Created on Jan 1, 2014
@author: Chris
TODO: Sanitize all GetValue inputs (to check that there's actual data there. '''
import wx from abc import ABCMeta from abc import abstractmethod from gooey.gui import styling
EMPTY = ''
class BuildException(RuntimeError): pass
class AbstractComponent(object): '''
Template pattern-y abstract class for the gui. Children must all implement the BuildWidget and getValue methods. '''
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self): self._widget = None self.msg = EMPTY
def Build(self, parent): self._widget = self.BuildInputWidget(parent, self._action) if self.HasHelpMsg(self._action): self._msg = self.CreateHelpMsgWidget(parent, self._action) else: self._msg = None
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self.CreateNameLabelWidget(parent, self._action)) sizer.AddSpacer(2)
if self._msg: sizer.Add(self._msg, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizer.AddSpacer(2) else: sizer.AddStretchSpacer(1)
sizer.AddStretchSpacer(1) sizer.Add(self._widget, 0, wx.EXPAND) return sizer
@abstractmethod def BuildInputWidget(self, parent, action): ''' Must construct the main widget type for the Action ''' pass
def HasHelpMsg(self, action): return action.help is not None
def CreateHelpMsgWidget(self, parent, action): base_text = wx.StaticText(parent, label=action.help) if self.HasNargs(action): base_text.SetLabelText(base_text.GetLabelText() + self.CreateNargsMsg(action)) styling.MakeDarkGrey(base_text) return base_text
def HasNargs(self, action): return action.nargs == '+' or action.nargs == '?'
def CreateNargsMsg(self, action): return ' (Note: at least 1 or more arguments are required)'
def CreateNameLabelWidget(self, parent, action): label = str(action.dest).title() if len(action.option_strings) > 1: label += ' (%s)' % action.option_strings[0] text = wx.StaticText(parent, label=label) styling.MakeBold(text) return text
def AssertInitialization(self, clsname): if not self._widget: raise BuildException('%s was not correctly initialized' % clsname)
def __str__(self): return str(self._action)
@abstractmethod def GetValue(self): ''' Returns the state of the given widget ''' pass
def Update(self, size): '''
Manually word wraps the StaticText help objects which would otherwise not wrap on resize
Content area is based on each grid having two equally sized columns, where the content area is defined as 87% of the halved window width. The wiggle room is the distance +- 10% of the content_area.
Wrap calculation is run only when the size of the help_msg extends outside of the wiggle_room. This was done to avoid the "flickering" that comes from constantly resizing a StaticText object. '''
if self._msg is None: return help_msg = self._msg width, height = size content_area = int((width / 2) * .87)
print 'wiget size', help_msg.Size[0] wiggle_room = range(int(content_area - content_area * .05), int(content_area + content_area * .05)) print '(', int(content_area - content_area * .05), ' -> ', int(content_area + content_area * .05), ')' if help_msg.Size[0] not in wiggle_room: self._msg.SetLabel(self._msg.GetLabelText().replace('\n', ' ')) self._msg.Wrap(content_area)
class Positional(AbstractComponent): """
Represents a positional argument in a program e.g. mypyfile.py param1 <-- this guy """
def __init__(self, action): self._action = action self._widget = None self.contents = None
def BuildInputWidget(self, parent, action): return wx.TextCtrl(parent)
def GetValue(self): '''
Positionals have no associated options_string, so only the supplied arguments are returned. The order is assumed to be the same as the order of declaration in the client code
Returns "argument_value" '''
self.AssertInitialization('Positional') if str(self._widget.GetValue()) == EMPTY: return None return self._widget.GetValue()
class Choice(AbstractComponent): """ A dropdown box """
_DEFAULT_VALUE = 'Select Option'
def __init__(self, action): self._action = action self._widget = None self.contents = None
def GetValue(self): '''
Returns "--option_name argument" '''
self.AssertInitialization('Choice') if self._widget.GetValue() == self._DEFAULT_VALUE: return None return ' '.join( [self._action.option_strings[0], # get the verbose copy if available self._widget.GetValue()])
def BuildInputWidget(self, parent, action): return wx.ComboBox( parent=parent, id=-1, value=self._DEFAULT_VALUE, choices=action.choices, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN )
class Optional(AbstractComponent): def __init__(self, action): self._action = action self._widget = None self.contents = None
def BuildInputWidget(self, parent, action): return wx.TextCtrl(parent)
def GetValue(self): '''
General options are key/value style pairs (conceptually). Thus the name of the option, as well as the argument to it are returned e.g. >>> myscript --outfile myfile.txt returns "--Option Value" '''
self.AssertInitialization('Optional') value = self._widget.GetValue() if not value: return None return ' '.join( [self._action.option_strings[0], # get the verbose copy if available value])
class Flag(AbstractComponent): def __init__(self, action): self._action = action self._widget = None self.contents = None
def Build(self, parent): self._widget = self.BuildInputWidget(parent, self._action) self._msg = (self.CreateHelpMsgWidget(parent, self._action) if self.HasHelpMsg(self._action) else None)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self.CreateNameLabelWidget(parent, self._action)) sizer.AddSpacer(6)
if self.HasNargs(self._action): sizer.Add(self.CreateNargsMsg(parent, self._action))
if self._msg: hsizer = self.buildHorizonalMsgSizer(parent) sizer.Add(hsizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) else: sizer.AddStretchSpacer(1) sizer.Add(self._widget, 0, wx.EXPAND) return sizer
def BuildInputWidget(self, parent, action): return wx.CheckBox(parent, -1, label='')
def buildHorizonalMsgSizer(self, panel): if not self._msg: return None sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(self._widget, 0) sizer.AddSpacer(6) sizer.Add(self._msg, 1, wx.EXPAND) return sizer
def GetValue(self): '''
Flag options have no param associated with them. Thus we only need the name of the option. e.g >>> Python -v myscript returns Options name for argument (-v) '''
if self._widget.GetValue(): return self._action.option_strings[0]
def Update(self, size): '''
Custom wrapper calculator to account for the increased size of the _msg widget after being inlined with the wx.CheckBox '''
if self._msg is None: return help_msg = self._msg width, height = size content_area = int((width / 3) * .70)
wiggle_room = range(int(content_area - content_area * .05), int(content_area + content_area * .05)) if help_msg.Size[0] not in wiggle_room: self._msg.SetLabel(self._msg.GetLabelText().replace('\n', ' ')) self._msg.Wrap(content_area)
class Counter(AbstractComponent): def __init__(self, action): self._action = action self._widget = None self.contents = None
def BuildInputWidget(self, parent, action): levels = [str(x) for x in range(1, 7)] return wx.ComboBox( parent=parent, id=-1, value='', choices=levels, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN )
def GetValue(self): '''
NOTE: Added on plane. Cannot remember exact implementation of counter objects. I believe that they count sequentail pairings of options e.g. -vvvvv But I'm not sure. That's what I'm going with for now.
Returns str(action.options_string[0]) * DropDown Value '''
dropdown_value = self._widget.GetValue() if not str(dropdown_value).isdigit(): return None arg = str(self._action.option_strings[0]).replace('-', '') repeated_args = arg * int(dropdown_value) return '-' + repeated_args
if __name__ == '__main__': pass