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  1. /*
  2. * # Semantic - Sidebar
  3. *
  4. *
  5. *
  6. * Copyright 2014 Contributor
  7. * Released under the MIT license
  8. *
  9. *
  10. */
  11. ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
  12. "use strict";
  13. $.fn.sidebar = function(parameters) {
  14. var
  15. $allModules = $(this),
  16. $head = $('head'),
  17. moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '',
  18. time = new Date().getTime(),
  19. performance = [],
  20. query = arguments[0],
  21. methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'),
  22. queryArguments = [], 1),
  23. requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame
  24. || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame
  25. || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
  26. || window.msRequestAnimationFrame
  27. || function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); },
  28. returnedValue
  29. ;
  30. $allModules
  31. .each(function() {
  32. var
  33. settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) )
  34. ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.sidebar.settings, parameters)
  35. : $.extend({}, $.fn.sidebar.settings),
  36. selector = settings.selector,
  37. className = settings.className,
  38. namespace = settings.namespace,
  39. error = settings.error,
  40. eventNamespace = '.' + namespace,
  41. moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace,
  42. $module = $(this),
  43. $context = $(settings.context),
  44. $style = $('style[title=' + namespace + ']'),
  45. $sidebars = $context.children(selector.sidebar),
  46. $pusher = $context.children(selector.pusher),
  47. $page = $pusher.children(,
  48. $fixed = $pusher.find(selector.fixed),
  49. element = this,
  50. instance = $,
  51. currentScroll,
  52. transitionEnd,
  53. module
  54. ;
  55. module = {
  56. initialize: function() {
  57. module.debug('Initializing sidebar', $module);
  58. transitionEnd = module.get.transitionEvent();
  59. module.setup.context();
  60. // avoid locking rendering to change layout if included in onReady
  61. requestAnimationFrame(module.setup.layout);
  62. module.instantiate();
  63. },
  64. instantiate: function() {
  65. module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module);
  66. instance = module;
  67. $module
  68. .data(moduleNamespace, module)
  69. ;
  70. },
  71. destroy: function() {
  72. module.verbose('Destroying previous module for', $module);
  73. $module
  74. .off(eventNamespace)
  75. .removeData(moduleNamespace)
  76. ;
  77. },
  78. event: {
  79. clickaway: function(event) {
  80. if( $module.find( === 0 && $($module).size() === 0 ) {
  81. module.verbose('User clicked on dimmed page');
  82. module.hide();
  83. }
  84. },
  85. scroll: function(event) {
  86. if( $module.find( === 0 && $($module).size() === 0 ) {
  87. event.preventDefault();
  88. }
  89. }
  90. },
  91. bind: {
  92. clickaway: function() {
  93. if(settings.scrollLock) {
  94. $(window)
  95. .on('DOMMouseScroll' + eventNamespace, module.event.scroll)
  96. ;
  97. }
  98. $context
  99. .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.clickaway)
  100. .on('touchend' + eventNamespace, module.event.clickaway)
  101. ;
  102. }
  103. },
  104. unbind: {
  105. clickaway: function() {
  106. $context
  107. .off(eventNamespace)
  108. ;
  109. if(settings.scrollLock) {
  110. $(window).off('DOMMouseScroll' + eventNamespace);
  111. }
  112. }
  113. },
  114. refresh: function() {
  115. module.verbose('Refreshing selector cache');
  116. $context = $(settings.context);
  117. $style = $('style[title=' + namespace + ']');
  118. $sidebars = $context.children(selector.sidebar);
  119. $pusher = $context.children(selector.pusher);
  120. $page = $pusher.children(;
  121. $fixed = $pusher.find(selector.fixed);
  122. },
  123. repaint: function() {
  124. module.verbose('Forcing repaint event');
  125. var fakeAssignment = $context[0].offsetWidth;
  126. },
  127. setup: {
  128. layout: function() {
  129. if( $context.find(selector.pusher).size() === 0 ) {
  130. module.debug('Adding wrapper element for sidebar');
  131. $pusher = $('<div class="pusher" />');
  132. $page = $('<div class="page" />');
  133. $pusher.append($page);
  134. $context
  135. .children()
  136. .not(selector.omitted)
  137. .not($sidebars)
  138. .wrapAll($pusher)
  139. ;
  140. }
  141. if($module.prevAll($page)[0] !== $page[0]) {
  142. module.debug('Moved sidebar to correct parent element');
  143. $module.detach().prependTo($context);
  144. }
  145. module.refresh();
  146. },
