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import pytest
from gooey.python_bindings.argparse_to_json import *
def test_parser_converts_to_correct_type(empty_parser, complete_parser, subparser):
assert convert(subparser)['layout_type'] == 'column'
assert convert(empty_parser)['layout_type'] == 'standard'
assert convert(complete_parser)['layout_type'] == 'standard'
def test_parser_without_subparser_recieves_root_entry(complete_parser):
Non-subparser setups should receive a default root key called 'primary'
result = convert(complete_parser)
assert 'primary' in result['widgets']
def test_grouping_structure(complete_parser):
The output of the 'widgets' branch is now wrapped in another
layer to facilitate interop with the subparser structure
old: widgets: []
new: widgets: {'a': {}, 'b': {}, ..}
result = convert(complete_parser)
groupings = result['widgets']
# should now be a dict rather than a list
assert isinstance(groupings, dict)
# make sure our expected root keys are there
for name, group in groupings.iteritems():
assert 'command' in group
assert 'contents' in group
# contents should be the old list of widget info
assert isinstance(group['contents'], list)
def test_subparser_uses_prog_value_if_available():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='qidev')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', help='be verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False)
subs = parser.add_subparsers(help='commands', dest='command')
# NO prog definition for the sub parser
subs.add_parser('config', help='configure defaults for qidev')
# The stock parser name supplied above (e.g. config) is
# now in the converted doc
result = convert(parser)
assert 'config' in result['widgets']
# new subparser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='qidev')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', help='be verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False)
subs = parser.add_subparsers(help='commands', dest='command')
# prog definition for the sub parser IS supplied
subs.add_parser('config', prog="My Config", help='configure defaults for qidev')
# Should've picked up the prog value
result = convert(parser)
assert 'My Config' in result['widgets']
def test_convert_std_parser(complete_parser):
result = convert(complete_parser)
# grab the first entry from the dict
entry = result['widgets']['primary']['contents'][0]
print entry
assert 'type' in entry
assert 'required' in entry
assert 'data' in entry
def test_convert_sub_parser(subparser):
result = convert(subparser)
assert result['layout_type'] == 'column'
assert result['widgets']
assert isinstance(result['widgets'], dict)
assert len(result['widgets']) == 3
def test_has_required(empty_parser, complete_parser, subparser):
assert has_required(complete_parser._actions)
assert not has_required(empty_parser._actions)
assert not has_required(subparser._actions)
def test_has_subparsers(subparser, complete_parser):
assert has_subparsers(subparser._actions)
assert not has_subparsers(complete_parser._actions)
def test_is_required(complete_parser):
required = filter(is_required, complete_parser._actions)
assert len(required) == 4
for action in required:
print action.dest.startswith('req')
def test_is_optional(complete_parser):
optional = filter(is_optional, complete_parser._actions)
assert len(optional) == 10
for action in optional:
assert 'req' not in action.dest
def test_is_choice(empty_parser):
empty_parser.add_argument('--dropdown', choices=[1,2])
assert is_choice(get_action(empty_parser, 'dropdown'))
empty_parser.add_argument('--storetrue', action='store_true')
assert not is_choice(get_action(empty_parser, 'storetrue'))
# make sure positionals are caught as well (issue #85)
empty_parser.add_argument('positional', choices=[1, 2])
assert is_choice(get_action(empty_parser, 'positional'))
def test_is_standard(empty_parser):
empty_parser.add_argument('--count', action='count')
assert not is_standard(get_action(empty_parser, 'count'))
empty_parser.add_argument('--store', action='store')
assert is_standard(get_action(empty_parser, 'store'))
def test_is_counter(empty_parser):
empty_parser.add_argument('--count', action='count')
assert is_counter(get_action(empty_parser, 'count'))
empty_parser.add_argument('--dropdown', choices=[1,2])
assert not is_counter(get_action(empty_parser, 'dropdown'))
def test_mutually(exclusive_group):
target_arg = find_arg_by_option(exclusive_group, '-i')
json_result = build_radio_group(exclusive_group)
data = json_result['data'][0]
assert 'RadioGroup' == json_result['type']
assert target_arg.choices == data['choices']
assert == data['help']
assert target_arg.option_strings == data['commands']
assert target_arg.dest == data['display_name']
def test_empty_mutex_group():
assert not build_radio_group(None)
def test_as_json_invalid_widget():
with pytest.raises(UnknownWidgetType):
as_json(None, 'InvalidWidget', None)
def get_action(parser, dest):
for action in parser._actions:
if action.dest == dest:
return action
def find_arg_by_option(group, option_string):
for arg in group:
if option_string in arg.option_strings:
return arg