import json from base64 import b64encode from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any, Union, Callable from typing_extensions import TypedDict import wx from gooey.gui import events from gooey.gui.lang.i18n import _ from gooey.python_bindings.types import GooeyParams, Item, Group, TopLevelParser, EnrichedItem, \ FieldValue from gooey.util.functional import associn, assoc, associnMany, compact from gooey.gui.formatters import formatArgument from gooey.python_bindings.types import FormField from gooey.gui.constants import VALUE_PLACEHOLDER from gooey.gui.formatters import add_placeholder from gooey.python_bindings.types import CommandPieces, PublicGooeyState class TimingEvent(TypedDict): elapsed_time: Optional[str] estimatedRemaining: Optional[str] class ProgressEvent(TypedDict): progress: Optional[int] class ButtonState(TypedDict): id: str style: str label_id: str show: bool enabled: bool class ProgressState(TypedDict): show: bool range: int value: int class TimingState(TypedDict): show: bool elapsedTime: Optional[str] estimated_remaining: Optional[str] class GooeyState(GooeyParams): fetchingUpdate: bool screen: str title: str subtitle: str images: Dict[str, str] image: str buttons: List[ButtonState] progress: ProgressState timing: TimingState subcommands: List[str] activeSelection: int show_error_alert: bool class FullGooeyState(GooeyState): forms: Dict[str, List[FormField]] widgets: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] def extract_items(groups: List[Group]) -> List[Item]: if not groups: return [] group = groups[0] return group['items'] \ + extract_items(groups[1:]) \ + extract_items(group['groups']) def widgets(descriptor: TopLevelParser) -> List[Item]: return extract_items(descriptor['contents']) def enrichValue(formState: List[FormField], items: List[Item]) -> List[EnrichedItem]: formIndex = {k['id']:k for k in formState} return [EnrichedItem(field=formIndex[item['id']], **item) for item in items] # type: ignore def positional(items: List[Union[Item, EnrichedItem]]): return [item for item in items if item['cli_type'] == 'positional'] def optional(items: List[Union[Item, EnrichedItem]]): return [item for item in items if item['cli_type'] != 'positional'] def cli_pieces(state: FullGooeyState, formatter=formatArgument) -> CommandPieces: parserName = state['subcommands'][state['activeSelection']] parserSpec = state['widgets'][parserName] formState = state['forms'][parserName] subcommand = parserSpec['command'] if parserSpec['command'] != '::gooey/default' else '' items = enrichValue(formState, widgets(parserSpec)) positional_args = [formatter(item) for item in positional(items)] # type: ignore optional_args = [formatter(item) for item in optional(items)] # type: ignore ignoreFlag = '' if state['suppress_gooey_flag'] else '--ignore-gooey' return CommandPieces( target=state['target'], subcommand=subcommand, positionals=compact(positional_args), optionals=compact(optional_args), ignoreFlag=ignoreFlag ) def activeFormState(state: FullGooeyState): subcommand = state['subcommands'][state['activeSelection']] return state['forms'][subcommand] def buildInvocationCmd(state: FullGooeyState): pieces = cli_pieces(state) return u' '.join(compact([, pieces.subcommand, *pieces.optionals, pieces.ignoreFlag, '--' if pieces.positionals else '', *pieces.positionals])) def buildFormValidationCmd(state: FullGooeyState): pieces = cli_pieces(state, formatter=cmdOrPlaceholderOrNone) serializedForm = json.dumps({'active_form': activeFormState(state)}) b64ecoded = b64encode(serializedForm.encode('utf-8')) return ' '.join(compact([, pieces.subcommand, *pieces.optionals, '--gooey-validate-form', '--gooey-state ' + b64ecoded.decode('utf-8'), '--' if pieces.positionals else '', *pieces.positionals])) def buildOnCompleteCmd(state: