Converts argparse parser actions into json "Build Specs" """
import argparse import os import sys from argparse import ( _CountAction, _HelpAction, _StoreConstAction, _StoreFalseAction, _StoreTrueAction, _SubParsersAction) from collections import OrderedDict from functools import partial from uuid import uuid4
from gooey.util.functional import merge, getin
VALID_WIDGETS = ( 'FileChooser', 'MultiFileChooser', 'FileSaver', 'DirChooser', 'DateChooser', 'TextField', 'Dropdown', 'Counter', 'RadioGroup', 'CheckBox', 'BlockCheckbox', 'MultiDirChooser', 'Textarea', 'PasswordField', 'Listbox' )
class UnknownWidgetType(Exception): pass
class UnsupportedConfiguration(Exception): pass
group_defaults = { 'columns': 2, 'padding': 10, 'show_border': False }
# TODO: merge the default foreground and bg colors from the # baseline build_spec item_default = { 'error_color': '#ea7878', 'label_color': '#000000', 'help_color': '#363636', 'validator': { 'type': 'local', 'test': 'lambda x: True', 'message': '' }, 'external_validator': { 'cmd': '', } }
def convert(parser, **kwargs): assert_subparser_constraints(parser) x = { 'layout': 'standard', 'widgets': OrderedDict( (choose_name(name, sub_parser), { 'command': name, 'contents': process(sub_parser, getattr(sub_parser, 'widgets', {}), getattr(sub_parser, 'options', {})) }) for name, sub_parser in iter_parsers(parser)) }
if kwargs.get('use_legacy_titles'): return apply_default_rewrites(x) return x
def process(parser, widget_dict, options): mutex_groups = parser._mutually_exclusive_groups raw_action_groups = [extract_groups(group) for group in parser._action_groups if group._group_actions] corrected_action_groups = reapply_mutex_groups(mutex_groups, raw_action_groups)
return categorize2(strip_empty(corrected_action_groups), widget_dict, options)
def strip_empty(groups): return [group for group in groups if group['items']]
def assert_subparser_constraints(parser): if has_subparsers(parser._actions): if has_required(parser._actions): raise UnsupportedConfiguration( "Gooey doesn't currently support top level required arguments " "when subparsers are present.")
def iter_parsers(parser): ''' Iterate over name, parser pairs ''' try: return get_subparser(parser._actions).choices.items() except: return iter([('::gooey/default', parser)])
def extract_groups(action_group): '''
Recursively extract argument groups and associated actions from ParserGroup objects '''
return { 'name': action_group.title, 'description': action_group.description, 'items': [action for action in action_group._group_actions if not is_help_message(action)], 'groups': [extract_groups(group) for group in action_group._action_groups], 'options': merge(group_defaults, getattr(action_group, 'gooey_options', {})) }
def apply_default_rewrites(spec): top_level_subgroups = list(spec['widgets'].keys())
for subgroup in top_level_subgroups: path = ['widgets', subgroup, 'contents'] contents = getin(spec, path) for group in contents: if group['name'] == 'positional arguments': group['name'] = 'Required Arguments' if group['name'] == 'optional arguments': group['name'] = 'Optional Arguments' return spec
def contains_actions(a, b): ''' check if any actions(a) are present in actions(b) ''' return set(a).intersection(set(b))
def reapply_mutex_groups(mutex_groups, action_groups): # argparse stores mutually exclusive groups independently # of all other groups. So, they must be manually re-combined # with the groups/subgroups to which they were originally declared # in order to have them appear in the correct location in the UI. # # Order is attempted to be preserved by inserting the MutexGroup # into the _actions list at the first occurrence of any item # where the two groups intersect def swap_actions(actions): for mutexgroup in mutex_groups: mutex_actions = mutexgroup._group_actions if contains_actions(mutex_actions, actions): # make a best guess as to where we should store the group targetindex = actions.index(mutexgroup._group_actions[0]) # insert the _ArgumentGroup container actions[targetindex] = mutexgroup # remove the duplicated individual actions return [action for action in actions if action not in mutex_actions] return actions
return [group.update({'items': swap_actions(group['items'])}) or group for group in action_groups]
def categorize2(groups, widget_dict, options): return [{ 'name': group['name'], 'items': list(categorize(group['items'], widget_dict, options)), 'groups': categorize2(group['groups'], widget_dict, options), 'description': group['description'], 'options': group['options'] } for group in groups]
def categorize(actions, widget_dict, options): _get_widget = partial(get_widget, widget_dict) for action in actions:
if is_mutex(action): yield build_radio_group(action, widget_dict, options)
elif is_standard(action): yield action_to_json(action, _get_widget(action, 'TextField'), options)
elif is_choice(action): yield action_to_json(action, _get_widget(action, 'Dropdown'), options)
elif is_flag(action): yield action_to_json(action, _get_widget(action, 'CheckBox'), options)
elif is_counter(action): _json = action_to_json(action, _get_widget(action, 'Counter'), options) # pre-fill the 'counter' dropdown _json['data']['choices'] = list(map(str, range(1, 11))) yield _json else: raise UnknownWidgetType(action)
def get_widget(widgets, action, default): supplied_widget = widgets.get(action.dest, None) type_arg_widget = 'FileChooser' if action.type == argparse.FileType else None return supplied_widget or type_arg_widget or default
def is_required(action): '''
_actions possessing the `required` flag and not implicitly optional through `nargs` being '*' or '?' '''
return not isinstance(action, _SubParsersAction) and ( action.required == True and action.nargs not in ['*', '?'])
