to top of page to avoid animation issues'); currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop(); $module.scrollTop(0); window.scrollTo(0, 0); },
scrollBack: function() { module.verbose('Scrolling back to original page position'); window.scrollTo(0, currentScroll); },
set: { // html
ios: function() { $html.addClass(className.ios); },
// container
pushed: function() { $context.addClass(className.pushed); }, pushable: function() { $context.addClass(className.pushable); },
// sidebar
active: function() { $module.addClass(className.active); }, animating: function() { $module.addClass(className.animating); }, transition: function(transition) { transition = transition || module.get.transition(); $module.addClass(transition); }, direction: function(direction) { direction = direction || module.get.direction(); $module.addClass(className[direction]); }, visible: function() { $module.addClass(className.visible); }, overlay: function() { $module.addClass(className.overlay); } }, remove: {
bodyCSS: function() { module.debug('Removing body css styles', $style); if($style.length > 0) { $style.remove(); } },
// context
pushed: function() { $context.removeClass(className.pushed); }, pushable: function() { $context.removeClass(className.pushable); },
// sidebar
active: function() { $module.removeClass(className.active); }, animating: function() { $module.removeClass(className.animating); }, transition: function(transition) { transition = transition || module.get.transition(); $module.removeClass(transition); }, direction: function(direction) { direction = direction || module.get.direction(); $module.removeClass(className[direction]); }, visible: function() { $module.removeClass(className.visible); }, overlay: function() { $module.removeClass(className.overlay); } },
get: { direction: function() { if($module.hasClass(className.top)) { return className.top; } else if($module.hasClass(className.right)) { return className.right; } else if($module.hasClass(className.bottom)) { return className.bottom; } return className.left; }, transition: function() { var direction = module.get.direction(), transition ; return ( module.is.mobile() ) ? (settings.mobileTransition == 'auto') ? settings.defaultTransition.mobile[direction] : settings.mobileTransition : (settings.transition == 'auto') ? settings.defaultTransition.computer[direction] : settings.transition ; }, transitionEvent: function() { var element = document.createElement('element'), transitions = { 'transition' :'transitionend', 'OTransition' :'oTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition' :'transitionend', 'WebkitTransition' :'webkitTransitionEnd' }, transition ; for(transition in transitions){ if( element.style[transition] !== undefined ){ return transitions[transition]; } } }, uniqueID: function() { return (Math.random().toString(16) + '000000000').substr(2,8); } },
is: {
ie: function() { var isIE11 = (!(window.ActiveXObject) && 'ActiveXObject' in window), isIE = ('ActiveXObject' in window) ; return (isIE11 || isIE); },
legacy: function() { var element = document.createElement('div'), transforms = { 'webkitTransform' :'-webkit-transform', 'OTransform' :'-o-transform', 'msTransform' :'-ms-transform', 'MozTransform' :'-moz-transform', 'transform' :'transform' }, has3D ;
// Add it to the body to get the computed style.
document.body.insertBefore(element, null); for (var transform in transforms) { if (element.style[transform] !== undefined) { element.style[transform] = "translate3d(1px,1px,1px)"; has3D = window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(transforms[transform]); } } document.body.removeChild(element); return !(has3D !== undefined && has3D.length > 0 && has3D !== 'none'); }, ios: function() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent, isIOS = regExp.ios.test(userAgent) ; if(isIOS) { module.verbose('Browser was found to be iOS', userAgent); return true; } else { return false; } }, mobile: function() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent, isMobile = regExp.mobile.test(userAgent) ; if(isMobile) { module.verbose('Browser was found to be mobile', userAgent); return true; } else { module.verbose('Browser is not mobile, using regular transition', userAgent); return false; } }, hidden: function() { return !module.is.visible(); }, visible: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.visible); }, // alias
open: function() { return module.is.visible(); }, closed: function() { return module.is.hidden(); }, vertical: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.top); }, animating: function() { return $context.hasClass(className.animating); }, rtl: function () { return $module.css('direction') == 'rtl'; } },
setting: function(name, value) { module.debug('Changing setting', name, value); if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Element' : element, 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { module.error(error.method, query); return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } } ;
if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.invoke('destroy'); } module.initialize(); } });
return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; };
$.fn.sidebar.settings = {
name : 'Sidebar', namespace : 'sidebar',
debug : false, verbose : true, performance : true,
transition : 'auto', mobileTransition : 'auto',
defaultTransition : { computer: { left : 'uncover', right : 'uncover', top : 'overlay', bottom : 'overlay' }, mobile: { left : 'uncover', right : 'uncover', top : 'overlay', bottom : 'overlay' } },
context : 'body', exclusive : false, closable : true, dimPage : true, scrollLock : false, returnScroll : false,
useLegacy : 'auto', duration : 500, easing : 'easeInOutQuint',
onChange : function(){}, onShow : function(){}, onHide : function(){},
onHidden : function(){}, onVisible : function(){},
className : { active : 'active', animating : 'animating', dimmed : 'dimmed', ios : 'ios', pushable : 'pushable', pushed : 'pushed', right : 'right', top : 'top', left : 'left', bottom : 'bottom', visible : 'visible' },
selector: { fixed : '.fixed', omitted : 'script, link, style, .ui.modal, .ui.dimmer, .ui.nag, .ui.fixed', pusher : '.pusher', sidebar : '.ui.sidebar' },
regExp: { ios : /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g, mobile : /Mobile|iP(hone|od|ad)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Kindle|NetFront|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Fennec|Minimo|Opera M(obi|ini)|Blazer|Dolfin|Dolphin|Skyfire|Zune/g },
error : { method : 'The method you called is not defined.', pusher : 'Had to add pusher element. For optimal performance make sure body content is inside a pusher element', movedSidebar : 'Had to move sidebar. For optimal performance make sure sidebar and pusher are direct children of your body tag', overlay : 'The overlay setting is no longer supported, use animation: overlay', notFound : 'There were no elements that matched the specified selector' }
// Adds easing
$.extend( $.easing, { easeInOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t*t + b; return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t*t*t + 2) + b; } });
})( jQuery, window , document );