''' Created on Dec 22, 2013 @author: Chris ''' import wx import sys import traceback from gooey import i18n from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool, Process YES = 5103 NO = 5104 class Controller(object): ''' Main controller for the gui. All controlls are delegated to this central control point. Args: base_frame = Reference to the Basewindow head_panel = reference to the BaseWindow's Head Panel body_panel = reference to the BaseWindow's Body Panel footer_panel = reference to the BaseWindow's Footer Panel model = configuration model translator = instance of the I18N class ''' def __init__(self, base_frame, client_app): self._base = base_frame self._client_app = client_app self._payload_runner = Process(target=self.RunClientCode) def OnCancelButton(self, widget, event): msg = i18n.translate('sure_you_want_to_exit') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, msg, i18n.translate('close_program'), wx.YES_NO) result = dlg.ShowModal() print result if result == YES: dlg.Destroy() self._base.Destroy() sys.exit() dlg.Destroy() def OnStartButton(self, widget, event): cmd_line_args = self._base.GetOptions() if not self._client_app.IsValidArgString(cmd_line_args): error_msg = self._client_app.GetErrorMsg(cmd_line_args) self.ShowDialog(i18n.translate('error_title'), error_msg, wx.ICON_ERROR) return self._client_app.AddToArgv(cmd_line_args) self._base.NextPage() self._payload_runner.start() def ManualStart(self): self._base.NextPage() wx.CallAfter(wx.ActivateEvent) self._payload_runner.start() def OnCloseButton(self, widget, event): self._base.Destroy() sys.exit() def RunClientCode(self): pool = Pool(1) try: pool.apply(self._client_app.payload) self._base.NextPage() self.ShowGoodFinishedDialog() except: self.ShowBadFinishedDialog(traceback.format_exc()) def ShowGoodFinishedDialog(self): self.ShowDialog(i18n.translate("execution_finished"), i18n.translate('success_message'), wx.ICON_INFORMATION) def ShowBadFinishedDialog(self, error_msg): msg = i18n.translate('uh_oh').format(error_msg) self.ShowDialog(i18n.translate('error_title'), msg, wx.ICON_ERROR) def ShowDialog(self, title, content, style): a = wx.MessageDialog(None, content, title, style) a.ShowModal() a.Destroy()