  147. context: function() {
  148. module.verbose('Adding pusshable class to wrapper');
  149. $context.addClass(className.pushable);
  150. }
  151. },
  152. attachEvents: function(selector, event) {
  153. var
  154. $toggle = $(selector)
  155. ;
  156. event = $.isFunction(module[event])
  157. ? module[event]
  158. : module.toggle
  159. ;
  160. if($toggle.size() > 0) {
  161. module.debug('Attaching sidebar events to element', selector, event);
  162. $toggle
  163. .off(eventNamespace)
  164. .on('click' + eventNamespace, event)
  165. ;
  166. }
  167. else {
  168. module.error(error.notFound);
  169. }
  170. },
  171. show: function(callback) {
  172. callback = $.isFunction(callback)
  173. ? callback
  174. : function(){}
  175. ;
  176. module.debug('Showing sidebar', callback);
  177. if( {
  178. if(settings.overlay) {
  179. settings.transition = 'overlay';
  180. }
  181. if(settings.transition !== 'overlay') {
  182. module.hideAll();
  183. }
  184. module.pushPage(function() {
  186. $.proxy(callback, element)();
  187. $.proxy(settings.onShow, element)();
  188. });
  189. $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)();
  190. $.proxy(settings.onVisible, element)();
  191. }
  192. else {
  193. module.debug('Sidebar is already visible');
  194. }
  195. },
  196. hide: function(callback) {
  197. callback = $.isFunction(callback)
  198. ? callback
  199. : function(){}
  200. ;
  201. module.debug('Hiding sidebar', callback);
  202. if( {
  203. module.pullPage(function() {
  204. $.proxy(callback, element)();
  205. $.proxy(settings.onHidden, element)();
  206. });
  207. $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)();
  208. $.proxy(settings.onHide, element)();
  209. }
  210. },
  211. hideAll: function() {
  212. var
  213. $visibleSidebars = $sidebars.find('.' + className.visible)
  214. ;
  215. $visibleSidebars
  216. .sidebar('hide')
  217. ;
  218. },
  219. toggle: function() {
  220. module.verbose('Determining toggled direction');
  221. if( {
  223. }
  224. else {
  225. module.hide();
  226. }
  227. },
  228. pushPage: function(callback) {
  229. var
  230. $transition = (settings.transition == 'safe')
  231. ? $context
  232. : (settings.transition == 'overlay')
  233. ? $module
  234. : $pusher,
  235. transition
  236. ;
  237. callback = $.isFunction(callback)
  238. ? callback
  239. : function(){}
  240. ;
  241. transition = function() {
  242. module.set.visible();
  243. module.set.transition();
  244. module.set.direction();
  245. requestAnimationFrame(function() {
  246. module.set.inward();
  247. module.set.pushed();
  248. });
  249. };
  250. $transition
  251. .on(transitionEnd, function(event) {
  252. if( == $transition[0] ) {
  253. $;
  254. module.remove.inward();
  255. module.bind.clickaway();
  256. $.proxy(callback, element)();
  257. }
  258. })
  259. ;
  260. module.verbose('Adding context push state', $context);
  261. if(settings.transition === 'overlay') {
  262. requestAnimationFrame(transition);
  263. }
  264. else {
  265. if( {
  266. $module.scrollTop(0);
  267. currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop();
  268. window.scrollTo(0, 0);
  269. }
  270. module.remove.allVisible();
  271. requestAnimationFrame(transition);
  272. }
  273. },
  274. pullPage: function(callback) {
  275. var
  276. $transition = (settings.transition == 'safe')
  277. ? $context
  278. : (settings.transition == 'overlay')
  279. ? $module
  280. : $pusher
  281. ;
  282. callback = $.isFunction(callback)
  283. ? callback
  284. : function(){}
  285. ;
  286. module.verbose('Removing context push state', module.get.direction());
  287. module.unbind.clickaway();
  288. $transition
  289. .on(transitionEnd, function(event) {
  290. if( == $transition[0] ) {
  291. $;
  292. module.remove.transition();
  293. module.remove.direction();
  294. module.remove.outward();
  295. module.remove.visible();
  296. if( && settings.returnScroll) {
  297. window.scrollTo(0, currentScroll);
  298. }
  299. $.proxy(callback, element)();
  300. }
  301. })
  302. ;
  303. requestAnimationFrame(function() {
  304. module.set.outward();
  306. module.remove.pushed();
  307. });
  308. },
  309. set: {
  310. active: function() {
  311. $context.addClass(;
  312. },
  313. direction: function(direction) {
  314. direction = direction || module.get.direction();
  315. $context.addClass(className[direction]);
  316. },
  317. visible: function() {
  318. $module.addClass(className.visible);
  319. },
  320. transition: function(transition) {
  321. transition = transition || ( )
  322. ? settings.mobileTransition
