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  1. '''
  2. Created on Dec 11, 2013
  3. @author: Chris
  4. Collection of functions for extracting argparse related statements from the
  5. client code.
  6. '''
  7. import re
  8. import os
  9. import ast
  10. import _ast
  11. from itertools import *
  12. from gooey.python_bindings import codegen, modules
  13. def parse_source_file(file_name):
  14. """
  15. Parses the AST of Python file for lines containing
  16. references to the argparse module.
  17. returns the collection of ast objects found.
  18. Example client code:
  19. 1. parser = ArgumentParser(desc="My help Message")
  20. 2. parser.add_argument('filename', help="Name of the file to load")
  21. 3. parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', help='Format of output \nOptions: ['md', 'html']
  22. 4. args = parser.parse_args()
  23. Variables:
  24. * nodes Primary syntax tree object
  25. * argparse_assignments The assignment of the ArgumentParser (line 1 in example code)
  26. * add_arg_assignments Calls to add_argument() (lines 2-3 in example code)
  27. * parser_var_name The instance variable of the ArgumentParser (line 1 in example code)
  28. * ast_source The curated collection of all parser related nodes in the client code
  29. """
  30. nodes = ast.parse(_openfile(file_name))
  31. module_imports = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.Import)
  32. specific_imports = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.ImportFrom)
  33. assignment_objs = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.Assign)
  34. call_objects = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.Call)
  35. argparse_assignments = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(assignment_objs, 'ArgumentParser')
  36. add_arg_assignments = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(call_objects, 'add_argument')
  37. parse_args_assignment = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(call_objects, 'parse_args')
  38. ast_argparse_source = chain(
  39. module_imports,
  40. specific_imports,
  41. argparse_assignments,
  42. add_arg_assignments
  43. # parse_args_assignment
  44. )
  45. return ast_argparse_source
  46. def _openfile(file_name):
  47. with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
  48. return
  49. def read_client_module(filename):
  50. with open(filename, 'r') as f:
  51. return f.readlines()
  52. def get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, object_type):
  53. return [node for node in walk_tree(nodes) if isinstance(node, object_type)]
  54. def get_nodes_by_containing_attr(nodes, attr):
  55. return [node for node in nodes if attr in walk_tree(node)]
  56. def walk_tree(node):
  57. yield node
  58. d = node.__dict__
  59. for key, value in d.iteritems():
  60. if isinstance(value, list):
  61. for val in value:
  62. for _ in walk_tree(val): yield _
  63. elif 'ast' in str(type(value)):
  64. for _ in walk_tree(value): yield _
  65. else:
  66. yield value
  67. def convert_to_python(ast_source):
  68. """
  69. Converts the ast objects back into human readable Python code
  70. """
  71. return map(codegen.to_source, ast_source)
  72. def get_assignment_name(lines):
  73. nodes = ast.parse(''.join(lines))
  74. assignments = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.Assign)
  75. argparse_var = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(assignments, 'parse_args')
  76. return argparse_var[0]
  77. def lines_indented(line):
  78. unindented = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_@]+")
  79. return unindented.match(line) is None
  80. def not_at_main(line):
  81. return 'def main' not in line
  82. def not_at_parse_args(line):
  83. return 'parse_args(' not in line
  84. def get_indent(line):
  85. indent = re.compile("(\t|\s)")
  86. return ''.join(takewhile(lambda char: indent.match(char) is not None, line))
  87. def format_source_to_return_parser(source, cutoff_line, restart_line, col_offset, parser_name):
  88. top = source[:cutoff_line - 1]
  89. bottom = source[restart_line:]
  90. indentation = source[cutoff_line - 1][:col_offset]
  91. return_statement = ['{}return {}\n\n'.format(indentation, parser_name)]
  92. # stitch it all back together excluding the Gooey decorator
  93. new_source = (line for line in chain(top, return_statement, bottom)
  94. if '@gooey' not in line.lower())
  95. return ''.join(new_source)
  96. def extract_parser(modulepath):
  97. source = read_client_module(modulepath)
  98. nodes = ast.parse(''.join(source))
  99. funcs = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.FunctionDef)
  100. assignment_objs = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.Assign)
  101. main_func = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(funcs, 'main')[0]
  102. parse_args_assignment = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(main_func.body, 'parse_args')[0]
  103. # ast reports the line no of a block structure as the start of the structure,
  104. # not the end, so we look for the line no of the next node after main()
  105. # and use that as the end of the main() function.
  106. try:
  107. restart_line = nodes.body[nodes.body.index(main_func)+1].lineno - 1
  108. except IndexError:
  109. restart_line = len(source)
  110. module_source = format_source_to_return_parser(
  111. source,
  112. cutoff_line=parse_args_assignment.lineno,
  113. restart_line=restart_line,
  114. col_offset=parse_args_assignment.col_offset,
  116. )
  117. client_module = modules.load(module_source)
  118. return client_module.main()
  119. if __name__ == '__main__':
  120. filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
  121. 'examples',
  122. '')
  123. nodes = ast.parse(_openfile(filepath))
  124. #
  125. ast_source = parse_source_file(filepath)
  126. python_code = convert_to_python(list(ast_source))