You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. /*******************************
  2. Nag
  3. *******************************/
  4. /*--------------
  5. Collection
  6. ---------------*/
  7. @position: relative;
  8. @width: 100%;
  9. @zIndex: 101;
  10. @margin: 0em;
  11. @background: #555555;
  12. @opacity: 0.95;
  13. @minHeight: 0em;
  14. @padding: 0.5em 1em;
  15. @lineHeight: 1em;
  16. @boxShadow: 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  17. @fontSize: 1rem;
  18. @textAlign: center;
  19. @color: @textColor;
  20. @transition: 0.2s background ease;
  21. /*--------------
  22. Elements
  23. ---------------*/
  24. /* Title */
  25. @titleColor: @white;
  26. @titleMargin: 0em 0.5em;
  27. @closeSize: 1em;
  28. @closeMargin: (-@closeSize / 2) 0em 0em;
  29. @closeTop: 50%;
  30. @closeRight: 1em;
  31. @closeColor: @white;
  32. @closeTransition: opacity 0.2s ease;
  33. @closeOpacity: 0.4;
  34. /*--------------
  35. States
  36. ---------------*/
  37. /* Hover */
  38. @nagHoverBackground: @background;
  39. @nagHoverOpacity: 1;
  40. @closeHoverOpacity: 1;
  41. /*--------------
  42. Variations
  43. ---------------*/
  44. /* Top / Bottom */
  45. @top: 0em;
  46. @bottom: 0em;
  47. @borderRadius: 0.25em;
  48. @topBorderRadius: 0em 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius;
  49. @bottomBorderRadius: @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em 0em;
  50. /* Inverted */
  51. @invertedBackground: @darkWhite;
  52. /*--------------
  53. Plural
  54. ---------------*/
  55. @groupedBorderRadius: 0em;