Hello There, Future Issue Creator! >README: Are you suddenly seeing errors related to Alignmnet flags when starting Gooey? Upgrade your gooey installation to the latest version (`pip install -U gooey`) to resolve the errors! See [this issue](https://github.com/chriskiehl/Gooey/issues/549) for additional information. Found a bug? Just a friendly heads up, _debugging it requires information from you!_ Make sure the template below is filled out in its entirety. - [ ] OS - [ ] Python Version - [ ] Gooey Version - [ ] Thorough description of problem - [ ] Expected Behavior - [ ] Actual Behavior - [ ] A minimal code example -- preferably copy/pastable in the issue itself (less time figuring out how to run your code == more time debugging!) - [ ] Screenshot (if visual quirk) - [ ] Anything else you may think will be helpful Thanks! ^_^