semantic.validateForm = {};
// ready event
semantic.validateForm.ready = function() {
// selector cache
var $dogForm = $('.dog.example .ui.form'), $dropdownForm = $('.dropdown.example .ui.form'), $inlineForm = $('.inline.example .ui.form'), $form = $('.ui.form').not($dogForm).not($inlineForm).not($dropdownForm), $checkbox = $('.ui.checkbox'), // alias
handler ;
// event handlers
handler = {
}; $checkbox .checkbox() ;
$.fn.form.settings.defaults = { firstName: { identifier : 'first-name', rules: [ { type : 'empty', prompt : 'Please enter your first name' } ] }, lastName: { identifier : 'last-name', rules: [ { type : 'empty', prompt : 'Please enter your last name' } ] }, username: { identifier : 'username', rules: [ { type : 'empty', prompt : 'Please enter a username' } ] }, email: { identifier : 'email', rules: [ { type : 'empty', prompt : 'Please enter your email' }, { type : 'email', prompt : 'Please enter a valid email' } ] }, password: { identifier : 'password', rules: [ { type : 'empty', prompt : 'Please enter a password' }, { type : 'length[6]', prompt : 'Your password must be at least 6 characters' } ] }, passwordConfirm: { identifier : 'password-confirm', rules: [ { type : 'empty', prompt : 'Please confirm your password' }, { identifier : 'password-confirm', type : 'match[password]', prompt : 'Please verify password matches' } ] }, terms: { identifier : 'terms', rules: [ { type : 'checked', prompt : 'You must agree to the terms and conditions' } ] } };
$inlineForm .form({}, { inline : true, on: 'blur' }) ;
$dropdownForm .form({ gender: { identifier : 'gender', rules: [ { type : 'empty', prompt : 'Please enter a gender' } ] }, name: { identifier : 'name', rules: [ { type : 'empty', prompt : 'Please enter your name' } ] }, }) .find('.dropdown') .dropdown() ;
$dogForm .form({ dog: { identifier: 'dog', rules: [ { type: 'empty', prompt: 'You must have a dog to add' }, { type: 'contains[fluffy]', prompt: 'I only want you to add fluffy dogs!' }, { type: 'not[mean]', prompt: 'Why would you add a mean dog to the list?' } ] } }) ;
$form .form() ;
// attach ready event
$(document) .ready(semantic.validateForm.ready) ;