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  1. /*******************************
  2. Install Task
  3. *******************************/
  4. /*
  5. Install tasks
  6. For more notes
  7. * Runs automatically after npm update (hooks)
  8. * (NPM) Install - Will ask for where to put semantic (outside pm folder)
  9. * (NPM) Upgrade - Will look for semantic install, copy over files and update if new version
  10. * Standard installer runs asking for paths to site files etc
  11. */
  12. var
  13. gulp = require('gulp'),
  14. // node dependencies
  15. console = require('better-console'),
  16. extend = require('extend'),
  17. fs = require('fs'),
  18. mkdirp = require('mkdirp'),
  19. path = require('path'),
  20. // gulp dependencies
  21. chmod = require('gulp-chmod'),
  22. del = require('del'),
  23. jsonEditor = require('gulp-json-editor'),
  24. plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
  25. prompt = require('gulp-prompt'),
  26. rename = require('gulp-rename'),
  27. replace = require('gulp-replace'),
  28. requireDotFile = require('require-dot-file'),
  29. wrench = require('wrench'),
  30. // user config
  31. config = require('./config/user'),
  32. // install config
  33. install = require('./config/project/install'),
  34. // release config (name/title/etc)
  35. release = require('./config/project/release'),
  36. // shorthand
  37. questions = install.questions,
  38. files = install.files,
  39. folders = install.folders,
  40. regExp = install.regExp,
  41. settings = install.settings,
  42. source = install.source
  43. ;
  44. // Export install task
  45. module.exports = function () {
  46. var
  47. currentConfig = requireDotFile('semantic.json'),
  48. manager = install.getPackageManager(),
  49. rootQuestions = questions.root
  50. ;
  51. console.clear();
  52. /* use to debug NPM install from standard git clone
  53. manager = {
  54. name : 'NPM',
  55. root : path.normalize(__dirname + '/../')
  56. };
  57. */
  58. /*--------------
  59. PM Config
  60. ---------------*/
  61. /* Don't do end user config if SUI is a sub-module */
  62. if( install.isSubModule() ) {
  63.'SUI is a sub-module, skipping end-user install');
  64. return;
  65. }
  66. // run update scripts if semantic.json exists
  67. if(currentConfig && === 'NPM') {
  68. var
  69. updateFolder = path.join(manager.root, currentConfig.base),
  70. updatePaths = {
  71. config : path.join(manager.root, files.config),
  72. tasks : path.join(updateFolder, folders.tasks),
  73. definition : path.join(currentConfig.paths.source.definitions),
  74. site : path.join(,
  75. theme : path.join(currentConfig.paths.source.themes)
  76. }
  77. ;
  78. // duck-type if there is a project installed
  79. if( fs.existsSync(updatePaths.definition) ) {
  80. // perform update if new version
  81. if(currentConfig.version !== release.version) {
  82. console.log('Updating Semantic UI from ' + currentConfig.version + ' to ' + release.version);
  83.'Updating ui definitions...');
  84. wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.definitions, updatePaths.definition, settings.wrench.update);
  85.'Updating default theme...');
  86. wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.themes, updatePaths.theme, settings.wrench.update);
  87.'Updating tasks...');
  88. wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.tasks, updatePaths.tasks, settings.wrench.update);
  89.'Updating gulpfile.js');
  90. gulp.src(source.userGulpFile)
  91. .pipe(plumber())
  92. .pipe(gulp.dest(updateFolder))
  93. ;
  94.'Adding new site theme files...');
  95. wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(,,;
  96.'Updating version...');
  97.'Updating complete, run "gulp build" to rebuild dist files...');
  98. // update version number in semantic.json
  99. gulp.src(updatePaths.config)
  100. .pipe(plumber())
  101. .pipe(rename(settings.rename.json)) // preserve file extension
  102. .pipe(jsonEditor({
  103. version: release.version
  104. }))
  105. .pipe(gulp.dest(manager.root))
  106. ;
  107. return;
  108. }
  109. else {
  110. console.log(release);
  111. console.log(requireDotFile('package.json'));
  112. console.log('Current version of Semantic UI already installed, skipping set-up');
  113. return;
  114. }
  115. }
  116. else {
  117. console.error('Cannot locate files to update at path: ', updatePaths.definition);
  118. return;
  119. }
  120. }
  121. /*--------------
  122. Determine Root
  123. ---------------*/
  124. // PM that supports Build Tools (NPM Only Now)
  125. if( == 'NPM') {
  126. rootQuestions[0].message = rootQuestions[0].message
  127. .replace('{packageMessage}', 'We detected you are using \033[92m' + + '\033[0m. Nice! ')
  128. .replace('{root}', manager.root)
  129. ;
  130. // set default path to detected PM root
  131. rootQuestions[0].default = manager.root;
  132. rootQuestions[1].default = manager.root;
  133. // insert PM questions after "Install Type" question
  134. Array.prototype.splice.apply(questions.setup, [2, 0].concat(rootQuestions));
  135. // omit cleanup questions for managed install
  136. questions.cleanup = [];
  137. }
  138. /*--------------
  139. Set-up
  140. ---------------*/
  141. return gulp
  142. .src('gulpfile.js')
  143. .pipe(prompt.prompt(questions.setup, function(answers) {
  144. /*--------------
  145. Exit Conditions
  146. ---------------*/
  147. // if config exists and user specifies not to proceed
  148. if(answers.overwrite !== undefined && answers.overwrite == 'no') {
  149. return;
  150. }
  151. console.clear();
  152. console.log('Installing');