  323. : settings.transition
  324. ;
  325. $context.addClass(transition);
  326. },
  327. inward: function() {
  328. $context.addClass(className.inward);
  329. },
  330. outward: function() {
  331. $context.addClass(className.outward);
  332. },
  333. pushed: function() {
  334. $context.addClass(className.pushed);
  335. }
  336. },
  337. remove: {
  338. active: function() {
  339. $context.removeClass(;
  340. },
  341. visible: function() {
  342. $module.removeClass(className.visible);
  343. },
  344. allVisible: function() {
  345. if($sidebars.hasClass(className.visible)) {
  346. module.debug('Other sidebars visible, hiding');
  347. $sidebars.removeClass(className.visible);
  348. }
  349. },
  350. transition: function(transition) {
  351. transition = transition || ( )
  352. ? settings.mobileTransition
  353. : settings.transition
  354. ;
  355. $context.removeClass(transition);
  356. },
  357. pushed: function() {
  358. $context.removeClass(className.pushed);
  359. },
  360. inward: function() {
  361. $context.removeClass(className.inward);
  362. },
  363. outward: function() {
  364. $context.removeClass(className.outward);
  365. },
  366. direction: function(direction) {
  367. direction = direction || module.get.direction();
  368. $context.removeClass(className[direction]);
  369. }
  370. },
  371. get: {
  372. direction: function() {
  373. if($module.hasClass( {
  374. return;
  375. }
  376. else if($module.hasClass(className.right)) {
  377. return className.right;
  378. }
  379. else if($module.hasClass(className.bottom)) {
  380. return className.bottom;
  381. }
  382. else {
  383. return className.left;
  384. }
  385. },
  386. transitionEvent: function() {
  387. var
  388. element = document.createElement('element'),
  389. transitions = {
  390. 'transition' :'transitionend',
  391. 'OTransition' :'oTransitionEnd',
  392. 'MozTransition' :'transitionend',
  393. 'WebkitTransition' :'webkitTransitionEnd'
  394. },
  395. transition
  396. ;
  397. for(transition in transitions){
  398. if([transition] !== undefined ){
  399. return transitions[transition];
  400. }
  401. }
  402. }
  403. },
  404. is: {
  405. mobile: function() {
  406. var
  407. userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
  408. mobileRegExp = /Mobile|iP(hone|od|ad)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Kindle|NetFront|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Fennec|Minimo|Opera M(obi|ini)|Blazer|Dolfin|Dolphin|Skyfire|Zune/,
  409. isMobile = mobileRegExp.test(userAgent)
  410. ;
  411. if(isMobile) {
  412. module.verbose('Browser was found to be mobile', userAgent);
  413. return true;
  414. }
  415. else {
  416. module.verbose('Browser is not mobile, using regular transition', userAgent);
  417. return false;
  418. }
  419. },
  420. closed: function() {
  421. return !;
  422. },
  423. visible: function() {
  424. return $module.hasClass(className.visible);
  425. },
  426. vertical: function() {
  427. return $module.hasClass(;
  428. },
  429. inward: function() {
  430. return $context.hasClass(className.inward);
  431. },
  432. outward: function() {
  433. return $context.hasClass(className.outward);
  434. },
  435. animating: function() {
  436. return ||;
  437. }
  438. },
  439. setting: function(name, value) {
  440. module.debug('Changing setting', name, value);
  441. if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) {
  442. $.extend(true, settings, name);
  443. }
  444. else if(value !== undefined) {
  445. settings[name] = value;
  446. }
  447. else {
  448. return settings[name];
  449. }
  450. },
  451. internal: function(name, value) {
  452. if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) {
  453. $.extend(true, module, name);
  454. }
  455. else if(value !== undefined) {
  456. module[name] = value;
  457. }
  458. else {
  459. return module[name];
  460. }
  461. },
  462. debug: function() {
  463. if(settings.debug) {
  464. if(settings.performance) {
  465. module.performance.log(arguments);
  466. }
  467. else {
  468. module.debug =, console, + ':');
  469. module.debug.apply(console, arguments);
  470. }
  471. }
  472. },
  473. verbose: function() {
  474. if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) {
  475. if(settings.performance) {
  476. module.performance.log(arguments);
  477. }
  478. else {
  479. module.verbose =, console, + ':');
  480. module.verbose.apply(console, arguments);
  481. }
  482. }
  483. },
  484. error: function() {
  485. module.error =, console, + ':');
  486. module.error.apply(console, arguments);
  487. },
  488. performance: {
