// namespace
window.semantic = { handler: {} };
// ready event
semantic.ready = function() {
// selector cache
var $ui = $('.ui').not('.hover, .down'), $swap = $('.theme.menu .item'), $menu = $('.sidebar.button'), $sortTable = $('.sortable.table'), $demo = $('.demo'), $waypoints = $('h2'),
$example = $('.example'),
$peek = $('.peek'), $peekMenu = $peek.find('.item'), $code = $('div.code'),
// alias
handler ;
// event handlers
handler = {
createIcon: function() { $example .each(function(){ $('<i/>') .addClass('icon code') .prependTo( $(this) ) ; }) ; },
createCode: function() { var $example = $(this).closest('.example'), $shape = $example.find('.shape.module'), $demo = $example.children().slice(3).not('.annotated, .ignore'), $annotated = $example.find('.annotated'), $code = $annotated.find('.code'), whiteSpace = new RegExp('\\n\\s{4}', 'g'), code = '' ; // if ui has wrapper use that
if($demo.filter('.ui').size() === 0) { $demo = $example.children().eq(3).children(); } // add source if doesnt exist and initialize
if($annotated.size() === 0) { $annotated = $('<div/>') .addClass('annotated') .appendTo($example) ; } if( $code.size() === 0) { $demo .each(function(){ if($(this).hasClass('ui')) { code += $(this).get(0).outerHTML + "\n"; } }) ; code = $.trim(code.replace(whiteSpace, '\n')); $code = $('<div/>') .data('type', 'html') .addClass('code') .text(code) .appendTo($annotated) ; $.proxy(handler.initializeCode, $code)(); } if( $demo.first().is(':visible') ) { $demo.hide(); $annotated.fadeIn(500); } else { $annotated.hide(); if($demo.size() > 1) { $demo.show(); } else { $demo.fadeIn(500); } } },
initializeCode: function() { var $code = $(this), contentType = $code.data('type') || 'javascript', editor = ace.edit($code[0]), editorSession = editor.getSession(), padding = -1, codeHeight = editor.getSession().getScreenLength() * (editor.renderer.lineHeight) + editor.renderer.scrollBar.getWidth() + padding ; editor.setTheme('ace/theme/github'); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.setReadOnly(true); //editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false);
editorSession.setMode('ace/mode/'+ contentType); editorSession.setTabSize(2); editorSession.setUseSoftTabs(true);
$(this).height(codeHeight + 'px'); editor.resize();
movePeek: function() { if( $('.stuck .peek').size() > 0 ) { $('.peek') .toggleClass('pushed') ; } else { $('.peek') .removeClass('pushed') ; } },
peek: function() { $('html, body') .stop() .animate({ scrollTop: $waypoints.eq( $peekMenu.index( $(this) ) ).offset().top - 90 }, 500, function(){ $(this).addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); }) ; $('html') .one('scroll', function() { $('html,body').stop(); }) ; }, swapStyle: function() { var theme = $(this).data('theme') ; $(this) .addClass('active') .siblings() .removeClass('active') ; $('head link.ui') .each(function() { var href = $(this).attr('href'), subDirectory = href.split('/')[3], newLink = href.replace(subDirectory, theme) ; console.log(theme, newLink); $(this) .attr('href', newLink) ; }) ; } };
// attach events
$ui .state() ; if($.fn.tablesort !== undefined) { $sortTable .tablesort() ; }
$waypoints .waypoint({ continuous : false, offset : 215, handler : function(direction) { var index = (direction == 'down') ? $waypoints.index(this) : ($waypoints.index(this) - 1 >= 0) ? ($waypoints.index(this) - 1) : 0 ; $peekMenu .removeClass('active') .eq( index ) .addClass('active') ; } }) ;
if(window.ace !== undefined) { $code .each(handler.initializeCode) ; }
handler.createIcon(); $example .find('i.code') .on('click', handler.createCode) ;
$swap .on('click', handler.swapStyle) ;
$menu .sidr({ name: 'menu' }) .on('click', handler.movePeek) ;
$peek .waypoint('sticky', { offset: 80, stuckClass: 'stuck' }) ; $peekMenu .state() .on('click', handler.peek) ;
// attach ready event
$(document) .ready(semantic.ready) ;