FullGooeyState, was_success: bool): pieces = cli_pieces(state) serializedForm = json.dumps({'active_form': activeFormState(state)}) b64ecoded = b64encode(serializedForm.encode('utf-8')) return u' '.join(compact([, pieces.subcommand, *pieces.optionals, '--gooey-state ' + b64ecoded.decode('utf-8'), '--gooey-run-is-success' if was_success else '--gooey-run-is-failure', '--' if pieces.positionals else '', *pieces.positionals])) def buildOnSuccessCmd(state: FullGooeyState): return buildOnCompleteCmd(state, True) def buildOnErrorCmd(state: FullGooeyState): return buildOnCompleteCmd(state, False) def cmdOrPlaceholderOrNone(item: EnrichedItem) -> Optional[str]: # Argparse has a fail-fast-and-exit behavior for any missing # values. This poses a problem for dynamic validation, as we # want to collect _all_ errors to be more useful to the user. # As such, if there is no value currently available, we pass # through a stock placeholder values which allows GooeyParser # to handle it being missing without Argparse exploding due to # it actually being missing. if item['cli_type'] == 'positional': return formatArgument(item) or VALUE_PLACEHOLDER elif item['cli_type'] != 'positional' and item['required']: # same rationale applies here. We supply the argument # along with a fixed placeholder (when relevant i.e. `store` # actions) return formatArgument(item) or formatArgument(assoc(item, 'field', add_placeholder(item['field']))) else: # Optional values are, well, optional. So, like usual, we send # them if present or drop them if not. return formatArgument(item) def combine(state: GooeyState, params: GooeyParams, formState: List[FormField]) -> FullGooeyState: """ I'm leaving the refactor of the form elements to another day. For now, we'll just merge in the state of the form fields as tracked in the UI into the main state blob as needed. """ subcommand = list(params['widgets'].keys())[state['activeSelection']] return FullGooeyState(**{ **state, **params, 'forms': {subcommand: formState} }) def enable_buttons(state, to_enable: List[str]): updated = [{**btn, 'enabled': btn['label_id'] in to_enable} for btn in state['buttons']] return assoc(state, 'buttons', updated) def activeCommand(state, params: GooeyParams): """ Retrieve the active sub-parser command as determined by the current selection. """ return list(params['widgets'].keys())[state['activeSelection']] def mergeExternalState(state: FullGooeyState, extern: PublicGooeyState) -> FullGooeyState: # TODO: insane amounts of helpful validation subcommand = state['subcommands'][state['activeSelection']] formItems: List[FormField] = state['forms'][subcommand] hostForm: List[FormField] = extern['active_form'] return associn(state, ['forms', subcommand], hostForm) def show_alert(state: FullGooeyState): return assoc(state, 'show_error_alert', True) def has_errors(state: FullGooeyState): """ Searches through the form elements (including down into RadioGroup's internal options to find the presence of any errors. """ return any([item['error'] or any(x['error'] for x in item.get('options', [])) for items in state['forms'].values() for item in items]) def initial_state(params: GooeyParams) -> GooeyState: buttons = [ ('cancel', events.WINDOW_CANCEL, wx.ID_CANCEL), ('start', events.WINDOW_START, wx.ID_OK), ('stop', events.WINDOW_STOP, wx.ID_OK), ('edit', events.WINDOW_EDIT,wx.ID_OK), ('restart', events.WINDOW_RESTART, wx.ID_OK), ('close', events.WINDOW_CLOSE, wx.ID_OK), ] # helping out the type system params: Dict[str, Any] = params return GooeyState( **params, fetchingUpdate=False, screen='FORM', title=params['program_name'], subtitle=params['program_description'], image=params['images']['configIcon'], buttons=[ButtonState( id=event_id, style=style, label_id=label, show=label in ('cancel', 'start'), enabled=True) for label, event_id, style