  489. log: function(message) {
  490. var
  491. currentTime,
  492. executionTime,
  493. previousTime
  494. ;
  495. if(settings.performance) {
  496. currentTime = new Date().getTime();
  497. previousTime = time || currentTime;
  498. executionTime = currentTime - previousTime;
  499. time = currentTime;
  500. performance.push({
  501. 'Element' : element,
  502. 'Name' : message[0],
  503. 'Arguments' : [], 1) || '',
  504. 'Execution Time' : executionTime
  505. });
  506. }
  507. clearTimeout(module.performance.timer);
  508. module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100);
  509. },
  510. display: function() {
  511. var
  512. title = + ':',
  513. totalTime = 0
  514. ;
  515. time = false;
  516. clearTimeout(module.performance.timer);
  517. $.each(performance, function(index, data) {
  518. totalTime += data['Execution Time'];
  519. });
  520. title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms';
  521. if(moduleSelector) {
  522. title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\'';
  523. }
  524. if( ( !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) {
  525. console.groupCollapsed(title);
  526. if(console.table) {
  527. console.table(performance);
  528. }
  529. else {
  530. $.each(performance, function(index, data) {
  531. console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms');
  532. });
  533. }
  534. console.groupEnd();
  535. }
  536. performance = [];
  537. }
  538. },
  539. invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) {
  540. var
  541. object = instance,
  542. maxDepth,
  543. found,
  544. response
  545. ;
  546. passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments;
  547. context = element || context;
  548. if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) {
  549. query = query.split(/[\. ]/);
  550. maxDepth = query.length - 1;
  551. $.each(query, function(depth, value) {
  552. var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth)
  553. ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1)
  554. : query
  555. ;
  556. if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) {
  557. object = object[camelCaseValue];
  558. }
  559. else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) {
  560. found = object[camelCaseValue];
  561. return false;
  562. }
  563. else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) {
  564. object = object[value];
  565. }
  566. else if( object[value] !== undefined ) {
  567. found = object[value];
  568. return false;
  569. }
  570. else {
  571. module.error(error.method, query);
  572. return false;
  573. }
  574. });
  575. }
  576. if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) {
  577. response = found.apply(context, passedArguments);
  578. }
  579. else if(found !== undefined) {
  580. response = found;
  581. }
  582. if($.isArray(returnedValue)) {
  583. returnedValue.push(response);
  584. }
  585. else if(returnedValue !== undefined) {
  586. returnedValue = [returnedValue, response];
  587. }
  588. else if(response !== undefined) {
  589. returnedValue = response;
  590. }
  591. return found;
  592. }
  593. }
  594. ;
  595. if(methodInvoked) {
  596. if(instance === undefined) {
  597. module.initialize();
  598. }
  599. module.invoke(query);
  600. }
  601. else {
  602. if(instance !== undefined) {
  603. module.destroy();
  604. }
  605. module.initialize();
  606. }
  607. });
  608. return (returnedValue !== undefined)
  609. ? returnedValue
  610. : this
  611. ;
  612. };
  613. $.fn.sidebar.settings = {
  614. name : 'Sidebar',
  615. namespace : 'sidebar',
  616. debug : false,
  617. verbose : false,
  618. performance : false,
  619. workaround : false,
  620. transition : 'overlay',
  621. mobileTransition : 'slide along',
  622. context : 'body',
  623. exclusive : true,
  624. scrollLock : false,
  625. returnScroll : false,
  626. onChange : function(){},
  627. onShow : function(){},
  628. onHide : function(){},
  629. onHidden : function(){},
  630. onVisible : function(){},
  631. className : {
  632. pushable : 'pushable',
  633. active : 'active',
  634. visible : 'visible',
  635. pushed : 'pushed',
  636. inward : 'show',
  637. outward : 'hide'
  638. },
  639. selector: {
  640. sidebar : '.ui.sidebar',
  641. pusher : '.pusher',
  642. fixed : '.ui.fixed',
  643. page : '.page',
  644. omitted : 'script, link, style, .ui.modal, .ui.nag, .ui.fixed'
  645. },
  646. error : {
  647. method : 'The method you called is not defined.',
  648. notFound : 'There were no elements that matched the specified selector'
  649. }
  650. };
  651. })( jQuery, window , document );