def is_mutex(action): return isinstance(action, argparse._MutuallyExclusiveGroup)
def has_required(actions): return list(filter(None, list(filter(is_required, actions))))
def is_subparser(action): return isinstance(action, _SubParsersAction)
def has_subparsers(actions): return list(filter(is_subparser, actions))
def get_subparser(actions): return list(filter(is_subparser, actions))[0]
def is_optional(action): '''
_actions either not possessing the `required` flag or implicitly optional through `nargs` being '*' or '?' '''
return (not action.required) or action.nargs in ['*', '?']
def is_choice(action): ''' action with choices supplied ''' return action.choices
def is_standard(action): """ actions which are general "store" instructions.
e.g. anything which has an argument style like: $ script.py -f myfilename.txt """
boolean_actions = ( _StoreConstAction, _StoreFalseAction, _StoreTrueAction ) return (not action.choices and not isinstance(action, _CountAction) and not isinstance(action, _HelpAction) and type(action) not in boolean_actions)
def is_flag(action): """ _actions which are either storeconst, store_bool, etc.. """ action_types = [_StoreTrueAction, _StoreFalseAction, _StoreConstAction] return any(list(map(lambda Action: isinstance(action, Action), action_types)))
def is_counter(action): """ _actions which are of type _CountAction """ return isinstance(action, _CountAction)
def is_default_progname(name, subparser): return subparser.prog == '{} {}'.format(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1], name)
def is_help_message(action): return isinstance(action, _HelpAction)
def choose_name(name, subparser): return name if is_default_progname(name, subparser) else subparser.prog
def build_radio_group(mutex_group, widget_group, options): return { 'id': str(uuid4()), 'type': 'RadioGroup', 'cli_type': 'optional', 'group_name': 'Choose Option', 'required': mutex_group.required, 'options': merge(item_default, getattr(mutex_group, 'gooey_options', {})), 'data': { 'commands': [action.option_strings for action in mutex_group._group_actions], 'widgets': list(categorize(mutex_group._group_actions, widget_group, options)) } }
def action_to_json(action, widget, options): dropdown_types = {'Listbox', 'Dropdown', 'Counter'} if action.required: # Text fields get a default check that user input is present # and not just spaces, dropdown types get a simplified # is-it-present style check validator = ('user_input and not user_input.isspace()' if widget not in dropdown_types else 'user_input') error_msg = 'This field is required' else: # not required; do nothing; validator = 'True' error_msg = ''
base = merge(item_default, { 'validator': { 'test': validator, 'message': error_msg }, })
# Issue #321: # Defaults for choice types must be coerced to strings # to be able to match the stringified `choices` used by `wx.ComboBox` default = (safe_string(clean_default(action.default)) if widget in dropdown_types else clean_default(action.default))
return { 'id': action.option_strings[0] if action.option_strings else action.dest, 'type': widget, 'cli_type': choose_cli_type(action), 'required': action.required, 'data': { 'display_name': action.metavar or action.dest, 'help': action.help, 'required': action.required, 'nargs': action.nargs or '', 'commands': action.option_strings, 'choices': list(map(str, action.choices)) if action.choices else [], 'default': default, 'dest': action.dest, }, 'options': merge(base, options.get(action.dest) or {}) }
def choose_cli_type(action): return 'positional' \ if action.required and not action.option_strings \ else 'optional'
def clean_default(default): '''
Attemps to safely coalesce the default value down to a valid JSON type.
See: Issue #147. function references supplied as arguments to the `default` parameter in Argparse cause errors in Gooey. '''
return default.__name__ if callable(default) else default
def safe_string(value): """
Coerce a type to string as long as it isn't None """
if value is None or isinstance(value, bool): return value else: return str(value)