@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ Just about everything in Gooey's overall look and feel can be customized by pass
| show_success_modal | Toggles whether or not to show a summary modal after a successful run |
| run_validators | Controls whether or not to have Gooey perform validation before calling your program |
| poll_external_updates | (Experimental!) When True, Gooey will call your code with a `gooey-seed-ui` CLI argument and use the response to fill out dynamic values in the UI (See: [Using Dynamic Values](#using-dynamic-values))|
| return_to_config | When True, Gooey will return to the configuration settings window upon successful run |
| progress_regex | A text regex used to pattern match runtime progress information. See: [Showing Progress](#showing-progress) for a detailed how-to |
| progress_expr | A python expression applied to any matches found via the `progress_regex`. See: [Showing Progress](#showing-progress) for a detailed how-to |
| disable_progress_bar_animation | Disable the progress bar |