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  18. <div class="borderless item"><b>The Cat Foundation</b></div>
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  30. Learn more about your Cat
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  32. <p>An introduction to living with cats. The most interesting species on earth!</p>
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  34. <div class="visible content">Seminar November 15th</div>
  35. <div class="hidden content">Buy Tickets</div>
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  48. <p>Get you and your team up and running with our online training courses. We think they’re pretty awesome.</p>
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  54. Library
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  56. <p>Dig through our cat library to found out amazing things you can do with your kitty.
  57. <p><a class="ui right labeled icon button" href="#">Cat library<i class="right icon"></i></a></p>
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  62. Community
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  64. <p>Get feedback on your cat from a community of loving pet owners on our online bulletin board system.</p>
  65. <p><a class="ui right labeled icon button" href="#">BBS<i class="right icon"></i></a></p>
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  70. <h4 class="ui top attached header">Things Cats Like</h4>
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  74. <div class="header">Yarn</div>
  75. <div class="description">This one is a bit self explanatory, you've seen cartoons right?</div>
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  78. <div class="header">Other Cats</div>
  79. <div class="description">Cats are social creatures, right? I'm pretty sure. At least I think i saw cats play together once before.</div>
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  82. <div class="header">Cat Food</div>
  83. <div class="description">A cats got to eat. Some cats eat more than others. Everybody loves a good fat cat.</div>
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  93. Cat Tips Right In Your Inbox
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  99. <h2 class="ui header">How to Win Your Cats Attention</h2>
  100. <p>Getting your cat to notice you is a large part of being a pet owner. Although I have a lot of patience for writing things about cats, perhaps this might be enough body copy to make this section of text look filled out.</p>
  101. <p>This and other tips can be found in our newsletter, amazing right?</p>
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