# Using Custom Images while Packaging > Note: if you're new to packaging Gooey, checkout the main Packaging guides first! Gooey comes with a set of six default icons. These can be overridden with your own custom images/icons by telling Gooey to search additional directories when initializing. This is done via the `image_dir` argument to the `Gooey` decorator. ```python @Gooey(program_name='Custom icon demo', image_dir='/path/to/images') def main(): # rest of program ``` While this works for regular executions, a little additional work is required to make sure that your images will actually be available when running as a stand alone executable. To make your custom images available after packaging, you have to do two things. **Step 1:** wrap the path to your image directory in the `local_resource_path()` function provided by Gooey. When PyInstaller runs your application, it decompresses all the contents to a random temp directory. This function will handle the logic of resolving that directory and fetching your resources from it. ```python from gooey import Gooey, local_resource_path @Gooey(image_dir=local_resource_path('relative/path/to/images')) def main(): ... ``` **Step 2:** Update `build.spec` to include the image directory during bundling. This is done by giving the path to your Images as a Tree object to Pyinstaller's `EXE` section. ``` # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*- import os ... # LOOK AT ME! I AM A TREE OBJECT image_overrides = Tree('path/to/images', prefix='path/to/images') ... exe = EXE(pyz, a.scripts, a.binaries, a.zipfiles, a.datas, options, image_overrides, # <-- NEW name='APPNAME', debug=False, strip=None, upx=True, console=False, icon=os.path.join(gooey_root, 'images', 'program_icon.ico')) ``` And then build via PyInstaller as usual. ``` pyinstaller -F --windowed build.spec ``` PyInstaller will now include your images in its bundle.