{ "show_advanced": true, "language": "english", "manual_start": false, "optionals_cols": 3, "required": [ { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [], "display_name": "FileChooser", "help": "Name of the file you want to process", "choices": [] }, "type": "FileChooser" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [], "display_name": "DirectoryChooser", "help": "Name of the file you want to process", "choices": [] }, "type": "DirChooser" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [], "display_name": "FileSaver", "help": "Name of the file you want to process", "choices": [] }, "type": "FileSaver" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [], "display_name": "MultiFileSaver", "help": "Name of the file you want to process", "choices": [] }, "type": "MultiFileChooser" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [], "display_name": "directory", "help": "Directory to store output", "choices": [] }, "type": "TextField" } ], "requireds_cols": 2, "show_config": true, "default_size": [ 610, 530 ], "optional": [ { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-r", "--recursive" ], "display_name": "recursive", "help": "Recurse into subfolders", "choices": [ "yes", "no" ] }, "type": "Dropdown" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-c", "--countdown" ], "display_name": "countdown", "help": "sets the time to count down from you see its quite simple!", "choices": [] }, "type": "TextField" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-j", "--cron-schedule" ], "display_name": "cron_schedule", "help": "Set the datetime when the cron should begin", "choices": [] }, "type": "DateChooser" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-w", "--writelog" ], "display_name": "writelog", "help": "write log to some file or something", "choices": [] }, "type": "TextField" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-v", "--verbose" ], "display_name": "verbose", "help": null, "choices": [] }, "type": "Counter", "choices": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "data": [ { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-t", "--verbozze" ], "display_name": "verbose", "help": "Show more details", "choices": null }, { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-q", "--quiet" ], "display_name": "quiet", "help": "Only output on error", "choices": null } ], "type": "RadioGroup", "group_name": "Choose Option" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-s", "--showtime" ], "display_name": "showtime", "help": "display the countdown timer", "choices": [] }, "type": "CheckBox" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-d", "--delay" ], "display_name": "delay", "help": "Delay execution for a bit", "choices": [] }, "type": "CheckBox" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-o", "--obfuscate" ], "display_name": "obfuscate", "help": "obfuscate the countdown timer!", "choices": [] }, "type": "CheckBox" }, { "data": { "nargs": "", "commands": [ "-e", "--expandAll" ], "display_name": "expandAll", "help": "expand all processes", "choices": [] }, "type": "CheckBox" } ], "program_name": "widget_demo", "program_description": "Example application to show Gooey's various widgets", "target": "python c:\\users\\chris\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmpx9yfmb.py" }