in buttons], progress=ProgressState( show=False, range=100, value=0 if params['progress_regex'] else -1 ), timing=TimingState( show=False, elapsed_time=None, estimatedRemaining=None, ), show_error_alert=False, subcommands=list(params['widgets'].keys()), activeSelection=0 ) def header_props(state, params): return { 'background_color': params['header_bg_color'], 'title': params['program_name'], 'subtitle': params['program_description'], 'height': params['header_height'], 'image_uri': ims['images']['configIcon'], 'image_size': (six.MAXSIZE, params['header_height'] - 10) } def form_page(state): return { **state, 'buttons': [{**btn, 'show': btn['label_id'] in ('start', 'cancel')} for btn in state['buttons']] } def consoleScreen(_: Callable[[str], str], state: GooeyState): return { **state, 'screen': 'CONSOLE', 'title': _("running_title"), 'subtitle': _('running_msg'), 'image': state['images']['runningIcon'], 'buttons': [{**btn, 'show': btn['label_id'] == 'stop', 'enabled': True} for btn in state['buttons']], 'progress': { 'show': not state['disable_progress_bar_animation'], 'range': 100, 'value': 0 if state['progress_regex'] else -1 }, 'timing': { 'show': state['timing_options']['show_time_remaining'], 'elapsed_time': None, 'estimatedRemaining': None }, 'show_error_alert': False } def editScreen(_: Callable[[str], str], state: FullGooeyState): use_buttons = ('cancel', 'start') return associnMany( state, ('screen', 'FORM'), ('buttons', [{**btn, 'show': btn['label_id'] in use_buttons, 'enabled': True} for btn in state['buttons']]), ('image', state['images']['configIcon']), ('title', state['program_name']), ('subtitle', state['program_description'])) def beginUpdate(state: GooeyState): return { **enable_buttons(state, ['cancel']), 'fetchingUpdate': True } def finishUpdate(state: GooeyState): return { **enable_buttons(state, ['cancel', 'start']), 'fetchingUpdate': False } def finalScreen(_: Callable[[str], str], state: GooeyState) -> GooeyState: use_buttons = ('edit', 'restart', 'close') return associnMany( state, ('screen', 'CONSOLE'), ('buttons', [{**btn, 'show': btn['label_id'] in use_buttons, 'enabled': True} for btn in state['buttons']]), ('image', state['images']['successIcon']), ('title', _('finished_title')), ('subtitle', _('finished_msg')), ('', False), ('', not state['timing_options']['hide_time_remaining_on_complete'])) def successScreen(_: Callable[[str], str], state: GooeyState) -> GooeyState: return associnMany( finalScreen(_, state), ('image', state['images']['successIcon']), ('title', _('finished_title')), ('subtitle', _('finished_msg'))) def errorScreen(_: Callable[[str], str], state: GooeyState) -> GooeyState: return associnMany( finalScreen(_, state), ('image', state['images']['errorIcon']), ('title', _('finished_title')), ('subtitle', _('finished_error'))) def interruptedScreen(_: Callable[[str], str], state: GooeyState): next_state = errorScreen(_, state) if state['force_stop_is_error'] else successScreen(_, state) return assoc(next_state, 'subtitle', _('finished_forced_quit')) def updateProgress(state, event: ProgressEvent): return associn(state, ['progress', 'value'], event['progress'] or 0) def updateTime(state, event): return associnMany( state, ('timing.elapsed_time', event['elapsed_time']), ('timing.estimatedRemaining', event['estimatedRemaining']) ) def update_time(state, event: TimingEvent): return { **state, 'timer': { **state['timer'], 'elapsed_time': event['elapsed_time'], 'estimatedRemaining': event['estimatedRemaining'] } } def present_time(timer): estimate_time_remaining = timer['estimatedRemaining'] elapsed_time_value = timer['elapsed_time'] if elapsed_time_value is None: return '' elif estimate_time_remaining is not None: return f'{elapsed_time_value}<{estimate_time_remaining}' else: return f'{elapsed_time_value}'