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Created on Jan 20, 2014
@author: Chris
import wx
def _load_image(image_path):
return wx.Bitmap(image_path)
raise IOError('Invalid Image path')
def resize_bitmap(parent, _bitmap, target_height):
Resizes a bitmap to a height of 89 pixels (the
size of the top panel), while keeping aspect ratio
in tact
image = wx.ImageFromBitmap(_bitmap)
_width, _height = image.GetSize()
if _height < target_height:
# print 'returning image without resizing'
return wx.StaticBitmap(parent, -1, wx.BitmapFromImage(image))
# print 'returning resized image'
ratio = float(_width) / _height
image = image.Scale(target_height * ratio, target_height,
return wx.StaticBitmap(parent, -1, wx.BitmapFromImage(image))
def _GetTargetSize(size):
width, height = size
aspect_ratio = float(width) / height
tHeight = 79
tWidth = int(tHeight * aspect_ratio)
return (tWidth, tHeight)
if __name__ == '__main__':