You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import sys
import unittest
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from gooey import GooeyParser
from gooey.python_bindings import argparse_to_json
from gooey.util.functional import getin
class TestArgparse(unittest.TestCase):
def test_mutex_groups_conversion(self):
Ensure multiple mutex groups are processed correctly.
parser = ArgumentParser()
g1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
g2 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
output = argparse_to_json.process(parser, {}, {}, {})
# assert that we get two groups of two choices back
items = output[0]['items']
self.assertTrue(len(items) == 2)
group1 = items[0]
group2 = items[1]
self.assertTrue(['--choose1'] in group1['data']['commands'])
self.assertTrue(['--choose2'] in group1['data']['commands'])
self.assertTrue(['--choose3'] in group2['data']['commands'])
self.assertTrue(['--choose4'] in group2['data']['commands'])
self.assertTrue(group1['type'] == 'RadioGroup')
self.assertTrue(group2['type'] == 'RadioGroup')
def test_json_iterable_conversion(self):
Issue #312 - tuples weren't being coerced to list during argparse
conversion causing downstream issues when concatenating
# our original functionality accepted only lists as the choices arg
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-foo", choices=['foo','bar', 'baz'])
result = argparse_to_json.action_to_json(parser._actions[-1], "Dropdown", {})
choices = result['data']['choices']
self.assertTrue(isinstance(choices, list))
self.assertEqual(choices, ['foo','bar', 'baz'])
# Now we allow tuples as well.
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-foo", choices=('foo','bar', 'baz'))
result = argparse_to_json.action_to_json(parser._actions[-1], "Dropdown", {})
choices = result['data']['choices']
self.assertTrue(isinstance(choices, list))
self.assertEqual(choices, ['foo','bar', 'baz'])
def test_choice_string_cooersion(self):
Issue 321 - must coerce choice types to string to support wx.ComboBox
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--foo', default=1, choices=[1, 2, 3])
choice_action = parser._actions[-1]
result = argparse_to_json.action_to_json(choice_action, 'Dropdown', {})
self.assertEqual(getin(result, ['data', 'choices']), ['1', '2', '3'])
# default value is also converted to a string type
self.assertEqual(getin(result, ['data', 'default']), '1')
def test_choice_string_cooersion_no_default(self):
Make sure that choice types without a default don't create
the literal string "None" but stick with the value None
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--foo', choices=[1, 2, 3])
choice_action = parser._actions[-1]
result = argparse_to_json.action_to_json(choice_action, 'Dropdown', {})
self.assertEqual(getin(result, ['data', 'default']), None)
def test_listbox_defaults_cast_correctly(self):
Issue XXX - defaults supplied in a list were turned into a string
wholesale (list and all). The defaults should be stored as a list
proper with only the _internal_ values coerced to strings.
parser = GooeyParser()
parser.add_argument('--foo', widget="Listbox", nargs="*", choices=[1, 2, 3], default=[1, 2])
choice_action = parser._actions[-1]
result = argparse_to_json.action_to_json(choice_action, 'Listbox', {})
self.assertEqual(getin(result, ['data', 'default']), ['1', '2'])
def test_listbox_single_default_cast_correctly(self):
Single arg defaults to listbox should be wrapped in a list and
their contents coerced as usual.
parser = GooeyParser()
parser.add_argument('--foo', widget="Listbox",
nargs="*", choices=[1, 2, 3], default="sup")
choice_action = parser._actions[-1]
result = argparse_to_json.action_to_json(choice_action, 'Listbox', {})
self.assertEqual(getin(result, ['data', 'default']), ['sup'])
def test_non_data_defaults_are_dropped_entirely(self):
This is a refinement in understanding of Issue #147
Caused by Issue 377 - passing arbitrary objects as defaults
causes failures.
# passing plain data to cleaning function results in plain data
# being returned
data = ['abc',
['a', 'b'],
[1, 2, 3]]
for datum in data:
result = argparse_to_json.clean_default(datum)
self.assertEqual(result, datum)
# passing in complex objects results in None
objects = [sys.stdout, sys.stdin, object(), max, min]
for obj in objects:
result = argparse_to_json.clean_default(obj)
self.assertEqual(result, None)