  153. console.log('------------------------------');
  154. /*--------------
  155. Paths
  156. ---------------*/
  157. var
  158. installPaths = {
  159. config : files.config,
  160. configFolder : folders.config,
  161. site : ||,
  162. themeConfig : files.themeConfig,
  163. themeConfigFolder : folders.themeConfig
  164. },
  165. installFolder = false
  166. ;
  167. /*--------------
  168. PM Install
  169. ---------------*/
  170. // Check if PM install
  171. if(answers.useRoot || answers.customRoot) {
  172. // Set root to custom root path if set
  173. if(answers.customRoot) {
  174. manager.root = answers.customRoot;
  175. }
  176. // special install paths only for PM install
  177. installPaths = extend(false, {}, installPaths, {
  178. definition : folders.definitions,
  179. theme : folders.themes,
  180. modules : folders.modules,
  181. tasks : folders.tasks,
  182. themeImport : folders.themeImport
  183. });
  184. // add project root to semantic root
  185. installFolder = path.join(manager.root, answers.semanticRoot);
  186. // add install folder to all output paths
  187. for(var destination in installPaths) {
  188. if(installPaths.hasOwnProperty(destination)) {
  189. if(destination == 'config' || destination == 'configFolder') {
  190. // semantic config goes in project root
  191. installPaths[destination] = path.normalize( path.join(manager.root, installPaths[destination]) );
  192. }
  193. else {
  194. // all other paths go in semantic root
  195. installPaths[destination] = path.normalize( path.join(installFolder, installPaths[destination]) );
  196. }
  197. }
  198. }
  199. // create project folders
  200. try {
  201. mkdirp.sync(installFolder);
  202. mkdirp.sync(installPaths.definition);
  203. mkdirp.sync(installPaths.theme);
  204. mkdirp.sync(installPaths.modules);
  205. mkdirp.sync(installPaths.tasks);
  206. }
  207. catch(error) {
  208. console.error('NPM does not have permissions to create folders at your specified path. Adjust your folders permissions and run "npm install" again');
  209. }
  210. // copy gulp node_modules
  211.'Copying definitions to ', installPaths.definition);
  212. wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.definitions, installPaths.definition, settings.wrench.install);
  213. wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.themes, installPaths.theme, settings.wrench.install);
  214.'Copying build tools', installPaths.tasks);
  215. wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.tasks, installPaths.tasks, settings.wrench.install);
  216. // copy theme import
  217.'Adding theme import file');
  218. gulp.src(source.themeImport)
  219. .pipe(plumber())
  220. .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.themeImport))
  221. ;
  222. // create gulp file
  223.'Creating gulpfile.js');
  224. gulp.src(source.userGulpFile)
  225. .pipe(plumber())
  226. .pipe(gulp.dest(installFolder))
  227. ;
  228. }
  229. /*--------------
  230. Site Theme
  231. ---------------*/
  232. // Copy _site templates folder to destination
  233. if( fs.existsSync( ) {
  234.'Site folder exists, merging files (no overwrite)',;
  235. }
  236. else {
  237.'Creating site theme folder',;
  238. }
  239. wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(,,;
  240. /*--------------
  241. Theme Config
  242. ---------------*/
  243. var
  244. // determine path to site theme folder from theme config
  245. // force CSS path variable to use forward slashes for paths
  246. pathToSite = path.relative(path.resolve(installPaths.themeConfigFolder), path.resolve(\\/g,'/'),
  247. siteVariable = "@siteFolder : '" + pathToSite + "/';"
  248. ;
  249. // rewrite site variable in theme.less
  250.'Adjusting @siteFolder to: ', pathToSite + '/');
  251. if(fs.existsSync(installPaths.themeConfig)) {
  252.'Modifying src/theme.config (LESS config)', installPaths.themeConfig);
  253. gulp.src(installPaths.themeConfig)
  254. .pipe(plumber())
  255. .pipe(replace(regExp.siteVariable, siteVariable))
  256. .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.themeConfigFolder))
  257. ;
  258. }
  259. else {
  260.'Creating src/theme.config (LESS config)', installPaths.themeConfig);
  261. gulp.src(source.themeConfig)
  262. .pipe(plumber())
  263. .pipe(rename({ extname : '' }))
  264. .pipe(replace(regExp.siteVariable, siteVariable))
  265. .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.themeConfigFolder))
  266. ;
  267. }
  268. /*--------------
  269. Semantic.json
  270. ---------------*/
  271. var
  272. jsonConfig = install.createJSON(answers)
  273. ;
  274. // adjust variables in theme.less
  275. if( fs.existsSync(files.config) ) {
  276.'Extending config file (semantic.json)', installPaths.config);
  277. gulp.src(installPaths.config)
  278. .pipe(plumber())
  279. .pipe(rename(settings.rename.json)) // preserve file extension
  280. .pipe(jsonEditor(jsonConfig))
  281. .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.configFolder))
  282. ;
  283. }
  284. else {
  285.'Creating config file (semantic.json)', installPaths.config);
  286. gulp.src(source.config)
  287. .pipe(plumber())
  288. .pipe(rename({ extname : '' })) // remove .template from ext
  289. .pipe(jsonEditor(jsonConfig))
  290. .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.configFolder))
  291. ;
  292. }
  293. console.log('');
  294. console.log('');
  295. }))
  296. .pipe(prompt.prompt(questions.cleanup, function(answers) {
  297. if(answers.cleanup == 'yes') {
  298. del(install.setupFiles);
  299. }
  300. if( == 'yes') {
  301. gulp.start('build');
  302. }
  303. }))
  304. ;
  305. };