""" Converts argparse parser actions into json "Build Specs" """ from argparse import ( _CountAction, _HelpAction, _StoreConstAction, _StoreFalseAction, _StoreTrueAction, ArgumentParser) import argparse import itertools VALID_WIDGETS = ( 'FileChooser', 'MultiFileChooser', 'FileSaver', 'DirChooser', 'DateChooser', 'TextField', 'Dropdown', 'Counter', 'RadioGroup', 'CheckBox' ) class UnknownWidgetType(Exception): pass def convert(parser): widget_dict = getattr(parser, 'widgets', {}) mutually_exclusive_group = [ mutex_action for group_actions in parser._mutually_exclusive_groups for mutex_action in group_actions._group_actions] base_actions = [(action, get_widget(action, widget_dict)) for action in parser._actions if action not in mutually_exclusive_group] positional_args = get_required_and_positional_args(base_actions) choice_args = get_optionals_with_choices(base_actions) standard_args = get_optionals_without_choices(base_actions) counter_args = get_counter_style_optionals(base_actions) radio_args = get_mutually_exclusive_optionals(mutually_exclusive_group) checkable_args = get_flag_style_optionals(base_actions) return { 'required': positional_args, 'optional': list(itertools.chain( get_optionals_with_choices(base_actions), get_optionals_without_choices(base_actions), get_counter_style_optionals(base_actions), get_mutually_exclusive_optionals(mutually_exclusive_group), get_flag_style_optionals(base_actions) )), } def get_widget(action, widgets): supplied_widget = widgets.get(action.dest, None) type_arg_widget = 'FileChooser' if type(action.type) == type(argparse.FileType) else None return supplied_widget or type_arg_widget or None def get_required_and_positional_args(actions): """ Extracts positional or required args from the actions list In argparse, positionals are defined by either an empty option_strings or by the option_strings parameters being sans a leading hyphen """ filtered_actions = [(action, widget) for action, widget in actions if not action.option_strings or action.required == True] return [as_json(action, widget=widget or 'TextField') for action, widget in filtered_actions] def get_optionals_with_choices(actions): """ All optional arguments which are constrained to specific choices. """ filtered_actions = [(action, widget) for action, widget in actions if action.choices] return [as_json(action, widget=widget or 'Dropdown') for action, widget in filtered_actions] def get_optionals_without_choices(actions): """ All actions which are: (a) Optional, but without required choices (b) Not of a "boolean" type (storeTrue, etc..) (c) Of type _AppendAction e.g. anything which has an argument style like: >>> -f myfilename.txt """ boolean_actions = ( _StoreConstAction, _StoreFalseAction, _StoreTrueAction ) filtered_actions = [ (action, widget) for action, widget in actions if action.option_strings and not action.choices and not action.required and not isinstance(action, _CountAction) and not isinstance(action, _HelpAction) and type(action) not in boolean_actions ] return [as_json(action, widget=widget or 'TextField') for action, widget in filtered_actions] def get_flag_style_optionals(actions): """ Gets all instances of "flag" type options. i.e. options which either store a const, or store boolean style options (e.g. StoreTrue). Types: _StoreTrueAction _StoreFalseAction _StoreConst """ filtered_actions = [ (action, widget) for action, widget in actions if isinstance(action, _StoreTrueAction) or isinstance(action, _StoreFalseAction) or isinstance(action, _StoreConstAction) ] return [as_json(action, widget=widget or 'CheckBox') for action, widget in filtered_actions] def get_counter_style_optionals(actions): """ Returns all instances of type _CountAction """ filtered_actions = [(action, widget) for action, widget in actions if isinstance(action, _CountAction)] _json_options = [as_json(action, widget=widget or 'Counter') for action, widget in filtered_actions] # Counter should show as Dropdowns, so pre-populare with numeric choices for opt in _json_options: opt['choices'] = range(10) return _json_options def get_mutually_exclusive_optionals(mutex_group): if not mutex_group: return [] options = [ { 'display_name': mutex_arg.dest, 'help': mutex_arg.help, 'nargs': mutex_arg.nargs or '', 'commands': mutex_arg.option_strings, 'choices': mutex_arg.choices, } for mutex_arg in mutex_group ] return [{ 'type': 'RadioGroup', 'group_name': 'Choose Option', 'data': options }] def as_json(action, widget): if widget not in VALID_WIDGETS: raise UnknownWidgetType('Widget Type {0} is unrecognized'.format(widget)) option_strings = action.option_strings return { 'type': widget, 'data': { 'display_name': action.dest, 'help': action.help, 'nargs': action.nargs or '', 'commands': action.option_strings, 'choices': action.choices or [], } }