''' Main runner entry point for Gooey. ''' from typing import Any, Tuple import wx # type: ignore # wx.html and wx.xml imports required here to make packaging with # pyinstaller on OSX possible without manually specifying `hidden_imports` # in the build.spec import wx.html # type: ignore import wx.lib.inspection # type: ignore import wx.richtext # type: ignore import wx.xml # type: ignore from gooey.gui import image_repository from gooey.gui.application.application import RGooey from gooey.gui.lang import i18n from gooey.util.functional import merge from rewx import render, create_element # type: ignore def run(build_spec): app, _ = build_app(build_spec) app.MainLoop() def build_app(build_spec): app = wx.App(False) return _build_app(build_spec, app) def _build_app(build_spec, app) -> Tuple[Any, wx.Frame]: """ Note: this method is broken out with app as an argument to facilitate testing. """ # use actual program name instead of script file name in macOS menu app.SetAppDisplayName(build_spec['program_name']) i18n.load(build_spec['language_dir'], build_spec['language'], build_spec['encoding']) imagesPaths = image_repository.loadImages(build_spec['image_dir']) gapp2 = render(create_element(RGooey, merge(build_spec, imagesPaths)), None) # wx.lib.inspection.InspectionTool().Show() # gapp.Show() gapp2.Show() return (app, gapp2)