You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
/******************************* Form *******************************/
/*------------------- Elements --------------------*/
/* Text */ @paragraphMargin: 1em 0em;
/* Field */ @fieldMargin: 0em 0em 1em;
/* Form Label */ @labelFontSize: 0.8em; @labelTextTransform: uppercase;
@groupedLabelTextTransform: none;
/* Input */ @inputVerticalPadding: 0.8em; @inputHorizontalPadding: 0.5em; @inputBackground: transparent; @inputBorder: none; @inputBorderRadius: 0em; @inputBoxShadow: none;
@textAreaPadding: 1em; @textAreaBackground: transparent; @textAreaFocusBackground: #EEEEEE; @textAreaBorder: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
/* Divider */ @dividerMargin: 1em 0em;
/* Validation Prompt */ @validationMargin: 0em 0em 0em 1em; @validationArrowOffset: -0.3em;
/*------------------- States --------------------*/
/* Disabled */
/* Focus */ @inputFocusPointerSize: 0px; @inputErrorPointerSize: 0px;
/* Dropdown Error */ @dropdownErrorHoverBackground: #FFF2F2; @dropdownErrorActiveBackground: #FDCFCF;
/* Focused Error */ @inputErrorFocusBackground: @negativeBackgroundColor; @inputErrorFocusColor: @negativeColorHover; @inputErrorFocusBorder: @negativeBorderColor; @inputErrorFocusBoxShadow: @inputErrorPointerSize 0em 0em 0em @negativeColorHover inset;
/* Placeholder */ @inputPlaceholderColor: lighten(@inputColor, 55); @inputPlaceholderFocusColor: lighten(@inputColor, 35); @inputErrorPlaceholderColor: lighten(@formErrorColor, 10); @inputErrorPlaceholderFocusColor: lighten(@formErrorColor, 5);
/* Loading */ @formLoaderDimmerColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); @formLoaderPath: "@{imagePath}/loader-large.gif"; @formLoaderPosition: 50% 50%;
/* (x) Wide Field */ @gutterWidth: 1.5em;