You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

179 lines
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  1. from functools import reduce
  2. import wx
  3. from gooey.gui import formatters, events
  4. from gooey.gui.util import wx_util
  5. from gooey.util.functional import getin, ifPresent
  6. from gooey.gui.validators import runValidator
  7. from gooey.gui.components.util.wrapped_static_text import AutoWrappedStaticText
  8. class BaseWidget(wx.Panel):
  9. widget_class = None
  10. def arrange(self, label, text):
  11. raise NotImplementedError
  12. def getWidget(self, parent, **options):
  13. return self.widget_class(parent, **options)
  14. def connectSignal(self):
  15. raise NotImplementedError
  16. def getSublayout(self, *args, **kwargs):
  17. raise NotImplementedError
  18. def setValue(self, value):
  19. raise NotImplementedError
  20. def receiveChange(self, *args, **kwargs):
  21. raise NotImplementedError
  22. def dispatchChange(self, value, **kwargs):
  23. raise NotImplementedError
  24. def formatOutput(self, metatdata, value):
  25. raise NotImplementedError
  26. class TextContainer(BaseWidget):
  27. widget_class = None
  28. def __init__(self, parent, widgetInfo, *args, **kwargs):
  29. super(TextContainer, self).__init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
  30. = widgetInfo
  31. self._id = widgetInfo['id']
  32. self._meta = widgetInfo['data']
  33. self._options = widgetInfo['options']
  34. self.label = wx.StaticText(self, label=widgetInfo['data']['display_name'])
  35. self.help_text = AutoWrappedStaticText(self, label=widgetInfo['data']['help'] or '')
  36. self.error = AutoWrappedStaticText(self, label='')
  37. self.error.Hide()
  38. self.widget = self.getWidget(self)
  39. self.layout = self.arrange(*args, **kwargs)
  40. self.setColors()
  41. self.SetSizer(self.layout)
  42. self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onSize)
  43. if self._meta['default']:
  44. self.setValue(self._meta['default'])
  45. def arrange(self, *args, **kwargs):
  46. wx_util.make_bold(self.label)
  47. wx_util.withColor(self.label, self._options['label_color'])
  48. wx_util.withColor(self.help_text, self._options['help_color'])
  49. wx_util.withColor(self.error, self._options['error_color'])
  50. self.help_text.SetMinSize((0,-1))
  51. layout = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
  52. if self._options.get('show_label', True):
  53. layout.Add(self.label, 0, wx.EXPAND)
  54. else:
  55. self.label.Show(False)
  56. layout.AddStretchSpacer(1)
  57. layout.AddSpacer(2)
  58. if self.help_text and self._options.get('show_help', True):
  59. layout.Add(self.help_text, 1, wx.EXPAND)
  60. layout.AddSpacer(2)
  61. else:
  62. self.help_text.Show(False)
  63. layout.AddStretchSpacer(1)
  64. layout.Add(self.getSublayout(), 0, wx.EXPAND)
  65. layout.Add(self.error, 1, wx.EXPAND)
  66. self.error.Hide()
  67. return layout
  68. def setColors(self):
  69. wx_util.make_bold(self.label)
  70. wx_util.withColor(self.label, self._options['label_color'])
  71. wx_util.withColor(self.help_text, self._options['help_color'])
  72. wx_util.withColor(self.error, self._options['error_color'])
  73. if self._options.get('label_bg_color'):
  74. self.label.SetBackgroundColour(self._options.get('label_bg_color'))
  75. if self._options.get('help_bg_color'):
  76. self.help_text.SetBackgroundColour(self._options.get('help_bg_color'))
  77. if self._options.get('error_bg_color'):
  78. self.error.SetBackgroundColour(self._options.get('error_bg_color'))
  79. def getWidget(self, *args, **options):
  80. return self.widget_class(*args, **options)
  81. def getWidgetValue(self):
  82. raise NotImplementedError
  83. def getSublayout(self, *args, **kwargs):
  84. layout = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
  85. layout.Add(self.widget, 1, wx.EXPAND)
  86. return layout
  87. def onSize(self, event):
  88. # print(self.GetSize())
  89. # self.error.Wrap(self.GetSize().width)
  90. # self.help_text.Wrap(500)
  91. # self.Layout()
  92. event.Skip()
  93. def getValue(self):
  94. userValidator = getin(self._options, ['validator', 'test'], 'True')
  95. message = getin(self._options, ['validator', 'message'], '')
  96. testFunc = eval('lambda user_input: bool(%s)' % userValidator)
  97. satisfies = testFunc if self._meta['required'] else ifPresent(testFunc)
  98. value = self.getWidgetValue()
  99. return {
  100. 'id': self._id,
  101. 'cmd': self.formatOutput(self._meta, value),
  102. 'rawValue': value,
  103. 'test': runValidator(satisfies, value),
  104. 'error': None if runValidator(satisfies, value) else message,
  105. 'clitype': 'positional'
  106. if self._meta['required'] and not self._meta['commands']
  107. else 'optional'
  108. }
  109. def setValue(self, value):
  110. self.widget.SetValue(value)
  111. def setErrorString(self, message):
  112. self.error.SetLabel(message)
  113. self.error.Wrap(self.Size.width)
  114. self.Layout()
  115. def showErrorString(self, b):
  116. self.error.Wrap(self.Size.width)
  117. self.error.Show(b)
  118. def setOptions(self, values):
  119. return None
  120. def receiveChange(self, metatdata, value):
  121. raise NotImplementedError
  122. def dispatchChange(self, value, **kwargs):
  123. raise NotImplementedError
  124. def formatOutput(self, metadata, value):
  125. raise NotImplementedError
  126. class BaseChooser(TextContainer):
  127. """ Base Class for the Chooser widget types """
  128. def setValue(self, value):
  129. self.widget.setValue(value)
  130. def getWidgetValue(self):
  131. return self.widget.getValue()
  132. def formatOutput(self, metatdata, value):
  133. return formatters.general(metatdata, value)