mirror of https://github.com/chriskiehl/Gooey.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
187 lines
5.4 KiB
187 lines
5.4 KiB
Converts argparse parser actions into json "Build Specs"
import argparse
from argparse import (
ArgumentParser, _SubParsersAction)
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
class UnknownWidgetType(Exception):
class UnsupportedConfiguration(Exception):
def convert(parser):
widget_dict = getattr(parser, 'widgets', {})
actions = parser._actions
if has_subparsers(actions):
if has_required(actions):
raise UnsupportedConfiguration("Gooey doesn't currently support required arguments when subparsers are present.")
layout_type = 'column'
layout_data = {name.lower(): process(sub_parser, getattr(sub_parser, 'widgets', {}))
for name, sub_parser in get_subparser(actions).choices.iteritems()}
layout_type = 'standard'
layout_data = process(parser, widget_dict)
return {
'layout_type': layout_type,
'widgets': layout_data
def process(parser, widget_dict):
mutually_exclusive_groups = [
[mutex_action for mutex_action in group_actions._group_actions]
for group_actions in parser._mutually_exclusive_groups]
group_options = list(chain(*mutually_exclusive_groups))
base_actions = [action for action in parser._actions
if action not in group_options
and action.dest != 'help']
required_actions = filter(is_required, base_actions)
optional_actions = filter(is_optional, base_actions)
return list(categorize(required_actions, widget_dict, required=True)) + \
list(categorize(optional_actions, widget_dict)) + \
map(build_radio_group, mutually_exclusive_groups)
def categorize(actions, widget_dict, required=False):
_get_widget = partial(get_widget, widgets=widget_dict)
for action in actions:
if is_standard(action):
yield as_json(action, _get_widget(action) or 'TextField', required)
elif is_choice(action):
yield as_json(action, _get_widget(action) or 'Dropdown', required)
elif is_flag(action):
yield as_json(action, _get_widget(action) or 'CheckBox', required)
elif is_counter(action):
_json = as_json(action, _get_widget(action) or 'Dropdown', required)
# pre-fill the 'counter' dropdown
_json['data']['choices'] = map(str, range(1, 11))
yield _json
raise UnknownWidgetType(action)
def get_widget(action, widgets):
supplied_widget = widgets.get(action.dest, None)
type_arg_widget = 'FileChooser' if action.type == argparse.FileType else None
return supplied_widget or type_arg_widget or None
def is_required(action):
'''_actions which are positional or possessing the `required` flag '''
return not action.option_strings and not isinstance(action, _SubParsersAction) or action.required == True
def has_required(actions):
return filter(None, filter(is_required, actions))
def is_subparser(action):
return isinstance(action,_SubParsersAction)
def has_subparsers(actions):
return filter(is_subparser, actions)
def get_subparser(actions):
return filter(is_subparser, actions)[0]
def is_optional(action):
'''_actions not positional or possessing the `required` flag'''
return action.option_strings and not action.required
def is_choice(action):
''' action with choices supplied '''
return action.choices
def is_standard(action):
""" actions which are general "store" instructions.
e.g. anything which has an argument style like:
$ script.py -f myfilename.txt
boolean_actions = (
_StoreConstAction, _StoreFalseAction,
return (not action.choices
and not isinstance(action, _CountAction)
and not isinstance(action, _HelpAction)
and type(action) not in boolean_actions)
def is_flag(action):
""" _actions which are either storeconst, store_bool, etc.. """
action_types = [_StoreTrueAction, _StoreFalseAction, _StoreConstAction]
return any(map(lambda Action: isinstance(action, Action), action_types))
def is_counter(action):
""" _actions which are of type _CountAction """
return isinstance(action, _CountAction)
def build_radio_group(mutex_group):
if not mutex_group:
return []
options = [
'display_name': mutex_arg.dest,
'help': mutex_arg.help,
'nargs': mutex_arg.nargs or '',
'commands': mutex_arg.option_strings,
'choices': mutex_arg.choices,
} for mutex_arg in mutex_group
return {
'type': 'RadioGroup',
'group_name': 'Choose Option',
'required': False,
'data': options
def as_json(action, widget, required):
if widget not in VALID_WIDGETS:
raise UnknownWidgetType('Widget Type {0} is unrecognized'.format(widget))
return {
'type': widget,
'required': required,
'data': {
'display_name': action.dest,
'help': action.help,
'nargs': action.nargs or '',
'commands': action.option_strings,
'choices': action.choices or [],
'default': action.default