You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

421 lines
12 KiB

10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. /*******************************
  2. Global Variables
  3. *******************************/
  4. /*-------------------
  5. Paths
  6. --------------------*/
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  9. /*-------------------
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  11. --------------------*/
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  24. --------------------*/
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  72. Icons
  73. --------------------*/
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  76. /*-------------------
  77. Easing
  78. --------------------*/
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  81. BG Colors
  82. *******************************/
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  89. /*******************************
  90. Colors
  91. *******************************/
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  112. /*--- Neutrals ---*/
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  142. /*-------------------
  143. Emotive Colors
  144. --------------------*/
  145. /* Positive / Negative */
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  168. Text Colors
  169. --------------------*/
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  181. Brand Colors
  182. --------------------*/
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  192. Borders
  193. --------------------*/
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  201. Sizes
  202. --------------------*/
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  212. Transitions
  213. --------------------*/
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  216. /*******************************
  217. States
  218. *******************************/
  219. /*-------------------
  220. Disabled
  221. --------------------*/
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  223. /*-------------------
  224. Hover
  225. --------------------*/
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  235. @redHover : lighten( @red, 5);
  236. @tealHover : lighten( @teal, 5);
  237. @yellowHover : lighten( @yellow, 5);
  238. /*--- Emotive ---*/
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  240. @negativeColorHover : lighten( @negativeColor, 5);
  241. /*--- Neutrals ---*/
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  243. @blackHover : lighten( @black, 5);
  244. @lightBlackHover : lighten( @lightBlack, 5);
  245. @lightGreyHover : lighten( @lightGrey, 5);
  246. @greyHover : lighten( @grey, 5);
  247. @darkGreyHover : lighten( @darkGrey, 5);
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  258. @vkHoverColor : lighten( @vkColor, 5);
  259. /*-------------------
  260. Down (:active)
  261. --------------------*/
  262. /*--- Colors ---*/
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  264. @secondaryColorDown : darken(@secondaryColor, 7);
  265. @tertiaryColorDown : darken(@tertiaryColor, 7);
  266. @blueDown : darken(@blue, 7);
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  268. @orangeDown : darken(@orange, 7);
  269. @pinkDown : darken(@pink, 7);
  270. @purpleDown : darken(@purple, 7);
  271. @redDown : darken(@red, 7);
  272. @tealDown : darken(@teal, 7);
  273. @yellowDown : darken(@yellow, 7);
  274. /*--- Emotive ---*/
  275. @positiveColorDown : darken(@positiveColor, 7);
  276. @negativeColorDown : darken(@negativeColor, 7);
  277. /*--- Neutrals ---*/
  278. @darkBlackDown : darken(@darkBlack, 7);
  279. @blackDown : darken(@black, 7);
  280. @lightBlackDown : darken(@lightBlack, 7);
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  282. @greyDown : darken(@grey, 7);
  283. @darkGreyDown : darken(@darkGrey, 7);
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  285. @offWhiteDown : darken(@offWhite, 7);
  286. @darkWhiteDown : darken(@darkWhite, 7);
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  288. @twitterDownColor : darken(@twitterColor, 7);
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  293. @pinterestDownColor : darken(@pinterestColor, 7);
  294. @vkDownColor : darken(@vkColor, 7);
  295. /*-------------------
  296. Active
  297. --------------------*/
  298. /*--- Standard ---*/
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  300. @secondaryColorActive : darken(@secondaryColor, 5);
  301. @tertiaryColorActive : darken(@tertiaryColor, 5);
  302. @blueActive : darken(@blue, 5);
  303. @greenActive : darken(@green, 5);
  304. @orangeActive : darken(@orange, 5);
  305. @pinkActive : darken(@pink, 5);
  306. @purpleActive : darken(@purple, 5);
  307. @redActive : darken(@red, 5);
  308. @tealActive : darken(@teal, 5);
  309. @yellowActive : darken(@yellow, 5);
  310. /*--- Emotive ---*/
  311. @positiveColorActive : darken(@positiveColor, 5);
  312. @negativeColorActive : darken(@negativeColor, 5);
  313. /*--- Neutrals ---*/
  314. @darkBlackActive : darken(@darkBlack, 5);
  315. @blackActive : darken(@black, 5);
  316. @lightBlackActive : darken(@lightBlack, 5);
  317. @lightGreyActive : darken(@lightGrey, 5);
  318. @greyActive : darken(@grey, 5);
  319. @darkGreyActive : darken(@darkGrey, 5);
  320. @whiteActive : darken(@white, 5);
  321. @offWhiteActive : darken(@offWhite, 5);
  322. @darkWhiteActive : darken(@darkWhite, 5);
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  324. @twitterActiveColor : darken(@twitterColor, 5);
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  328. @instagramActiveColor : darken(@instagramColor, 5);
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  330. @vkActiveColor : darken(@vkColor, 5);